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If C9B actually lose this bo3 to Rise then they're not top 8 NA anymore, and it just proves that ShahZam was right about them, and that their run during the playoffs was just a fluke. They could redeem themselves in Challengers 2, but I'd doubt it. All the top tier NA teams did lose maps to tier 2 teams like Rise, sure, but they still came through and closed out the series. Being 'rusty' or the other team being 'lucky' is not an excuse to lose an entire Bo3, only valid for losing a map.

Triggered C9B fans can cry all they want, but their team will not be top 8 for a good 2 weeks after this, if they lose LOL.


not even a c9b fan but this take is kinda awful lmfao

redlotus [#2]

not even a c9b fan but this take is kinda awful lmfao

Whats awful about it?

dignityx3 [#3]

Whats awful about it?

first, shaz never even said they were a fluke. He said they get rated too highly in the world rankings off of not winning anything legit in that clip he says they are a good team. This is also their first tourney with a new player who just switched to the game who would you even put above them in top 8


literally overrated lmfao

redlotus [#4]

first, shaz never even said they were a fluke. He said they get rated too highly in the world rankings off of not winning anything legit in that clip he says they are a good team. This is also their first tourney with a new player who just switched to the game who would you even put above them in top 8

I never said that shahzam said it was a fluke, just that they were overrated. Im saying it was a fluke. If they lose to rise here, a tier 2 team, then they're not a good team (for now). Obviously, redemption can happen, but if they're losing a whole bo3 to Rise, they have a lot of work to do. 'Solid' teams do not lose bo3s to tier 2 teams, Andbox is also out of top 8 for now. and the 'new player' argument is invalid, XSET had 2 new players, Gen G as well. I would put Rise above them for now

dignityx3 [#6]

I never said that shahzam said it was a fluke, just that they were overrated. Im saying it was a fluke. If they lose to rise here, a tier 2 team, then they're not a good team (for now). Obviously, redemption can happen, but if they're losing a whole bo3 to Rise, they have a lot of work to do. 'Solid' teams do not lose bo3s to tier 2 teams, Andbox is also out of top 8 for now. and the 'new player' argument is invalid, XSET had 2 new players, Gen G as well. I would put Rise above them for now

XSET has 2 new players who play VALORANT, GEN G has a new player who plays valorant, this is xeppaas first official in the top 2 if not best region in the world in an open qualifer gauntlet

redlotus [#7]

XSET has 2 new players who play VALORANT, GEN G has a new player who plays valorant, this is xeppaas first official in the top 2 if not best region in the world in an open qualifer gauntlet

Xeppaa has been playing valorant for like 2-3 months, wdym? It is still not an excuse. Rise is a tier 2 team, again. It's a valid excuse to lose to a tier 1 team, but not a tier 2 team like Rise.

dignityx3 [#8]

Xeppaa has been playing valorant for like 2-3 months, wdym? It is still not an excuse. Rise is a tier 2 team, again. It's a valid excuse to lose to a tier 1 team, but not a tier 2 team like Rise.

thats not a lot of time especially when C9 doesnt sign up for tourneys like nerd streets alot of T1 teams have lost to T2-T3 teams for example sen and 100t

redlotus [#9]

thats not a lot of time especially when C9 doesnt sign up for tourneys like nerd streets alot of T1 teams have lost to T2-T3 teams for example sen and 100t

2-3 months is not a lot of time? Wtf? Of course it is lmao Ethan started performing up to standard after a month and a half. and sen and 100t didnt lose any bo3s, they only lost maps, which is still bad, but to be expected



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