EU FAN pickem

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as a shitmean fan, i recognize my region's inferiority and present this pickem to hopefully make up for my region's short comings thank you


As an honest NA fan, i'd like to remind us that EU our kings and owners have 5 trophies while us NA peasants have a measly 2 trophies to show off

Yessirrr [#2]

As an honest NA fan, i'd like to remind us that EU our kings and owners have 5 trophies while us NA peasants have a measly 2 trophies to show off

sadly as an EVEN MORE HONEST EU fan, id like to remind us that NA feeds us our dog food and we need to be respectful of our owners at all times instead of living in the past with our fraud trophies

sheahhhh [#3]

sadly as an EVEN MORE HONEST EU fan, id like to remind us that NA feeds us our dog food and we need to be respectful of our owners at all times instead of living in the past with our fraud trophies

Sadly as someone who has received the award of the most honest fan, a record 30 times, i must remind us NA peasants that we had to resort to importing superior EU talent (Ardiis) as we don't have the quality to match the 5 time winners EU

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