Flag: International
Registered: April 10, 2022
Last post: May 29, 2023 at 11:37 PM
Posts: 174
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fnatic strat == derke go kill, if derke not kill == we lose

posted about a year ago

their region is newcomer in this game, kinda suck if riot dont give them any chance its fair i think
and ofcs riot need more viewership and sponsor, and i guess you know how big china right?

posted about a year ago

us, canada, br, and russia on the top 100%
korea just maybe bcs drx
other's kinda hard bcs mix to much

posted about a year ago

do you read the rules as well?, 9.1.1 on chyper its official, using anything illegal with cam = banned. Which mean what?
Are the org really guilty to ask dq punishment? i dont think so
kadang jadi orang sok suci malah jadi kliatan bego, syulit" kapan indo maju klo kek gini, mental tempe di curangin "IYA GPP" GOBLOK awOEKWAOKEAWO.

posted about a year ago

Show me which argument i said indo deserve get the gold medal? im very agree indo get silver even indo already wo, what im talking about is rules rules rules, and what punishment they should get. your miss perception and somehow desire to trashtalking to other people, you really need help bru, better next time read properly, and analyst first what people talking about before you replay and try to being super hero.

posted about a year ago

just use your brain if you have it, you know exactly somehow illegal thing and not discovered yet by dev(no updated rulebook list), and you on purpose used in and after gettin cought you make nonsense reason "THIS WAS NOT MANTION IN RULE BOOK" bla"
who crying? your argument very basic for people who cannot talk and lose in argueing means u are stupid ._., why? simple you guys not deserve it, are indo deserve gold i dont say it tho we should WO and got silver simple :)
im done for today with 0 brain people huhu

posted about a year ago

stop using indonesia flag its disgusting on you tbh, i never mention a shit about gameplay or anything right?
what im talking is about how to compete properly, the rules, and fairplay even i give you the example, and still dont understand anything. means what? damn im gonna hurt you if i said it.
really hope someday in masters / champion someone using bug and whole community support the cheater team KEKW

posted about a year ago

exact round u talking about watch the cheater chyper what he doing if not spend time looking at the cam, are you somehow blind or only want to trash talking? heuh
When he put the cam there, no matter what reason is it advantage them or not, he already had the intention of cheating.
0 fairplay mentality
very simple conclusion, damn this guy eat his own loser thing

posted about a year ago

that's hard to find the evidence, because if im not wrong 2 round really obvious he peek to saw the atk side, and some round he peek it for sec and replace it to haven, and so many buy phase that covered by replay so we dunno exacly how many round he used it. simple right its already obvious he used it, he got advantage or not is it our problem?

When he put the cam there, no matter what reason is it advantage them or not, he already had the intention of cheating.
0 fairplay mentality and what shocked me is the community really backing up the cheater that's damn wooho

posted about a year ago

9.1.1 rulebook chypher tell everything, no need to discuss with you bru
esport and sport are same if we cannot mixed it why esport is on SEA GAMES? its basicly same right? we can said both thing are "COMPETITION", what the most important when u compete? FAIRPLAY!
Cheater always be on cheater mindset no matter argument we said.

posted about a year ago

the rulebook said it must be banned if you read it on chyper page. so wdyt? unfair?
so the QUESTION for SG

  • you guys better dq? is this unfair?
  • or gettin banned entire VCT tournament?

talking with 0 sportmanship people will never end huhu

i give you another example:
lets say marathon,
A guy has got shortcut before the match begin,
on the match day he use that shortcut because of that somehow he lead 1st place but he caught using it, what the BEST action this guy should take?

posted about a year ago

the bug is small thing for them bru, its not cheating fr? huhu you forgot what they choose?? continue the match without any punishment after USING BUG?

posted about a year ago

Something new from the mindset of a brain blocked by filth.
First of all, you try to use the bug whether it works or not on the replay no matter reason you talk shit you TRYING to use the bug, why is the team that was cheated and done fair play protest getin hated?
Second, from what I see Indonesia has done a walkout and did not force anything, because the organizers called it a "small thing" which in my opinion shows that you are the stupidest people who do not understand real FPS.

