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Registered: March 14, 2022
Last post: November 20, 2022 at 3:40 PM
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also honorable mention fnc 2-1 m3c qualification game. that 0.02 haunts me everyday

posted about a year ago

m3c 2-1 kru is still the craziest game ive watched. favourite series of valorant with 2 of my favourite teams, fking insane i hope we get a rematch at champs

posted about a year ago

i was thinking the same thing and id assume it'd have an effect still considering there is a GC LAN coming up and they're a very dominant team who will probably attend it so it definitely gives them something above other orgs

posted about a year ago

leaks of heroic trying to enter valorant and the only viable teams they would pick up (unless they just poached players) would be either m3c, or if they wanted a danish team, who cars

posted about a year ago

Stage 1 they had a lot of problems, ranging from adjusting to new metas and personal problems within the team. their igl had a different idea of the team, certain players weren't putting up the same numbers as last year or weren't having enough impact and they ended up needing a stand in which did not help them.

Stage 2 they did better, looked relatively promising in group stage but as playoffs rolled around it seemed they'd already hit their peak and started faltering. maybe you could put it down to 2 new players who haven't played in a t1 environment (as far as I know) and I think there was many other internal problems still carrying on from the previous stage which is causing them to have another roster change for LCQ.

I think it's worth mentioning EMEA challengers, and the regional challengers stage in general, is incredibly competitive. many of the teams in it we didn't see for the entirety of last year at LANs or missed out on many. not even beginning to mention how Valorant's meta is constantly changing, this is not the same game as it was 1 year ago. We have yet to see a team win 2 LANs and have only had 2 teams manage to make 2 GFs, it's super hard to stay on top of this game

posted about a year ago

m3c and kru HOPIUM

posted about a year ago

True, think I blanked that out my mind tbh aha. he looked alright against Leviatan so hopefully the next game goes well

posted about a year ago

In this tournament specifically (not regarding any previous ones) I'd rate Marved over Yay. Yay is a great player but this event he hasn't had the same impact as other players like Marved, Derke, f0rsakeN, etc. I'm not sure whereabouts you'd rank him but I do think it's unfair to place him at the top currently when other players have had much larger impact. Still think he's insane though, top 5 for sure

posted about a year ago

I just wanna see a different region win a LAN : ' ) rooting for PRX

posted about a year ago

they definitely look better now with Suygetsu but they still have to go against Fnatic (once again). If they play to the best of their abilities and manage to take down Fnatic I rate them the same as the other 2, there's such a small skill disparity now with top teams in Valorant

posted about a year ago

I feel like the odds are pretty even between every team, maybe you give Optic and PRX slightly higher odds from the momentum of the upper bracket and their performance so far in the tournament looking the most stable (if you ignore Optic's 1st group stage match). Whoever wins I dont think it'll be a surprise. Optic and PRX looking the strongest though
30% Optic
30% PRX
20% FNC & FPX? Idk, I'd make top 3 around the same though

posted about a year ago

think it's worth mentioning i'm pretty sure the teams that work on valorant/league for the game, events, tournaments etc are 2 completely different teams so production may not be the same. id hope one day val events could look this hype though

posted about a year ago

gambit before the upcoming change

posted about a year ago

i sure hope the eu one is right😔

posted about a year ago

guild vs kru and xset vs lev are my favourites so far, very intense OTs and big plays being made

posted about a year ago

not rly, it's the ideal way to have competition imo. the best and most popular teams will be there but other teams have the opportunities to appear if they're good enough. i hope riot follows something similar and implements a way to qualify for larger events, maybe through vrls.

