Flag: United States
Registered: January 28, 2022
Last post: January 14, 2023 at 10:38 PM
Posts: 16

I think you meant never doubt TRENT again

posted about a year ago

I agree that he isnt the goat but alfajer is a really good player idk what you're on

posted about a year ago

to be honest man, I hated xset until yesterday. no reason why I hated them, but I love them now

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

L franchising, good roster just gone to waste now

posted about a year ago

100%, it's not like they lose any money, it would come back in vp anyways, I just don't like a skin I bought anymore and feel you should be able to refund to maybe get a different one next time

posted about a year ago

would it be weird or bad riot adds like three refunds to get points back?

posted about a year ago

war really killed the best team in the world man :( good luck nAts

posted about a year ago

That’s not really valid bc winning is a team thing not individual, yay is prob better imo still tho.

posted about a year ago

prob marved, bang, aproto, zander. maybe I'm forgetting someone

posted about a year ago

what did he rat? steel was toxic to coaches and team and "drawing blanks" at berlin...

posted about 2 years ago

Valorant vods does that. He replays last naps to hide 2-0s

posted about 2 years ago

doesn't change the fact that acend is sht and optic>

posted about 2 years ago

bro they made it to the tournament at LEAST, you had a fluke champs win last year and can't even make masters lmaooo you have to be joking

posted about 2 years ago

absolute garbage take, the only reason Prod isn't in pro play is because he would be too op and NA would win every event,

posted about 2 years ago

I’m right here…. Disappointed….. like always…. SIKE TSM FTX WINNING CHAMPS BOIS LAST NIGHT TOOK A L BUT TONIGHT I BOYNCE BACK. Real note tho actually just so tragic, always high hopes for this team just to flop. I’m gonna keep saying Corey was not a w pickup. W player just not what the team needs. Since he’s a duelist we’re litteraly putting subroza on smokes… like what????

posted about 2 years ago