Historical Rankings

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When will there be historical rankings?

This site has good features and I'd like to know for how long each team has stayed in top 1 and top 10 with detailed info.

I'm specifically asking this for G2 since they've been in #1 since the beta until a couple months ago, being Europe's 1st dominant team and I have to take refuge in memories and data from the past because now they don't even compete and they no longer are what they once were 😔

I will share some data most of you already probably know:

  • 7/7 Ignition Series (1st RIOT tournaments)
  • The undefeated winstreak
  • 1st team to surpass 2k points barrier
  • 1st time to surpass $100k earnings
  • 1st time to have all its members in the top 5 highest earners and most titles won (DavidP squad, Mixwell and Ardiis still most titles won)

They couldn't continue depending on their raw skill only, teams starting to catch up, Eu strats too stronk, changes came and in the post-era we find:

  • Winning that Red Bull tournament vs. Team Liquid for $25k. Well, it's something
  • We don't talk about this
  • Standin Ozzy such a great lad. The power of IGLing. Unorthodox comps, role swaps, things seem to start working out they finally hit the key
  • GG nt


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