Flag: China
Registered: March 7, 2024
Last post: May 10, 2024 at 12:37 PM
Posts: 5

EDG just don't look the same anymore. Compared to last year's Masters Tokyo and Champs LA the team just does not feel the same, kk's opping feels off and less frequent than last year but he did say that he took some time to work on his rifle which I understand. But at the same time what are they doing with the roles? From the offseason to stage 1 the roles and agents for each of the players have been different for almost every match. What is the reasoning??? Does EDG need a roster change?

posted 3 weeks ago

Guys does yay deserve anything in life? Is yay destined to be shit for the rest of his career? DFMWIN

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

Why the FUCK is kk on kayo now? Can someone explain pls.

posted 1 month ago