Finally found this important piece of Hiatory!!!!

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The Iron lobby lore.

In medieval times the worst torture invented was to make the prisoner play Valorant with iron teammates for them to suffer mental trauma. Our official and most famous record was in 1690s where a pedophile called Hogekul assaulted a child and was put under this torment. When the procedure was complete, hogekul could not bear it anymore and tried various ways of suicide, even offering himself to be hangedto death instead of playing with iron teammates. However, his request was refused and he was driven into insanity.

This type of torture was extremely effective and deadly, the cruelty of the torture far beyond what the multi-verse has seen in millions of years.

The victims of the torture would be put on public display, threatening anyone who dared commit a crime. For the first time, the entire world during the ten years has commited only three crimes. In 1720 the union has decided to confiscate all records of this method and ban it, and it was finally ended. However, a company named Riot games in 2022 has once again, awakened this method of torture through a game called Valorant, unleashing hell upon Earth, and they even make millions of dollars doing so, making terrible skins that make the purchaser want to rip off his own eyes to never see any Valorant skin again.


didnt read


Bro wants to be hanafujii


Not reading that shit

Kuuga [#3]

Bro wants to be hanafujii

Isnt them like 33 years old femboy

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