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Registered: August 13, 2021
Last post: April 17, 2023 at 12:01 AM
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I think they get owned. U have to realized they were dominating in an Era where teams are much less coordinated and terrible midrounding. The game was still so young with less competition.

posted about a year ago

Holy fk this org got major clout. I want SEN to succeed for the viewership to go up. I really hope they make it.

posted about a year ago

Sykko gonna learn Chinese LOL

posted about a year ago

Ge If skrossi is playing. Talon if he's not. It's really that simple.

posted about a year ago

Yep esports is kinda been a bubble atm esports is going down in general so teams are cutting back and making radical changes to perform.

posted about a year ago

Yes eg are collecting unknown talents. Literally rumored to poached demon1 from dsg and they're keeping them on low salary.

posted about a year ago

Most likely a chemistry issue because they got demon1 playing off roles. I mean eg look better objectively this week but we have to see.

posted about a year ago

I just realized why EG had 9-10 man roster... they knew that if their team start sucking they'll be forced to stick with their players like the other teams struggling (karmine corp).

They intentionally fill up their roster with talents and just gonna drop or bench them if they underperformed. Till they get the best roster. Holy fk this org was 10 steps ahead.

posted about a year ago

I'm loving the esports scene in NA atm ppl sweating every game . Careers getting destroyed on Twitter. Crazy roster changes and moves. Emea orgs and apac orgs need to follow NA examples. Nobody is safe. It's so cutthroat right now.

posted about a year ago

Dephh actually sweating maybe next game decides it LOL

posted about a year ago

G2 didn't go through the whole Carlos incident and G2 bought the entire xset roster . Would the new g2 in franchising be the true savior of NA ? Or will all 5 players and coach be exposed as frauds in this chamber less meta with zekken carrying every game LOL

posted about a year ago

Ludwig tarik invitational, lock in , also America's league games. All Mediocre... sad reality for a team with 3 vct winners and top talent with supposedly top tier coaching and igl LOL

posted about a year ago

Trust me nrg will be on the chopping block if they continue to not get results. Ppl give them more leniency cause the ex optic core always show up when it matters even if they don't do well initially.

posted about a year ago

Chamber meta cryo farmed so hard on that agent .

posted about a year ago

During off season when SEN roster was leak ppl had expectations this roster would contend for masters and champion titles. Anything short of that would be failure. Look at where we are now ...

posted about a year ago

Bro I swear it's like blind fans not seeing things for how it is. This team had since tarik Ludwig to clean their shit up with their world class players. The roster probably cost a fortune... imagine getting mediocre results this long.

posted about a year ago

The ones that think sen don't need a change are delusional. This team was formed in January during tarik Ludwig invitational. They had extremely mediocre results and looked mediocre for like 4 months now. Look at their roster probably cost a fortune. Imagine if they can't make playoffs or just can't contest top 3. Some changes had to happen.

posted about a year ago

mibr also breat nrg and c9 been looking super clean. I don't think u realized how stack Americas is. Even if they make playoffs they want to be top 3 team. The way SEN is looking is no where good enough. These teams also improving week by week. There's no way u guaranteed their wins.

posted about a year ago

Since Ludwig tarik invitational and lock in.... Had lots of time to cook with stack roster. Getting Mediocre result when they build to compete for titles.

posted about a year ago

Bro acting like sykko did anything to unlock cryo potential other abusing chamber meta lmao

posted about a year ago

Sen 2 0 is big copium lol . At the end of the day the result matters and speak for itself. They trying to make playoffs and build a roster to win masters and Champions. With a roster like this and not making playoffs Is embarrassing.

posted about a year ago

Someone has to go bro. They won't even make top 6 if it goes on. Just look at how stack their roster is. Literally built to win Champions and big money use for these players. they had time to cook even before the league started .

posted about a year ago

They went with clout and not what they had wow.

posted about a year ago

Lmao man packing right now LOL

posted about a year ago

So based holy w ceo

posted about a year ago

Sykko definitely not performing based move

posted about a year ago

Coach got them a fluke win against 100t when they made a comeback from 12 8 .. and 2 losses LOL

posted about a year ago

Sacy for sure would igl imo

posted about a year ago

Truly W ceo. Now I'm waiting for 100t to do something too.

posted about a year ago


Rawkus backing new coach gg it's over . Coach exposed ??

posted about a year ago

No bro wtf lmao

posted about a year ago


W MOVE ? Damn just like that huh. I guess sykko wasn't all that good insider peek hmm

posted about a year ago

Bro it's based honestly they won't make playoffs with the way they're going . Clearly something not working with dephh and sykko.

posted about a year ago

Ceo read my post lfg!!! Based af

posted about a year ago

I hope so man . Finally sen might make playoffs

posted about a year ago

They might actually make a run for it at playoffs

posted about a year ago

Yes kinda based if he follows thru cause actually give sen a chance of qualifying.

posted about a year ago

W ceo sykko might be cut ! Based

posted about a year ago

W ceo . Based af.

posted about a year ago

W ceo holy based . Got rid of the frauds. SEN will qualify for playoffs now. If they kick dephh then sen will be top 3.

posted about a year ago

Holy based ceo w . Got the fraud off the team.

posted about a year ago

Only NA team to beat SA so far ... saved NA from major embarrassment and mental boom. Give Potter some credit .

posted about a year ago

Mako ??

posted about a year ago

Sykko and mikehd frauds ???

Apologies to mce and Potter. They been cooking.
I assumed nrg will bounce back cause ex optic always did.

posted about a year ago

I mean imagine eg lost this NA would be clown and meme on all week . EG brought some pride back to NA fans. 100t sen and nrg been dropping the ball.

posted about a year ago

Was from EG ... eg and c9 last hope of NA but ppl clown on them LOL while praising fraud orgs like SEN 100t and NRG . EG saved NA this week from total embarrassment.

posted about a year ago

The goat!

posted about a year ago

He's mad

posted about a year ago
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