Duelist Balence

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Preface : This is a competitive oriented discussion. Pro play is the major accounting factor for the reasoning behind this.

Let's talk about duelists! Let's do a quick role call...

Wait, chamber ain't a duelist... in my opinion yes and no.
In competitive Valorant duelist players mean 2 things : Primary Fragger and Entry
Off the back of my personal definition, we can put the duelists in 3 categories

Entry (make space) : Neon, Raze, Yoru
Fragger (keep space) : Reyna, Jett, Chamber
Benkai (Paper Rex IGL): Pheonix

Neon, Raze, and Yoru are built to gain the team space on the map. For example ; Raze double blast pack into heaven, Nadeing CT. Yoru TPing into hooka or Lambs. Our space now.

Reyna, Jett, and Chamber are built to both keep posesion of your own teams space, as well as hold down the space the team has gained from the enemy. Note : even if these people give up the space, they gain major advantages as a result of the space at a pro level. Like Chamber TPing after a kill. He just made it a 5v4 while still containing all of Mid contact.

So what do I want tp talk about?
The Meta
This is Chambers meta. He gets a free getaway on offense and an even free-er getaway on defense. The major point of pro play has transfered from Jett => Chamber. Jett is trash now. Whoa whoa whoa. She gets double dash! No. But her dash is long lasting! No.
My Major point of this is that Jett needs her old dash back, but a little different. My proposition is to have a spectrum among the two categories of duelist. Jett gets her old dash back, but its tweeked. Light gun have her old dash (Sidearms, stinger), medium guns have a slightly slower, slightly less far dash (Rifles, Spectre, Marshal could go light or medium), them whith the heavy guns she has a further reduced dash with further reduced distance (Ares and Odin cause big guns, and most importantly Operator.) This creates our spectrum.
Chamber : Gaurenteed, fast, free TP from a select position. High OP compatability.
Reyna : instant getaway option from any place. Fast and reliable, but requires a kill for success.
Jett : Getaway option from anywhere, less efficient and reliable, but doesn't require any prerequisites.

Personally, I feel this is the perfect way to direct the flow of the fraggers by making their main appeal come from a risk/reward parable. Reyna just needs a kill, but again, you need to kill them to be successful. Chamber is the safest but you need to More so be attack rather that push the space like the other two. Jett has the capability of Reyna to gain the space, while having chambers ability to always have a teleport. But in return she has the worst getaway option in both distance and activation speed.

On the other side, the entry duelist all hold their own uses. They all have tools to get onto the site rather than escape like the fraggers.

Overall how do you all feel about the current duelist spectrum? Do you have any opinonins on the Jett tweak i suggested? How do you feel about Pheonix as an agent, cause i feel he fits in neither catagory and he is trash.

Thanks for reading. Just remember this is my opinion.

I also forgot to talk a little about Reyna. Players like Jingg and Cned are using her currently and I think they should improve her a bit. Like maybe a 3rd soul thing? She has uses, still just less use ig.

Anyways, thanks for reading!


I mean the duelist spectrum isint bad. Raze, jett, neon, is very good entrys and are very balanced. I also agree with the pheonix part and he needs a buff.


you don't even know what you want to say actually or your opinion is not correct...thankyou


third soul is interesting...I think if they make her dismiss like She can't be blind in dismiss that would be sick or all the stun decay or flash effects go off
when she gets in her dismiss


thats the worst jett change idea ive ever seen wtf kinda crack you smokin

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