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i dont come from ow or cod, so I dont really understand franchising to the tee
i see many people support it, but I just cant get over the idea that teams that come from humble beginnings and grind like crazy like the guard wont have a chance to prove themselves against tier 1 opponents.
is this how franchising works or am i completely off


I'd say the information is a little foggy right now, but essentially yes. There will be a separate second tier division for domestic teams, but there's not a lot of info asides from the fact that it will be similar to the regional leagues of emea. I doubt there would be a chance to see teams from these leagues compete in the international tournaments and in masters/champs, asides from the eventual "defranchising" of a team for another like we have seen in LoL, and the third party tournaments in the off season. It's up to riot to make sure the domestic leagues succeed now

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