posted about a year ago

masters 1 last year was an regional event, similar to a challengers so they removed it from this year making it 3 LANS like last year. champions also finishes much earlier this year to allow for GC LAN and larger 3rd party events. (also time to get ready for franchising i'd assume, roster mania for sure)

posted about a year ago

2 completely different styles of watchpartying, but alright

posted about a year ago

from the clip it looks like 2 or 3 xset players were running up to heaven after the spike dropped but king already blast packed up and killed deph who within a like 3 second gap was the only one holding heaven, that's why king immediately dies after because there's 2 xset players behind him. also dont think melser fully realised he had the spike, fucking insane round nonetheless

posted about a year ago

EMEA qualifiers had national barriers with CIS, EU and TR regions being separate then pooled into 1 but what are you supposed to do to split it up fully? there would not be any competitive integrity if you made EU, ME and Africa all different qualifiers for masters it would be completely fucked. Even CIS EU and TR would still be fucked and the player base in these individual regions simply is not enough. Nothing stops other regions for importing 2 players from different regions and still following the roster rules. Atleast VLR has more regional barriers.

posted about a year ago

I'm not too familiar with Furia except from champions last year but they looked solid there. I think this lcq will definitely be one to look out for, lots of talent that could be very good on LAN

posted about a year ago

and good for them if they drop him but making VLR posts shitting on him when he's not even playing isn't gonna make them win

posted about a year ago

don't let this distract you from the fact they qualified for Masters AND the playoffs with russ. sure, he's not the best player ever but he has his moments and supports the team. he literally won OT for them against KRU. of course they could get a better player but so could every other team out there, as long as they are happy with him on the team then there should be no complaints

posted about a year ago

there's always a possibility of any team beating anyone, my best guess (if LEV qualify for champs) would be KRU and NiP qualifying through lcq, maybe im biased though haha.

posted about a year ago

SA lcq has 2 slots though, i cant imagine a world where KRU doesn't qualify through that so i think we'll be seeing both Leviatan and Kru at champs : D

posted about a year ago

grammar is fine, just the utter stupidity makes it a tough read

posted about a year ago

Im having an aneurysm attempting to read this

posted about a year ago

hes a good player and has a great personality. not to mention also an igl, hope he goes far

posted about a year ago

yep, he landed in copenhagen earlier

posted about a year ago

individual players cant take a team to LAN. you as a "faze fan" should be the first to know this

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

vamos kru : ) really hope they qualify after their OT with guild

posted about a year ago

mate? how are you arguing with the fact 11-13 and 14-16 are close games? obviously guild were the better team but they were still incredibly close

posted about a year ago

wouldnt be surprised, not enough igls in emea that arent already on top tier teams

posted about a year ago

is your orginal reply making fun of it being close or saying it was close, bc im agreeing it was close? even if it was a 2-0 either team couldve won it

posted about a year ago

dont act like it wasnt close, both games couldve gone either way. guild was just fortunate enough to close them both out

posted about a year ago

true, think he uses his platform for the wrong this sometimes aswell

posted about a year ago

not a george fan but exactly how else is he supposed to get leaks if not from word of mouth? asking pros or people associated with them is really the only way to find out about roster moves, no?

posted about a year ago

he always turns up when needed, he goes crazy on OT. sometimes you need someone like Russ on your team to take the fall and play agents like this on certain maps, he does great on his role

posted about a year ago

really hoping KRU makes it out of this group aswell and we see a KRU vs Guild rematch... this series was so hype. both teams in top form

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

also zeek then going on to win champions, i guess they're good at producing talent lol. hope they can form a good roster for franchising

posted about a year ago

ofc yeah, but we're on about optic, not other na teams

posted about a year ago

optic is 0-7* in maps against emea teams (gambit 3-0, acend 2-0 and now guild 2-0)

posted about a year ago

theres a clip of him doing it in his ranked games so yeah its just habit, but they were just putting out speculations. not something you probably should say to 90k+ people but its not that deep imo, any sane person should know hes not cheating

posted about a year ago

kru had a bad time last masters, dont underestimate them. 5-0 against BR aswell

posted about a year ago

old gods part :' (

posted about a year ago

underperforming or other teams are getting better? lol

posted about a year ago

Alot of GC players could compete in t2-t1 environments with the right practice. so many regions have GC teams that just destroy anything in their path, I think they'd benefit from competing in main circuits and male dominated tournaments but of course the stability of an org and income is important aswell. high hopes for TL brazil at the GC lan !

posted about a year ago

some time in august, date mightve not been shared yet since they are probably deciding whether to try do LAN again this year maybe?

posted about a year ago
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