what went wrong


with 2022 nrg

s0m: still with nrg and arguably the best player mechanically on nrg
tex: swapped to a very strong guard team in replacement of sayaplayer, imo was just as good as sayaplayer and had his star matches
ethan: currently on eg which struggled in the beginning of 2023 but are now arguably the strongest team in americas, with a 2nd place finish at tokyo. also arguably top 5 initiator NA
hazed: was probably the weakest player on the team but still great smokes player overall, short time on tsm in 2023 but still managed to upset sentinels in the rematch at LxT invintational which was probably the peak of his 2023 season
eeiu: joined m80 to play challengers which dominated the t2 na scene along with the guard, runner ups for ascension

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