Why Riot ???

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Why is riot so determined to be different from other games or to not take ideas from games like csgo. It makes no sense because things that are popular features or traits of a game like csgo shows that they work so why would you not do them purely to look different or do different things to not look the same. The best example is obviously franchising. It makes no sense for valorant to become franchised because there is no esport where franchising has boosted the esports, the only esports where it hasnt hindered it is games that were already dominating pre-franchising. If Riot continues to make decisions purely to be different it could cause valorant to fail in competing with other tactical shooters in the future.


if riot takes anything else from CS the only posts on HLTV for an entire month will be "VALULRANT COPYING CSGO HAHAHAHAH!!!!" or at least until CS gets another scandal (weirdly common)

spookmeister [#2]

if riot takes anything else from CS the only posts on HLTV for an entire month will be "VALULRANT COPYING CSGO HAHAHAHAH!!!!" or at least until CS gets another scandal (weirdly common)

why does it matter what is on HLTV it should have no impact on what riot does and the valorant community. the best example is a demo system. It isnt unique to csgo but is probably one of the most popular features , in the competitive scene the most popular. It isnt terribly hard to implement and would very much benefit the game yet in order to try not look like they are copying csgo they weren't even working on it until community outrage.

spookmeister [#2]

if riot takes anything else from CS the only posts on HLTV for an entire month will be "VALULRANT COPYING CSGO HAHAHAHAH!!!!" or at least until CS gets another scandal (weirdly common)

Hltv is a blip in the simulation surely riot don’t care about that.

LogicValo [#3]

why does it matter what is on HLTV it should have no impact on what riot does and the valorant community. the best example is a demo system. It isnt unique to csgo but is probably one of the most popular features , in the competitive scene the most popular. It isnt terribly hard to implement and would very much benefit the game yet in order to try not look like they are copying csgo they weren't even working on it until community outrage.

franchising helped LOL right? Just asking

LogicValo [#3]

why does it matter what is on HLTV it should have no impact on what riot does and the valorant community. the best example is a demo system. It isnt unique to csgo but is probably one of the most popular features , in the competitive scene the most popular. It isnt terribly hard to implement and would very much benefit the game yet in order to try not look like they are copying csgo they weren't even working on it until community outrage.

oh for SURE we should have a demo player. Im just saying CS frogs will take anything they can to complain and insult Valorant. Anyway, riot doesnt take CS - unique stuff because at this point theyre objectively very very different games.

bottomfragger30 [#5]

franchising helped LOL right? Just asking

not really because league was already dominating the MOBA scene and was ahead of dota so it really didnt impact the viewership. If anything it hindered it because the pro 'META' isnt actually the 'META' because pros dont want to adapt and have job security due to franchising.

LogicValo [#7]

not really because league was already dominating the MOBA scene and was ahead of dota so it really didnt impact the viewership. If anything it hindered it because the pro 'META' isnt actually the 'META' because pros dont want to adapt and have job security due to franchising.

ahh.. thnx for explaining<3

spookmeister [#6]

oh for SURE we should have a demo player. Im just saying CS frogs will take anything they can to complain and insult Valorant. Anyway, riot doesnt take CS - unique stuff because at this point theyre objectively very very different games.

nah, they are not that different, 90% of the things that would work for cs would also work for valorant, franchising is not one of them, remember that most valorant fans come from cs and franchising will feel very boring to them, unless you are used to franchising because your first esports was a franchise esport then franchise will most likely make you stop watching the game

spookmeister [#2]

if riot takes anything else from CS the only posts on HLTV for an entire month will be "VALULRANT COPYING CSGO HAHAHAHAH!!!!" or at least until CS gets another scandal (weirdly common)

Why should I care about HLTV? They are going to complain anyway

Valholl7 [#10]

Why should I care about HLTV? They are going to complain anyway

hltv people are just hateful, went there once, it did not go well.

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