Lets Talk About Production

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This thread posts some questions for those who have an interest with the Production side of events on VLR.gg. Either as Players, viewers, or talent.

For Players:

Example Prompts -

  • Have you ever hit a play that the observers didn't catch, if so what did you do?
  • When was a time you made the twitch chat go wild?
  • Do you watch the production after you play the series?

For Talent:

Example Prompts -

  • How did you enjoy casting/observing?
  • Which series were your favorite to cast/observe for?
  • What are some negatives from being a member of talent teams?

For Viewers:

Example Prompts -

  • Which Valorant talent really caught your eye? (Commentators, Analysts, Observer, etc)
  • What do you look for as viewers to elevate your watching experience?

If you are an avid watcher of Valorant Esports or the people who play in and commentate over games. Tell me your opinions, I'd love to hear them!


Ill start with the prompt -

When was a time you made the twitch chat go wild?

I know this is a prompt for players but this can apply to me as a commentator. Was casting one of the biggest events I had done recently and at the last round of the first half during Game 1 - MCT - Version1 VS Cloud9.

I was wanting to find a way to say that the stinger was the only weapon he had at last round in a ironic/sarcastic way. And my dumbass said,

"A stinger, a pretty large weapon if you ask me, some would even say above average if you ask me."

The stupid in hindsight, but chat thought it was funny. Clip for reference here

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