
Size of Franchise

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What if every team played itself in a huge tournament?
That would be 496 matches. (Formula: n*(n+1)/2)

We have 32 teams, so each team could have 31 enemies, we use the formula above to avoid duplicate matches
If we had 3 matches each day everyday, the tournament would still go on for over 5 months!
Even if we had 10 matches each day everyday, the tournament would still go for over 1.5 months.

The size of franchising is huge
We can be hyped for games

Also let me know if the math is off


the math is off because theres only 30 teams in franchising.
also you used the right formula but wrote it down wrong. n * (n-1) /2

capital_d_colon [#2]

the math is off because theres only 30 teams in franchising.
also you used the right formula but wrote it down wrong. n * (n-1) /2

i think he added chinese teams

ragegrexo [#3]

i think he added chinese teams

yeah. the 32 = the amount of teams at lock//in.
the amount of franchised teams will be more once the chinese league is added

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