Demon1 gonna be insane next year

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He said he prefered the new jett dash long time ago when the dash got nerfed the first time around to 12 sec ...
Ofc he posted some impressions on twitter now about the new nerf..
But him,derke and aspas (maybe yay in prime ) are the only Jett mains I have seen that never oversteps while playing her, like they switch perfectly between playing passive and aggressive and uses the dash and all her abilities very precisely and at perfect situation (not everytime but most of the time)
Comparing to players like kang kang and something..
I think demon 1 have a higher chance of maybe winning more trophies next year and he can flex too which is crazy


Bro derkes Jett strat is to peak and burn dash every round.

JJfriends [#2]

Bro derkes Jett strat is to peak and burn dash every round.

He does that but he still had some good Jett plays and compared to other Jett mains ,his gameplay looked more calculated and he doesn't do alot of unnecessary movements


He also said on stream when chamber got nerfed that it wasn't really a nerf and he's just as good as before. Bro has some wild takes

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