Tips to get out of Iron 3

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I have been up and down in my iron games, one game, I got 8/6/3 and we won by like 10, next game, I go against a f*cking reyna smurfing asking to get 30 kills and a phoenix who seems to be doing the same. In the last like 8 games I played in, I won 1 and then lost 1 right after. Any tips from people with the same struggle as me?


Btw, I can almost never play a duelist since my friends are duelist instalockers :')

bigpeensheen [#2]

Btw, I can almost never play a duelist since my friends are duelist instalockers :')

-lower your sensitivity
-play deathmatch
-watch pros play very carefully. if you play omen watch omen players (not bottomfraggers, gamechangers). I get forced out of duelist every game, even though im the most aggressive player. My solution was watching paura (aggressive sentinel) and ange1 (aggressive omen).
-dont be afraid to criticize your teammates. Usually a baiter reyna needs a little push in order for her to play her role.
-if you get tilted. go for a cigarette, relax and play another hour or perhaps another day
-fix your crosshair placement. There is a high chance your camera is at ground level when it should be head level
-always jiggle when holding an angle. Don't just stay at one place, you'll get your head blown off.

other fixes may be upgrading hardware. higher hz monitor, better pc for more fps.

hekzy [#3]

-lower your sensitivity
-play deathmatch
-watch pros play very carefully. if you play omen watch omen players (not bottomfraggers, gamechangers). I get forced out of duelist every game, even though im the most aggressive player. My solution was watching paura (aggressive sentinel) and ange1 (aggressive omen).
-dont be afraid to criticize your teammates. Usually a baiter reyna needs a little push in order for her to play her role.
-if you get tilted. go for a cigarette, relax and play another hour or perhaps another day
-fix your crosshair placement. There is a high chance your camera is at ground level when it should be head level
-always jiggle when holding an angle. Don't just stay at one place, you'll get your head blown off.

other fixes may be upgrading hardware. higher hz monitor, better pc for more fps.

these are good tips, but fam, the cigerette one......im 13

bigpeensheen [#4]

these are good tips, but fam, the cigerette one......im 13

but i get what you mean

bigpeensheen [#5]

but i get what you mean

yeah figure of speech


but i guess its a saying in greek "go out for a ciggy man"


You probably float a lot. Learn how to peek and clear angles and how to move, those are the most important things noobs don't actually do well. Sometimes a bad player can actually aim pretty well, but the movement is really bad.

Also, your friends that always pick duelists maybe dragging you down, create another acount to play for fun with your friends, and use your main acount to play seriously for yourself, and take every game very seriously and always with a positive mindset for you and for your teamates, a negative mindset may tilt your team and make you lose, don't complain to them, just give information and pep talks.

With this tips you will improve 100%. I played with friends and was Platinum, started to focus of myself, started playign with people who reeally wanted to improve and people who wouldn't mock each other the whole game and got Immortal rank, created another acount to play with my friends.

Follow these tips and you will get better fast.

heisback [#8]

You probably float a lot. Learn how to peek and clear angles and how to move, those are the most important things noobs don't actually do well. Sometimes a bad player can actually aim pretty well, but the movement is really bad.

Also, your friends that always pick duelists maybe dragging you down, create another acount to play for fun with your friends, and use your main acount to play seriously for yourself, and take every game very seriously and always with a positive mindset for you and for your teamates, a negative mindset may tilt your team and make you lose, don't complain to them, just give information and pep talks.

With this tips you will improve 100%. I played with friends and was Platinum, started to focus of myself, started playign with people who reeally wanted to improve and people who wouldn't mock each other the whole game and got Immortal rank, created another acount to play with my friends.

Follow these tips and you will get better fast.

Maybe try the training where the bots stay still in the angles and you have to kill them all on hard mode, when you finish this multiple times a day you will be playing very well, cause it's hard.

bigpeensheen [#2]

Btw, I can almost never play a duelist since my friends are duelist instalockers :')

who do you main?

