Chinese teams not attending champs (if they qualif

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This situation will not happen, there are lots of differences to rng not travelling for msi. The jist of why rng couldn't come is the fact it is a mid season tournement the main problem being Chinese lockdown laws which meant rng couldn't play games in the summer split if they went to msi- jeopardizing a possible worlds run, as champions is at the end of the year, such a problem does not exist as there is no such dilemma of being unable to play important games, the most a Chinese team would miss are third party tournaments and I'm sure kone and edg value champions over that.


Good, but let us not get ahead of ourselves brother ,

We are good, but our scene is still very new , so let us first wait and see how LCQ goes

#EDGWin #ZmjjKKisDaddy


thats nice to know #EDGWin #ZmjjKKisDaddy

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