PRX Cringe

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65k is worthless now? what r u on about, avg wage in canada is like 40 a year and im putting 65 on a car


over 22% of canadian workers make over 100k a year you are grasping at straws to make yourself appear moderately affluent which you are not
wp on the beemer at 19 thats minor success really early on but thats it my friend


please send me where u got those stats, cuz even meanwhile only speaking to generally middle to upper class people, its rare someones parents are making that


your anecdotal evidence is not a big enough sample size to describe th entirety of canadians (especially given you talk like you have 3 friends irl of which 2 dont like u) textsource

u are not rich, you dont even qualify for affluent, unlucky


I have a retarded amount of friends, a small amount of which I consistently talk to, but the sample size is def in the hundreds.

But bro, not only did u say over 22 when its 21.2 (which acc makes a pretty big difference when ur looking at distribution on this scale)
But this is pre-tax, I'm not getting a car with tax money
This is also not just people / workers all together
This is strictly full time workers
No unemployed people
Pre tax (when tax rates at that amount in canada are like 30%+ depending on your province
Most of those people are 30-50
You can not put 65k on a car and actually afford it properly if you're making 100k a year even POST-tax


holy cope "i have so many friends" not even going to address this

  1. stats 2 years old, bound to have increased from 21.2 when you look at WPI over CPI for Canada's inflation
  2. you do realize you moron that 100k+ is a really huge band? it includes people who make 101k pre tax and also people who make 5M?
  3. Stop coping, 32k beemers are sold every year in your french cucknation, if youre 19 sure 65k is aight but if youve ever grown up from being 19 (which it seems like you havent) spending 60 bands on a car is stupid and also kinda weird because it seems like youre overcompensating but dont have money LMFAO
  4. There is unconfirmed data to suggest a lot of french cucknation residents don't pay true reported tax based off of the Canadian Revenue Service's case and raid record data that is publically available, so you rambling on about pre-tax (when im pretty sure you never learnt how to file them in the first place) is also funny
  5. You're upper middle class at best my man its okay you don't need to try this hard to prove a point which isn't true. 150k Canadian an year is mind-bogglingly mid. I know junior software developers who sleep all day that make twice that.

Well yea, if we're speaking objective truths and leaving so called "cringe" out of it, I objectively have a lot of friends.

the stats being 2 years old actually heavily helps my arguments, immigration into canada has massively raised unemployment, part time employment, and low wages from entry level workers flooding in by quite literally the millions a year.

and yes I realize that, but the majority of that 100k band are going to be below 200k

32k beemers? yea if u get like a 3 series, but I have an f82 with 40k on it, also no I am literally 19 RIGHT NOW, and I just bought it 4 months ago. spending 60 bands on a car is stupid, but not when cars is your hobby, main motivator, and passion. I've wanted an f82 since they dropped when I was a little ass kid, ofc when i can get one comfortably I will, especially saying as I'm literally living with my parents and paying 0 rent because of how stupidly unaffordable housing in canada is, and that I don't need to move out right now.

"uncomfirmed data to suggest" isn't something thats gonna sway me into believing that Canada isn't retardedly overtaxed (Ik how to file taxes lmao)

"Upper middle class" Yea bro, maybe for a household income, u gotta be off your rocker if you think making grown man PHD wages at 19 is "mid", but It's obvious throughout your responses that you have underlying biases, and are just tryna hate even though u know damn well at your age you would've wanted to be in my situation.

"Software developers" LOLLOLOLOLOLLOL


holyy cope " i have a lot of friends "
you dont have a stable income and do not have any physical / practical real life skill set and you make a meaningless amount of money
bias? against what? the french cucknation? lmfao aintnoway

youre 19 rn mans literally not even a man you are a petulant child


I'm curious, do you know what he does for a living? I have been reading this thread, but I might have missed it.


at 19 he is pre-grad, so cannot have been a PPO or a job. From what I know of working myself and friends, I would mark it down to investing fathers money, contractual freelancing (if he has usable skills), dropshipping, some FBA, a little bit of government bonds (for the stable income source he claims to have but doesnt) and not sure about this one but crypto.

If his daddy is someone of minute importance, then insider trading (which is a crime kids of his age will never understand the gravity of) i could be entirely wrong tho but the amount of times he posts here and spends being a chronically online kissless beta virgin adds volumes and mountains of evidence to support my suspicions


This thread is so funny. No hate, but software devs can get 150K in an entry job. I'm getting 40 per hour in the US just for my summer internship.


sure bro, everyone is a software developer over the internet


I was just curious why you only said 'LOLOLOL' on software devs. I'm not a software dev, I'm doing CS at UCSD rn.


Also I never called myself "rich" but at this pace I definitely will be


you actually wont
you dont have a stable income and do not have any physical / practical real life skill set that would land you any position of influence or importance


I do have a stable income, and I'm going to school after this semester thats coming up which'll put me 3 years on track to making 220k+ at starting wage, and that's outside of me investing everything I get that doesn't go to my car. I have the same business connections as a 40 year old white collar worker, and know more than enough to get into real estate right now, but I'm waiting for a geographical move before I start so right now I'm just stacking knowledge.

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