PG_newt [#10]

who do you main?

I main no one since I can play everyone but ig im a Sova/KJ main

heisback [#8]

You probably float a lot. Learn how to peek and clear angles and how to move, those are the most important things noobs don't actually do well. Sometimes a bad player can actually aim pretty well, but the movement is really bad.

Also, your friends that always pick duelists maybe dragging you down, create another acount to play for fun with your friends, and use your main acount to play seriously for yourself, and take every game very seriously and always with a positive mindset for you and for your teamates, a negative mindset may tilt your team and make you lose, don't complain to them, just give information and pep talks.

With this tips you will improve 100%. I played with friends and was Platinum, started to focus of myself, started playign with people who reeally wanted to improve and people who wouldn't mock each other the whole game and got Immortal rank, created another acount to play with my friends.

Follow these tips and you will get better fast.

yea, its not really the fact they drag me down, since they smurf just to play with me, but its that since they are doing so good, I can't get much kills, and thats the thing that reall drags me down I feel

bigpeensheen [#12]

yea, its not really the fact they drag me down, since they smurf just to play with me, but its that since they are doing so good, I can't get much kills, and thats the thing that reall drags me down I feel

Yeah, maybe not dragging you down in numbers, but mentally. Focus on improving your movement and peeking. Do the spike defuse training in game, on hard mode, you will get better very fast. Thrust me.


This training.

bigpeensheen [#12]

yea, its not really the fact they drag me down, since they smurf just to play with me, but its that since they are doing so good, I can't get much kills, and thats the thing that reall drags me down I feel

Idk if it's possibile, but try to give armor to the bots.

heisback [#13]

Yeah, maybe not dragging you down in numbers, but mentally. Focus on improving your movement and peeking. Do the spike defuse training in game, on hard mode, you will get better very fast. Thrust me.


This training.

yea, u have a point

bigpeensheen [#11]

I main no one since I can play everyone but ig im a Sova/KJ main

i would learn lineups for sova and setups for killjoy. I recommend watching sinatraa's old videos for sova (even though he...) you can find other replacements, but thats who i used.
and idk for killjoy, maybe just lookup steups for killjoy
and overall just work on movement+aim


I learn Sova lineups from Hiko, I learn KJ from no one, i just learn myself


Go learn raze satchel lineups like Asuna. That’s what you need to learn first. It’s obviously the most important.

greedeetv [#18]

Go learn raze satchel lineups like Asuna. That’s what you need to learn first. It’s obviously the most important.

tbh, I used to main raze, until i realized I'm not the most aggressive person on the team, and i didn't get kills much, but ill try

bigpeensheen [#19]

tbh, I used to main raze, until i realized I'm not the most aggressive person on the team, and i didn't get kills much, but ill try

You missed the joke. Did you see him double satchel a killjoy ult on Ascent? Forgot against who but I'll try to find a clip. Guy literally throws two satchels from lane to main.


Just learn your sova lineups. Play deathmatch. Deathmatch is the most effective way to get better. Once you learn your lineups, instalock sova, cuz you will bring a lot of value to your team. The only thing is on split you should prbly play another agent cuz sova aint too good on that.


have you guys checked out this amazing valorant gameplay video?
watch the gameplay here: https://shrinke.me/valorantproGODS


no clue, I placed gold in beta lol, have never been iron

bigpeensheen [#4]

these are good tips, but fam, the cigerette one......im 13

No one has to know


I used to be iron. You just gotta play in duo/stack with ur friends or siblings. Especially if they are like a division or a rank higher than u. I used to be like Bronze 1 but when I started duo queuing with my silver 2 friend, my rank and skill increased massively. Solo q is not the way brotha.

EDIT: Also, don't play duelist. It may seem like the easy way out but it will only harm you in the long run. Maining an initiator/sentinel or even controller will improve your gamesense exponentially. My personal recommendations are Chamber, Omen, KAY/O and Viper. Try to stay as far away from duelists as possible (especially reyna)

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