Possible Chamber nerf Ideas

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The first idea I had recently was something to give away the location of chamber when he is in his tp field, some sort of sound when a chamber is in his TP nearby. This would allow teams to be weary when approaching a chamber ready to teleport away, while also incentives a riskier play without a TP available.

Another nerf that don't like as much because he would still be very strong but it would make it difficult to make a team comp around him: Make chamber a duelist removing the slow field from his ult and getting rid of his trip. Replace the trip with some mediocre ability allowing him to entry to make him a duelist such as a temporary wall or a very toned down dash or anything anyone can think of. This one would make him a sub optimal attack agent because he would be forced to entry unless running double duelist which gets rid of the extra slot for a 2nd initiator or controller. It also would likely make him very weak on icebox because sage is typically picked with him and that would leave a team with no flank watch. If anyone has any other ideas leave them below but I think these would work better then ruining his tp ability because I believe he is made to be an op character and they don't want to nerf that


Nah, make the TP like the phoenix molly and reduce the radius between both tp

Also the Headhunter needs to be change


All they have to do is give his 2nd trademark back and nerf his offensive capabilities. Likes head hunter and tour de force


tp should reveal chamber's position on minimap once he tps


headhunter pull out time needs to be longer, his ult needs a fire rate nerf and then the TP needs a 2 kill refresh like yoru gatecrash


How about this: delete chamber forever


Headhunter - 8 bullets to 6, each one still costs 150.
Trademark - Remains the same.
Rendezvous (Teleport) - Make it like jett dash, where, if it is used once, Chamber needs to get two kills to reset it.
Tour de Force - Damage and slow field remain, now has 3 bullets instead of 5.

MourninggStarr [#4]

tp should reveal chamber's position on minimap once he tps

There's a glitch it does reveals him setting a question mark on minimap

annoybrocc02 [#6]

How about this: delete chamber forever

the Best idea


Delete him 🙏
He is just like brigitte from overwatch boring af to watch and slowly killing the pro scene

Piter [#7]

Headhunter - 8 bullets to 6, each one still costs 150.
Trademark - Remains the same.
Rendezvous (Teleport) - Make it like jett dash, where, if it is used once, Chamber needs to get two kills to reset it.
Tour de Force - Damage and slow field remain, now has 3 bullets instead of 5.

3 bullets? bruh just slow down the fire rate there's just not enough time to do anything before he has another bullet ready


the best option to fight chamber is bring back old jett dash, now u had 2 broken character.. so perfectly balanced no more onesided


You have nice ideas, but too much to actually do.
For example: Knowing the position of the chamber just bc you are near him while he is ready to TP is toooooo overpowering. Imagine the number of wallbangs. It will actually kill the chamber game and force him to play even farther from you, from the back site. You are just making everything worst.
We already have the visual clue that he is ready to go (his outfit changes). I, personally, think that an Audio Clue when he enters/exits the Rendezvous(teleport) radio, just like cypher cage, is a good alternative.
I also like the idea of the Jett Dash, when you use it, you need to kill 2 to use it again. I think that if we increase the TP cooldown to a LOT (like 60secs) making he can only use it twice per round. And IF he kills 2 the Rendezvous cooldown goes to 10s or 5s to use again(the 5s cd is so he can NOT spam the TP when on a kill spread).

The Headhunter and the Trademark for me are really nice now, BUT, his Ult (Tour de Force) needs to change too. I just don't know how yet.
His ult slow field is a bit too big for me, he can pretty much hold an entry by himself IF he does some good kills. The idea of 5 bullets is nice, 1 for each enemy, but the fire rate is CRAZY.

Rigodelas [#13]

You have nice ideas, but too much to actually do.
For example: Knowing the position of the chamber just bc you are near him while he is ready to TP is toooooo overpowering. Imagine the number of wallbangs. It will actually kill the chamber game and force him to play even farther from you, from the back site. You are just making everything worst.
We already have the visual clue that he is ready to go (his outfit changes). I, personally, think that an Audio Clue when he enters/exits the Rendezvous(teleport) radio, just like cypher cage, is a good alternative.
I also like the idea of the Jett Dash, when you use it, you need to kill 2 to use it again. I think that if we increase the TP cooldown to a LOT (like 60secs) making he can only use it twice per round. And IF he kills 2 the Rendezvous cooldown goes to 10s or 5s to use again(the 5s cd is so he can NOT spam the TP when on a kill spread).

The Headhunter and the Trademark for me are really nice now, BUT, his Ult (Tour de Force) needs to change too. I just don't know how yet.
His ult slow field is a bit too big for me, he can pretty much hold an entry by himself IF he does some good kills. The idea of 5 bullets is nice, 1 for each enemy, but the fire rate is CRAZY.

yeah i think they need to reduce the duration of his cooldown, also the radius (only for the ult, trademark is fine). Maybe force him to buy "packs" of bullets for his headhunter (more money investment)


just delete.

Rigodelas [#13]

You have nice ideas, but too much to actually do.
For example: Knowing the position of the chamber just bc you are near him while he is ready to TP is toooooo overpowering. Imagine the number of wallbangs. It will actually kill the chamber game and force him to play even farther from you, from the back site. You are just making everything worst.
We already have the visual clue that he is ready to go (his outfit changes). I, personally, think that an Audio Clue when he enters/exits the Rendezvous(teleport) radio, just like cypher cage, is a good alternative.
I also like the idea of the Jett Dash, when you use it, you need to kill 2 to use it again. I think that if we increase the TP cooldown to a LOT (like 60secs) making he can only use it twice per round. And IF he kills 2 the Rendezvous cooldown goes to 10s or 5s to use again(the 5s cd is so he can NOT spam the TP when on a kill spread).

The Headhunter and the Trademark for me are really nice now, BUT, his Ult (Tour de Force) needs to change too. I just don't know how yet.
His ult slow field is a bit too big for me, he can pretty much hold an entry by himself IF he does some good kills. The idea of 5 bullets is nice, 1 for each enemy, but the fire rate is CRAZY.

I don’t think the noise should be specifically where he is, more just a noise that indicates chamber is on his tp field. Maybe re increase the size of the field to make balance it out

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