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Why do people think he will magically save SEN season? One roster move won't change anything and most of the successful roster right now are cores of people that have played for a long time. Sentinels seems like they just based everything of 1 or 2 games and don't think about the future


cuz he is way better than some of the players


People don't realize that SEN's struggle is neither a talent nor strategical one

It's a chemistry one

People still think players win games and not teams. So "losing = bad player = replace with good player and win" in their monkey brains

Hope that clears it up for you.

vipermommydomme [#3]

People don't realize that SEN's struggle is neither a talent nor strategical one

It's a chemistry one

People still think players win games and not teams. So "losing = bad player = replace with good player and win" in their monkey brains

Hope that clears it up for you.

I agree with you, it seems like people just want the best mechanical player on each role, meanwhile replacing your igl with a fragger would hurt the team in the long run


he was/is an insanely good player
so people take his past performances on the most consistent team in 2022 and assume he will preform the exact same on a completely different roster

we wont know whether or not he will till he gets to play
and no marved wont magically save the roster, but its one of the changes that could potentially improve the roster

I personally would prefer sticking with a 5 man roster and letting them get synergy + work roles out, but there is a point to be made about having one of the best players of last year just sitting on your bench


agreed; SEN needs to disband and get DSG into franchise


People just think if you just mash the best players together you can automatically win. Although I think marved would help because his understanding of the game is some of the best I've ever seen, which is his real value not really mechanics.


bc he is ice cold

vipermommydomme [#3]

People don't realize that SEN's struggle is neither a talent nor strategical one

It's a chemistry one

People still think players win games and not teams. So "losing = bad player = replace with good player and win" in their monkey brains

Hope that clears it up for you.

Pretty sure when the two roles meant for getting kills in a team don't get kills on them it is a massive skill issue
Flex and Duelist are literally the agents played most by aimers why have frauds like Dephh and Tenz play them get someone else as upgrades


He will be replacing TenZ, you saw it here first VLR.


i think most of the people on this site are new to the competitive side of valorant and havent seen how long it takes for teams to figure out their meta and get results. You cant just put 5 players together with different ideas of how the game is supposed to be played and expect them to mesh perfectly after 3 months and only 3 games. The comps and roles have probably been working well in scrims and thats why they are running them but you cant really know for sure until you play them in an actual match where you can see what needs to be changed or worked on. Marved is a good player but sen would be crazy to change their roster without giving them time at least till the end of playoffs to get comfortable with each other, fix their mistakes and figure out what works best for them as a team
i swear most people on this site cant be higher than gold with some of the takes ive been reading recently

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