About KRU eSports in Iceland

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First I would like to congratulate my LAS brothers for getting the classification, I like KRU and I was rooting for you!! Brazil🤝LAS

I watched Backchat Monday when Sacy and Saadhak were the guests and they said that KRU eSports is a very strong team and that if they played in Brazil they would possibly have qualified in second place. Today there was the LATAM final and I could understand why they said that, KRU plays with all META picks and they play really well, in addition to being excellent at using utilities and with rifles just like Brazilian teams, I really think they are above Gamelanders, Slick, Havan, Vorax, etc., but I think it would be an interesting matchup versus Furia and Sharks, I know they are friends of the Brazilian teams and constantly train together. KRU will have my fans in Iceland as if it were the Brazilian SEED 3, I like these boys and they like Brazil.

What do you think about KRU and how far do you think they can go in Iceland?


I think they can do well in iceland, maybe win over sharks or v1, still hard to tell though since infinity isn't exactly a good team. I think we will see whether they're truly good once we see them play against the other teams at iceland


You’re always commenting on the Sideshow stream, I remembered your nick in yesterday’s chat, lmao


They gonna crush it


They will win over Crazy Raccoon and X10, not sure about other regions. Version1 and Sharks maybe if it's a choke/good performance

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