ScreaM vs TenZ

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From TenZ and friends and ScreaM and team
Both guys have come so far ; but personally imo as an esports player
ScreaM >> TenZ not because he has a better aim than TenZ but because he tries to help the team in aspects other than duels.
You cant deny that if ScreaM wouldve continued with Reyna in EU Masters , he wouldve easily been the MVP but unlike TenZ , he stepped down for the team just because they wanted a defensive comp and i guess there is no sage around the world who is better than ScreaM rn. His ACS as a sage is much better than most of the jetts


ok so?


They both have their pros and cons. I think Scream may have the most cracked accuracy in the tournament but TenZ is the ultimate duelist... he’s almost ALWAYS playing ultra aggressively and taking first contact, creating space for his team. I Havnt watched a ton of EU outside of masters but the only person who plays duellist as well as TenZ in NA would probably be Asuna or maybe Victor.

The downside to TenZ is sometimes he doesn’t know when the turn down that aggression in situations where he should be just a little more patient. It’s all gas no breaks.


Funny guy

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