ANGE1 Cope

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I will never agree with ANGE1 about his FD’s being beneficial to the team. My brother in christ if you don’t get your ass off main smokes i’m gonna lose it. Dying first on Omen or Brim is literally shooting your team in the foot. I don’t care how big brain you are, losing your main controller just so he can micromanage the team is never going to outweigh having smokes. If he was on second controller, or stayed on sova/2nd init then it would be much less detrimental to the team. He’s been on this cope train for years now and no success since he’s taken this stance. 26 First Duels over 3 maps on Omen, Brim, Sova… why man why? 13 FD’s over 3 maps. That’s just over 4 rounds a map where your team is without a main controller. I think it’s time for a new braintrust at NAVI




Aneg1 duelist arc inc.

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