Flag: United States
Registered: July 3, 2023
Last post: October 8, 2023 at 7:04 PM
Posts: 482
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you already know the final result.


posted 7 months ago

they are INSANE. almost as if they were meant for the big leagues.

posted 7 months ago

all the downvotes, you know who you are, (they hate real women from succeeding)

posted 7 months ago

o7 to BBL for their hard work and their resilience against them. ✊

posted 7 months ago

what is she doing, I dont watch emea/gc as much.

posted 7 months ago

prepare for an underwhelming 2024, just as it was in 2023,2022,2021.

posted 7 months ago

give us a hint

posted 7 months ago

Wow! a female variant of the human species. crazy for a certain group of people on this site to see, but I won't mention who, if you think its you, it probably is.

posted 7 months ago

Stop thinking with your dick and maybe you will be able to interact with a woman for more than 2 minutes.

posted 7 months ago

Wow that is some real character development. I'm glad you got out of your phase of being an incel πŸ‘

posted 7 months ago

hey buddy, watch the video, its probably like looking into the mirror for you!

posted 7 months ago

holyyyyyyyyy, this site is worse than the guy in the video

(meant to be off topic)

posted 7 months ago

day infinity of Vanity bottomfragging and being worse than (Ange1, bonkar, FNS, boaster)'s worst performances. its a game by game occurrence at this point.

posted 7 months ago


posted 7 months ago

the dunces in EMEA let vookashu stay in T2 for a whole 2 years. that region is finished.

posted 7 months ago

probably the one least like Europe/USA/Canada

posted 7 months ago

people who lived in Africa vs Europe and US, how is it in comparison? or people who have always lived in Africa, is it as bad as the TV + social media says it is? do you feel that the media deters people from living/visiting Africa? or is it justified in any way?


posted 7 months ago

the only fix for his antics is corporal punishment and is too soft, he feels the need to break up success for his own ego:

aight im joking but seriously this guy needs to be ego checked and humbled for his own good let alone for Brazil's future.

posted 7 months ago

delusional sjw

posted 7 months ago

hardly post??? you post every day bro take a reality check. you are on this site like its a daily routine. prolly more than you brush your teeth.

not to mention your absolute horrendous attempt to backtrack, are you knocking the preference to only marry virgins? its just a preference, just as you like Mexican women, I like Colombian women, its not the same, im not knocking you for liking women who have already been penetrated, so dont knock me for preferring the opposite.

posted 7 months ago

call it what you want. its funny that you're taking the "moral high ground". it would be funny to see you be come a victim from one of these girls, would give you a good reality check.

also dont you spend your life on this site? sheesh. better take a good hard look in the mirror after that one.

posted 7 months ago

I would imagine he smells pretty good, since he earns 10k USD a month from YT doing nothing, and lives on a dirt cheap cost of living in Brazil.

much better than you I would assume.

I have the same stance as him on this topic, so it's not D-riding. but call it what you want.

posted 7 months ago

someone raid this mans house ^^^ (he is planning something devious)

posted 7 months ago

bro's a Bri*sh tate grifter, yell no.

posted 7 months ago

i am stuck in a generation where loyalty is just a tattoo, love is just a quote, happiness is a myth, and being fake is a lifestyle.

posted 7 months ago

.+ he's asian so he has asian buff

posted 7 months ago

it makes it more official and set in stone. idk im not a professional 'VLR leaver'.

posted 7 months ago

Julia (name change)

at the top of the scoreboard.

what message does that give to young aspiring girls trying to go pro?

posted 8 months ago

is that like a sunscreen product

posted 8 months ago

It would be interesting to see a perspective from someone who is nonwhite and non-ethnically-Japanese, would they feel the same way as the person in the video or feel completely different? everyone is their own person ig.

posted 8 months ago

This proves that EMEA is a 1 team region

posted 8 months ago

im happy he's not on the team.

posted 8 months ago

c9 management is in shambles ngl.

posted 8 months ago

he is statistically the best F/A duelist in terms of ACS and ADR and didnt get picked up... i wonder how trials went for him.

posted 8 months ago

see you in May when Jack drops the roster!

posted 8 months ago

most Emea orgs, sen, NRG, 100t, LOUD (they made one after they got accepted), prx, ge, the list goes on. they did not make a GC roster and still got in.

posted 8 months ago

and before anyone says jack doesnt make the rosters decisions

watch this video and tell me you see a pattern with C9 decision making throughout the years. they ALWAYS cut anyone and everyone after a slight hiccup:

  • jack cut xeta, one of THE best initiators at the time,

they never achieved the same level of success in valorant again, mCe mentioned in one of his interviews " we were still trying to recover through the 2023 to fix these role issues" later he mentioned "xeta was one of the reasons why role issues was such a problem"(Wyatt interview) which tells you all you need to know. xeta was a pivotal player in the team.
and before any of you mention xeta wanted out, I vividly remember vanity saying the reason why he was cut was a because of "language barrier issues, comms etc" and then jack back tracked his statement saying xeta wanted to leave.

  • jack created C9W, ONLY for the purpose of franchising, not for equal opportunities for women.

why would I think that you might ask?

because C9W got cut AS SOON as franchising got announced. like, they could have at least hidden their intentions by letting them play together for 2023 but at the end of 2022 November, that was the last time C9W was a thing.

all to pay yay's inflated salary, JACK cut A WHOLE thriving female team at the TOP of GC.

