Flag: United States
Registered: July 29, 2022
Last post: April 27, 2024 at 9:21 PM
Posts: 27

FNC went from winning the first masters of last year to not getting top 3 in champs, everyone expected fnc to win as well, you not seeing this is just clear biased hate towards SEN, and LOUD was never at the top, they were consistent throughout that year and FUMBLED in tokyo, so yeah "why didn't FNC/LOUD fall off last year" CLEARLY tells me you don't know what you're talking about.

As of 2022, Optic was praised for being one of the most consistent teams valorant has seen as of yet, although LOUD and OPTIC both fumbled in masters where FPX won, and FPX fumbled in champs 2022, so yeah, you're just yapping to hate

posted 1 month ago

"sen is just horrible" is just you being a VLR user, could you put some thought into your response and give me a general take on why you think so?

posted 1 month ago

If SEN don't qual and I honestly don't think they will I think it will be perfectly fine. Same goes for FNC or any other team that everyone knows can't win but is struggling. In SEN's particular case they just need time to reset after Madrid, FNC and other teams alike just need time to adjust to the new meta as well, everything is a process and to the fake SEN fans who only came back after the Madrid win and are giving up, you're probably just a bandwagon lol grow up.

posted 1 month ago

I love how everyone assumes he's using drugs when he's legit doing a prime 2022 aspas cosplay, why is it that when demon1 and aspas do good they're just good? why can't zekken just be good as well? lmfao

posted 2 months ago

yes there is a chance because they aren't from the same group, how it's supposed to work is teams go against other teams who weren't in the same group as them

posted 3 months ago

You using flashback as an example when he hasnt had the chance to truly prove himself yet says enough

posted 3 months ago

so you don't think that they have tried that already throughout their months of practice and decided these were the roles best fit? Also they were going against a comp they've never played against in practice that also destroyed NRG in scrims

posted 3 months ago

I'll actually be mad this time around, every other time it was "oh nt, constant roster changes, nt" this time I'll actually be upset

posted 3 months ago

I mean it really is just unlucky for Pancada because as a teammate Zellsis seemed to mesh with the team a lot better (where they always compliment Zellsis's comms and calling him the vibes guy) pancada is an amazing player but sometimes you just don't mesh as well with the team. Which REALLY sucks because I wanted to see the world champions reprise his role and play.

posted 3 months ago

does zellsis have experience on gekko? I mean I don't think we've seen SEN run it at all

posted 4 months ago

zellsis has actual experience on sage, let the flex play flex and let the initiator play initiator

posted 4 months ago

You can't really call the format bad when you haven't taken into consideration of how the players feel, plus as viewers we will get to see more anti-stratting, comp adjustments between matches BECAUSE we give them time to prepare this year

posted 4 months ago

Would not put demon1 first, he's a top tier jett for sure but overall duelist? we've never seen him play raze or neon how I see the placings are 1/2 Derke or aspas either one interlooped 3. should be open to someone who has been seen doing well on the whole category of duelist like Jawgemo, Leaf, Zekken, forsaken, Victor (sorry i mostly only watch NA), Buzz, etc. I'm also open to those who played raze and jett and did well as yk, neon isn't played by a lot of teams.

posted 4 months ago

i think you didn't read the "creeps" part...

posted 4 months ago

I just gave examples of OTHER teams, and I never said PRX are the most annoying, I legit listed all of the reason why certain fanbases get the hate they get lmfao

posted 4 months ago

I mean PRX because a lot of them just say PRX were trolling etc making up excuses for losing, SEN (as a SEN fan) because of the amount of overhype, cope, and the amount of switch ups they have like jesus christ they will go "TenZ is my king" to "TenZ is the problem" it's insane. LOUD because, yk brazil fans just being arrogant and egotistical, 100T because again, hard coping, and I would say all other team's fanbases are relatively chill except for when a team starts winning cuz all the bandwagon's ruin the reputation of the fanbase.

posted 4 months ago

i like how FNS can be both FNS and Finesse, zekken, suygetsu

posted 4 months ago

I mean he asked

posted 5 months ago

He did for 100T when nitro left, and he also did some for the old NRG

posted 5 months ago

In all honesty, his wall should just have a lingering slow like how viper's wall has a lingering decay, then it would be perfect.

posted 5 months ago

a2guapo, prod, shanks

posted 5 months ago

the NA holy trinity

posted 5 months ago

but then fnatic win homeground and people glaze them for still being the best, double standards when it comes to off season from people is kinds crazy

posted 5 months ago

why is it that prx lose = troll, prx win = best team. Just accept that sen won and that it was a good game and both played well :/

posted 5 months ago

No, because all of those players you just listed other than Leaf are not on the market?

posted 7 months ago

What is my mans Cned doin there

posted about a year ago

I'm a SEN fan, but personally here I just want 3 maps all really good games to showcase Marved's talent and the potential of the SEN roster.

posted about a year ago