Flag: Germany
Registered: May 25, 2021
Last post: July 25, 2022 at 2:27 AM
Posts: 8

I forgot to say,

I meet 1 guy in valorant.. his name is blitzazon ( faceit lvl 10 ex fpl c ) player... owns more then 3 4 immortal smurfs...
He played on of his low rank smurfs... and hes playing like radiant... but immortal was before, like radiant before the ranks come out... he learned me how to aim, without playing with an high elo players... lower ranks never uprank ..m they dont know nothing

posted about a year ago

No i mean it serously xddd why i should create as csgo player a thread

posted about a year ago

You know it better it better then anyone... i played in esportal against many swedish legends... most players know me from sweden... when you say right now, they are bad aswell then something is wrong

posted about a year ago

Hello guys,

This game is obv... the most toxic, boosted elo game i have played in my entire game... ppl are toxic in lobby, the game doesnt starts even and the game is lost... i seen many players, when somone is silver and they dont know what shit is going on valorant on higher elos that the skill is the same hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, you can buy accounts easily for some bucks... valorant is so bad, i liked to playing this game now, realized theres no point to queuing... cs holds 10 years or longer... but this game is the biggest joke... if this reads somone who is bronze or silver or gold... that thinks platin, diamond, old immortals are gods, that lower ranks are not even close... paaah, theres rly not much difference to gold or silver... makes 0 fun to play anymore, r1p in peace - ibp steel xd

posted about a year ago

hello guys do you know how long it takes to fix it?`

posted about 2 years ago

Krü will win comfirmed @ ryu

Watching the game from tv

posted about 3 years ago