about regional requirements and T1

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from: The VALORANT Champions Tour Global Competition Policy (Version 2.0 - 1.2022)

2.4. Regional Requirements

2.4.1. Regional Roster Requirement.
In order to maintain the regional identity of teams that compete in a global competition and to encourage the type of regional identification that is important to fans and sponsors, each Team must maintain, at all times during any Official Competition, atleast three players on its Starting Roster that are Residents (as defined below) of the Team’s home Region. In addition, if a Team includes one or more players acting as substitutes, at least one of those substitutes must be a Resident of the Team’s home Region.

2.4.4. Resident Defined.
A player is considered a “Resident” of a particular Region for the purposes of an Official Competition if the player is, on the date that the player registers for the Official Competition, either (a) a lawful permanent resident of a jurisdiction in such Region for at least six (6) months; or (b) a citizen or national of a country in such Region.

2.4.6.Changes in Region or Residency.
A player may only be a Resident of a single Region at any point in time, regardless of whether that player has lawful resident status in multiple Regions. Any player who relocates to a new region, will remain a resident of his or her prior region until the one-year anniversary of their relocation.

TLDR: If a player has spent over a year in a new region, they may be considered residents of that region and could allow for an extra slot to be allocated to another import. I assume xeta could already be considered a resident of the NA region since it's been well over a year since he relocated, meaning T1 could theoretically bring one more import for their team. I suggest they sign Bonkar to connect with their swedish fan base


T1 told ritto to make easier on import policy


i love godkar, but that is such a random signing and it doesnt fir at all. Bonkar got signed literally last month and hes been doing well there + i think him and yacine are a duo


I dont think bonkar will fit in T1 roster tbh


Bonkar has been doing very well in Finest. No incentive for him to start over in NA. Also it would break my heart to see Bonkar and Yacine break-up their duo.

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