tenz just had a bad game relax

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he will bounce back


I'm not worried about tenz in the slightest, I'm worried that dephh will be given too many chances to prove his worth that if they eventually realize they can't get to the top with him they won't have enough time to pivot the roster


He’s the one who needs to relax. Why is man always shaking on lan

ItsHunter [#2]

I'm not worried about tenz in the slightest, I'm worried that dephh will be given too many chances to prove his worth that if they eventually realize they can't get to the top with him they won't have enough time to pivot the roster

name an alternative who would gel with Sykko? dont just say Sacy because he wasnt the IGL - he did midround which he still does. If dephh calling was so bad then how was XSET 2nd best team in NA.

kskm [#4]

name an alternative who would gel with Sykko? dont just say Sacy because he wasnt the IGL - he did midround which he still does. If dephh calling was so bad then how was XSET 2nd best team in NA.

this is why xset was 2nd best NA
everyone else was shit

zidmz [#5]

this is why xset was 2nd best NA
everyone else was shit

Cryo and BcJ carry

Simp4S0m [#6]

Cryo and BcJ carry

yea they had 2 great players in cryo and zekken and a good player in bcj
dephh was even being carried by ayrin in terms of igl

zidmz [#7]

yea they had 2 great players in cryo and zekken and a good player in bcj
dephh was even being carried by ayrin in terms of igl

and how is Ayrin doing as an IGL now? if dephh team wins its either cryo, bcj, tenz, zekken carry and if he loses its his fault. those stats dont tell me anything about how good his calls as an IGL were on XSET - which must be good if they were 2nd. Anyway there is no alternative and cant just ask Sacy to do everything.

kskm [#8]

and how is Ayrin doing as an IGL now? if dephh team wins its either cryo, bcj, tenz, zekken carry and if he loses its his fault. those stats dont tell me anything about how good his calls as an IGL were on XSET - which must be good if they were 2nd. Anyway there is no alternative and cant just ask Sacy to do everything.

Dawg Ayrin the the IGL of GE they ain't winning shit either way

kskm [#8]

and how is Ayrin doing as an IGL now? if dephh team wins its either cryo, bcj, tenz, zekken carry and if he loses its his fault. those stats dont tell me anything about how good his calls as an IGL were on XSET - which must be good if they were 2nd. Anyway there is no alternative and cant just ask Sacy to do everything.

dephh is playing with an american super team. ayrin is not. dephh barely beat 100t with tenz, zekken, and sacy playing their best valorant in a while. i already showed how easy it was to be 2nd in NA when xset was, especially with their roster. the reason dephh gets shit for losing is his team is built of some of the best imaginable. the alternative is to scout an igl like c9 did

Simp4S0m [#3]

He’s the one who needs to relax. Why is man always shaking on lan

he was shaking after their last match against tsm in tarik x ludwig too you could literally see it on the camera when he was drinking after the game ended, i feel bad for him but mans gotta find something thats gonna keep him calm or he is gonna keep being inconsistent

zidmz [#10]

dephh is playing with an american super team. ayrin is not. dephh barely beat 100t with tenz, zekken, and sacy playing their best valorant in a while. i already showed how easy it was to be 2nd in NA when xset was, especially with their roster. the reason dephh gets shit for losing is his team is built of some of the best imaginable. the alternative is to scout an igl like c9 did

nah you're just guessing. If dephh's IGLing was subpar, wouldnt Sykko know about it considering they've worked together? He must be good enough to be preferred over Ayrin. We dont know about IGL's calling since we dont even hear them so saying they are being carried by whoever is on the top of the leaderboard is just guessing. None of the XSET players were known/established players back then so one could also say it was dephh's calling which enabled them to perform that way. Also against 100T, SEN did make quite a few right calls to comeback on Ascent as it was clearly not just the firepower carrying them.


just add yay
dephh + yay = an exciting-to-watch team in London major 2018

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