If there is an intention to cheat, don't playing victim role coward.

posted about a year ago

POV of hard stuck low elo watching pro game all about frag

posted about a year ago

they nerf one and only "good" thing from gekko, there's wingman can be last man. haha dead agent incoming

posted about a year ago

please up this :))

posted about a year ago

For Riot, you really need work on the stage the noise is really annoying for the player.
First : Booing is okay
Nah bro, its really one sided to attack the other team's mentality and we can say that's not fair
Second: They Crowds's cheer or what ever
Really effect the game play that really base on sounds, you think its fair?, i give you an example: Drx v Loud, Map: Split
When aspas and the other i dunno who flanking on ramen, they know exactly the timing when the drx player cross to B Main. How? the crowd help them by whoooooooo

So what you need to works to fix all of these riot?, just build sound proof glass in the middle of the stage, take example like TI Dota

posted about a year ago

this is the best agent for retake / some clutch moment, the defuse from util its way too strong

posted about a year ago

imagine getin help by the crowd every single game (who ever their oppnt), the crowd keep tellin the player information by yelling wooooo or something like that split timing, big L for this team

posted about a year ago

i dont think prx its the last form today, they try new strat and adjustment on that game game, like they not keep W for every team, they play more adaptive and still super aggresive but with more lower tempo, they learn holding shift now kekw

posted about a year ago

xerxia so underated, they fight so well and they almost beat fpx just 1 round deficit tbh they might be better than drx,loud,and kru

posted about a year ago

for prx fan no need to respons all korean dude, JELOUS detected. every word they will say it to rise their pride, but in fact only CLOWN, they think every past match mean = same result, what an dumb person i have ever seen, if ur country cannot reach same achievement as other dont be jelous buddy, that's why ur country crowned as THE MOST BULLYING COUNTRY LOL.

posted about a year ago

for what everyone want to rank up fast?, many player didnt deserve on his own rank, its made the game feel so annoying, like me on ascendant rank having sage with overall 38 ACS 10 - 13 game. -_- fck riot

posted about a year ago

no one expect drx will win anything, they didnt bring any something in this master.
same com, same style, same player, same mentality, same strat, same barking on stage. literaly nothing high expectation from drx

posted about a year ago

u guys please keep looking down prx and bet for optic, i wanna bet and get easy big ratio :)) like fnc game

posted about a year ago

NA 2nd time fraud??, optic match fixing in their final qualifier to gave better opportunity for their weak other team?, but unfortunately they got same bracket again KEKW just assumption

posted about a year ago

fnc not looking so good, still 1 man army team, the other one's onliner i think prx take this 2-0
optic drx 50:50 both not looking solid still so much chock, yay and rb still inconsistent so far

posted about a year ago

xerxia have a good fight and keep made strong vibes team, but they never made it

posted about a year ago

imagine prx win, 3 EMEA team will gone from this series OMGALUL

posted about a year ago

the scenario like asian team trying to take best FPS title from west region, 2 best asian will face each EMEA and NA best team.

posted about a year ago

go out site bro, breath fresh air , go find some social life, learn more about region and country. lel what a shit most bullying country keep shit talk about other

posted about a year ago

still 2-0/2-1 prx
the onliner didnt do much kekw

posted about a year ago

when u really hate some team/region
if they win: the enemy just SOO BAD LUCKY
if they lose: Classic minor region, what a dumb shitty mindset lol get out from ur cage buddy find some social life and learn

posted about a year ago

classic boring EU v EU match again kekw

posted about a year ago

when u cant accept a fact and u will barking like a dog blame everything LOL this guy slapped by reality

posted about a year ago

hope optic lose, we will get earlry finals LUL

posted about a year ago

is this already proven in this game? LMAO

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

aspas WHOOO???

posted about a year ago

its not like master 1 , especialy in the playoff vibes, so intens from their faces for both team

posted about a year ago

really hope nth win this, to kill overhyped train for korean its already too long

posted about a year ago

boom have no aim star tbh why they choose frostmind to kick out, this berserx guy really inconsistent, the team build for him to kill but still almost got minus KDA in every matchup, check it on their recent tournament. I think better their duelist out instead rather than frostmind

posted about a year ago

#early warning u will get very disapointed bru

posted about a year ago

i heard that from 1st tournament and nothing change, u need to wake up dont sleep for 2 years buddy its too long haha

posted about a year ago

they absolutely plan this, so we can got 2 team from west and east < gl for fpx lul

posted about a year ago

stop reading at first 3 word BIG L LOL, just good luck hope ur dream in other universe comes truee

posted about a year ago

u are the joke lol, are u not confident to ur beloved overrated team ? are u scare they didnt made it into playoff? HAHAHHA

posted about a year ago

many big fan service team didnt qualified like m3c,liquid,sentinels,zeta. Maybe this can be one reason M2 will gettin drop viewership, and the new team that qualified didnt provide same atmosphere to hype up for them

posted about a year ago
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