help me figure out

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yo, i have 2 friends, like i know them since childhood, so we play everyday together as a 3 stack or 5 stack sometimes, leave the game aside, but when i am in party with them, they chat soo much shit about me, its like a 2v1, for me, i like try to take it in a funny way, and not make a big deal out of it, but it gets very toxic sometimes, even i try to joke around them and not feel left out, but whenever i have to say the funniest random line, which is genuinely funny, they both reply like "stfu with your broke sense of humor" sometimes also in a rude way. i think they take jokes personally. but whenever anyone of them crack a joke about me, be it the least funniest thing, they will spend half hour laughing on it, also sometime later, they will deliberately remind it and then laugh again, which disappoints me sometimes. I always feel targeted. its not like i am dying to play with them, they often call me to join play, and most of the times i would reply i am busy lets play later, but you get that instances when you logged solo in game, but they are already waiting in the party and invite you, so i cannot deny because i know them from childhood.
so know i am starting to think like they just need someone to get rid of the frustration they gathered throughout the day and that someone is me. it gets very toxic, and i am not a toxic person to come with a comeback and reply them, you know i am stuck between childhood friendship and toxic friendship. Also when a random guy which i dont know in my entire life, when joins party, or even the randoms we get in the game, whenever i wiff, or do some bad play, they will say the most toxic thing about me to them and then the random guys, who i dont even know laughs over me, its just embarrassing to me


u need new friends
i had exactly same friends and i stayed because i didnt have other friends
dont do that mistake and leave them
find new people


okay first of all, please try writing in different paragraphs as it makes your post easier to read.

Second, those guys aren't really your friends, I would suggest the same as #2 and slowly back away from them, if they ask, you can be genuine and tell them why you're distancing yourself from them.

See how they react to your reasons; if they call you a pussy or something similar, then it was the right decision to leave! If they apologise and try to be better, that's a good thing and you can give it a try.

I used to solo queue instead of playing with 2 close friends I've known my whole life because they were super toxic in game, never had a problem with them IRL though.

You'll be okay, good luck!

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