Flag: Europe
Registered: March 14, 2022
Last post: November 20, 2022 at 3:40 PM
Posts: 551
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bold of you to assume how the players are feeling, 2022 has been a tough year for all of the m3c boys. not having an org to back you, not being able to bootcamp appropriately, fully out of their comfort zone, etc - the mental effect this would of had on the players is incredibly apparent and faltered their performance. sure they're motivated but motivation isn't always gonna overcome these sorts of problems.

posted about a year ago

gonna be a crazy one, hoping for a good series

posted about a year ago

I didn't get to watch the first 2 maps but icebox is notoriously a rough map for m3c (and historically, against m3c, for liquid aswell..) both teams were jittery in OT but what else can you expect? insanely important game, whilst its not the qualifying game no team wants to have to play another bo3 a few hours after

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

honestly, anyone right now can win the whole thing. im iffy on g2 but after their performance on haven & if they can replicate that its literally anyones game to win

posted about a year ago

fucking insane team, great fundamentals and we've seen them improve every time we see them play. think the addition to their coaching staff has greatly helped them. wish the best for them

posted about a year ago

they're not shit, have always had the ability to put up numbers against top EMEA teams but it's obvious so much preparation went into LCQ. they look really good, proud of em

posted about a year ago

minte and dokka (sadge) best users on this website

posted about a year ago

Although im not the biggest fan of Acend it's crazy to call their Champions win a fluke.. They won EU masters 1, although they missed Reykjavik 1 they had a rough qualifier run previously beating Fnatic but then falling to Vitality in extremely close games, attended Berlin and in any other world should've made semis but threw against 100t (iconic "avoid cned" strat). Coming into Champions they were massive contenders alongside Gambit and Liquid, there was no luck involved in these wins, the GF of Champs was incredibly close and stretched all 5 maps. No fluke to be seen, they had many unfortunate events following their win which has led them to now but 2021 and 2022 were such different years for so many teams. they deserve all their wins

Props to Acend, no doubt we'll be seeing some familiar names next year

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

true, still feel its a bit strange to squeeze 3 games in to 1 day

posted about a year ago

yeah but it also punishes the team who loses in uppers sorta, they do get more time to prepare (like ~3 hours, however long the lower bracket game takes) strange to try to fit 3 games in 1 day

posted about a year ago

its weird but not horrible imo, both teams at a disadvantage but the loser of the upper bracket final has a slight advantage (from coming from uppers) of having more time to prepare and watch the other teams game whilst waiting. it is a bit weird to have it all in 1 day though, ig thats just how it worked out

posted about a year ago

if m3c qualify then m3c (COPIUM) closely followed by fpx and possibly optic, only put them lower (especially fpx) since they're the most recent LAN winners and teams are most likely to study them and their playstyle. all 3 of these teams have the best chances to start legacys imo (if m3c stay tgt aswell)

posted about a year ago

ascent and breeze are m3c's best maps imo, acend decides to ban ascent over breeze since i assume they feel more confident on breeze? (last time they faced m3c on breeze it was extremely close) unsure of why they banned icebox to be honest, their win percentage on it is reasonably good compared to fracture and they look absolutely lost on it. weird picks

posted about a year ago

yeah? i said teams don't know if they've made it yet, teams know if they havent (including SR) but no org knows if they have made franchising, it's still up in the air and there will be crazy roster mania after champs

posted about a year ago

they did bad in lcq but that doesn't take away from the fact they have some good players

posted about a year ago

it was a long time coming but doesn't make it hurt less 🥹 im glad they're finally making changes and can hopefully qualify but that roster played together for ~544 days :(

posted about a year ago

this doesn't make any sense, no team knows yet if they have made franchising and many star players on teams that wont get franchised will be f/a or on a buyout. no roster is solidified until next year

posted about a year ago

SR has so many great individual players with alot of skill. sad to see them not be able to bring that to the table and win, no doubt a few of their players will get poached from a franchised team

posted about a year ago

you called it !

posted about a year ago

prime gmb :(

posted about a year ago

ill be completely surprised if jady isn't confirmed by now tbh. im happy that they've made a change and it looks promising but im sad to see a change aswell, its been a long time together as a 5

posted about a year ago

: (

posted about a year ago

EMEA roster lock was yesterday iirc, they tried getting Twisten but had problems acquiring him. got to remember guild attended Copenhagen WITH Russ so had limited time to find a replacement and even less after not being able to get the player they initially wanted. Yacine was on the OG guild roster so he has good synergy with Leo and Sayf, he's a good player aswell, it is confusing considering he plays solely duelist but I'm sure they've got something figured out

posted about a year ago

for sure : D i miss the og guild roster, i think yacine is a better player than russ but im unsure ab how their roles will work out. exciting knews tho, lcq will be hype!!!

posted about a year ago

he used to be on guild, part of the full swedish squad. as far back as i can remember he wasn't bad but iirc he played duelist so im unsure about how guild's roles will work out.

posted about a year ago

idk if its an upgrade or not but its nice to see the core coming back together

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

well yeah no shit t1 teams scrim mostly other t1 teams and t2 teams scrim mostly other t2 teams but they def scrim eachother. sliggy mentioned on his stream yesterday whilst watching VRL that they have scrimmed falcons multiple times (and i assume others) and they were very good, there's also been plenty of leaks of international teams scrimming t2 emea teams when LANs are happening and they verse well against them. many optic players said alot of the t2 emea teams were pretty good and have some amazing players

posted about a year ago

most likely dimasick is their 5th and emil is their coach

posted about a year ago

yeah they'll probably end up getting picked up eventually but no doubt they'll get stuck in contract jail and have to be bought out. no chance acend wants to miss out on this opportunity

posted about a year ago

not surprising but sad for the acend players

posted about a year ago

doug is good for interviews imo

posted about a year ago

true, i still think its such a short amount of time to make a change considering they were at copenhagen

posted about a year ago

so quickly? lcq is in 11 days, surely it will only hurt them if they make a change right now? if they hope to qualify for champs with him then drop him thats even worse lol

posted about a year ago

i sure hope so

posted about a year ago

most good igls are older than the average valorant pro and most igls come from CSGO with years of experience. becoming a good igl isn't something you just pick up all of a sudden, you learn how to be a top tier igl over the course of your career which i think is why we dont see many. for many valorant pros this is their first esports and range from ages of 17-21 so i dont think it'll be for a bit until we see many new igls appearing. i do think there are some others that do deserve credit like koldamenta, bonecold, hazed, vanity but again these are players that mostly came from csgo with much more experience

posted about a year ago

mostly filling smokes/initiator

posted about a year ago

they trialed multiple t2 pros/vlr players, alfajer had already been trialed by a couple other orgs aswell. it wasn't insane scouting, he just happened to fit with their roster

posted about a year ago

last thing i heard they were trialing dimasick but im pretty sure they also said they wouldnt reveal their 5th until LCQ, so who knows

posted about a year ago

NA: NRG/100T
SA: KRU + NiP/Furia
East Asia: NTH/DWG

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

they're (by placements) the most consistent team in valorant currently? even if they didn't win, you can't deny theyre a good team

posted about a year ago

why cant regions swap their flairs to their winning team at the moment? it's not that deep lol

posted about a year ago

yeah i think it's really good, for what seems like a "test LAN" its looking nice

posted about a year ago

its smaller but hearing the cheering after plays is so much cooler than dead silence. champions will be sick

posted about a year ago

riot is allowing a specific gap at the end of the year to allow 3rd party events to run though? maybe it'll change in franchising though

posted about a year ago
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