LOUD weak map pool

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For those who follow the BR scenario and understand the game know that LOUD has a weak map pool, do not be fooled by the stats of LOUD's maps, much of it was by demerit of the enemy team to give advantage by lack of discipline and LOUD just waiting for the team to make a mistake. LOUD didn't fix its Fracture and Haven, it only played with average Brazilian teams that play going to the open during a 5x2 with the bomb planted instead of closing the angle. If LOUD wants to pass the group stage they have to forget this story of training during weak maps during matches, they have to pray they don't ban Ascent and pick Ascent and Bind. They totally underestimated KRU and picked their worst maps.


but icebox is just about mechanics and not making mistakes. they were just out-skilled today. But gl to them for future matches.


KRU played very well, I don't want to take away their merit, I always thought they were good.

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