  • and during that whole ordeal guess what happened?

Mel had massive offers from T1 orgs and due to Jack being a sleazy rat he upped the buyout clause, she was not able to actualise that offer. why? because she was "too valuable of an asset to release this close to partnership(franchise) selection when I’m so pivotal to my org’s application.” her words coming from C9.

jack deliberately slashed opportunities from the first ever female player to play on coed T1 org for the slight "risk" of franchising/

you tell me who's at fault here.


  • they cut yay and vanity, you know how that went, in the process, vanity said "the org f'ed me over"

they ruined a STAR player's progression in 2023. this is what jack wanted. ALL the eyes were on YAY, and before the regular season even starts, he is cut. one of NA's most hyped player is OUT of play due to poor financial decisions. they dont care about yay, or any of the players I have mentioned so far. all they want is EYES on them.

and now we come to today: they have cut the whole team except for xeppaa and jakee including the coach mCe due to poor decision making and incentivising crappy salaries.

you know what? I would wager that Jack made SURE to advise mCe to sign players like Jake and runi after they cut yay + vanity because of 2 reasons

  1. they were broke
  2. its easier to let them go at the end of the season
    • imagine you sign 2 barebones young inexperienced players, its so little commitment you need from them, since your 2023 year is already over, why not sign these guys and give them a low salary, you're not really looking to advance with them for 2024 right? I would imagine that if C9 actually went on to qualify for something, they would not have kept the roster, just as EG did. this is the kind of scummy thinking that jack goes through without a care for the players or or the fans in any way. any commitment is seen as a liability since they don't really want to create long lasting success, they want a quick buck and behind the scenes investors. its just a business model to them. one that is extremely cutthroat with little leniency.
  3. its just damage control for the 2024 season, cut your losses and put little effort into the remaining season.

There are now reports that c9 have signed vanity again, xeppaa, Jake, wippie, oxy, immi which is another case of nepotism imo (wippie, immi and vanity go way back) . back to the V1 2021 days we go.

and so, we come back to FNS, where he experienced the same cutthroat tactics Jack uses and is just another of the victims in his ruthless pursuit of screwing players over.

who's getting screwed now? its gonna be oxy. just watch.

in summary jack has screwed over:


(there's prolly more in this timeskip)



if there is anyone who follows League, can you tell us what C9/Jack does there? I would love to hear it since I dont follow LoL.

posted 8 months ago

"its SO weird that some random SCRUB got to leak yay's team but WE didn't. we're so prestigious and cool and famous. how could he!"

posted 8 months ago

what's funny to me is how people everywhere expect such high standards from coaches and players. they think everyone is working hard and trying their best on the inside and being the best they possibly can, when in most cases, they are just cruising. its not like a team like EG where everyone is on point and doing what is expected. I would assume the situation is exactly or similar to how you presented it. it's a disaster. people need to wake up and fathom that they cannot see what's going on behind the scenes, and it may not look as pretty as they want it to be.

also titles like "coach" "analyst "pro-player" are just that. TITLES. it doesn't automatically change them to be INSANE from the rest. they are all struggling, and one team is struggling less than the others. if you picked out a random top 50 radiant I would wager that they would be the exact same as the pro player except for a few things like drills or routines.

(this also applies to government and people who work in the public sector)

posted 8 months ago

[good normal people] - [doesnt improve, stays stubborn in 2021 compared to the rest, commitment issues, refuses to adapt, (personally I think he needs a therapist, or more confidence, I suspect the expectations are too much for him, and feed bad, but he needs to improve not for us, but for himself. (maybe Its a bit parasocial, call me out on it if you want) but, yep good normal people, if he really wanted it he would, its a bit harsh but he's tenz, no he's not a miracle worker, sure he has streaming, his gf, stuff going on in his life, but that's everyone]

this all stems from one thing. - confidence and no gym. if he is not confident in himself he needs to change that. why let critics get the best of your mental if you know you are doing your best?

the potential is there, no one is denying that, but it just looks like he is doing the bare minimum, that's why people dont like him imo. you think Steph curry is the way he is just because he's talented? no. its talent AND hard work.

posted 8 months ago

now THAT is uncalled for. just because someone is nice doesn't mean they aren't capable of being criticised.

posted 8 months ago

what's funny to me is how people in this thread expect such high standards from coaches and players. they think everyone is working hard and trying their best on the inside and being the best they possibly can, when in most cases, they are just cruising. its not like a team like EG where everyone is on point and doing what is expected. I would assume the situation is exactly or similar to how you presented it. it's a disaster. people need to wake up and fathom that they cannot see what's going on behind the scenes, and it may not look as pretty as they want it to be.

also titles like "coach" "analyst "pro-player" are just that. TITLES. it doesn't automatically change them to be INSANE from the rest. they are all struggling, and one team is struggling less than the others. if you picked out a random top 50 radiant I would wager that they would be the exact same as the pro player except for a few things like drills or routines.

posted 8 months ago

this team would clear FNATIC. (but it would not clear 2021 champs c9)

posted 8 months ago (he deleted the tweet)

posted 8 months ago
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