Flag: Vietnam
Registered: February 22, 2022
Last post: May 16, 2024 at 2:48 PM
Posts: 61
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posted 9 months ago

successful. personally i just didn't want every chinese team grouped LMAO but blg beating nrg twice in their debut, edg getting to playoffs and losing to teams that most people see winning all of champions. can't be mad at that. on some copium that they make longer runs though

posted 9 months ago

tl;dr - i think what eg are doing is a bit much.

yeah. def think it can be excessive. i felt that way with fpx given a) it was unprovoked shittalking towards a team that was already unfavored to win, and b) they (eg) were the favorites to win the entire bracket and c) to my knowledge, fpx have never said anything, and all bilibili and edg do are showboat after popping off irl (which who doesn't).

not trying to infantilize the competitors on the chinese teams since the players we see today aren't 100% new to the scene, but you're right in that there wasn't any official support until just recently. it is punching down imo to shittalk a region to this extent. don't want to make this even longer but when people shittalk emea or na, the dynamics are different.

posted 9 months ago

we out here.

posted 9 months ago

tl;dr - changed my mindset on trashtalk. nice to see underdogs win and more storylines develop. exciting bracket ahead.

the greatest tournament so far. val's my first esport i'm following and i was on the fence about trash talk before just because some of the comments about fpx seemed like kicking someone while they were down (region relatively new to the game, they were already not favored to win/worst in vct, etc.), but seeing blg, a team i truthfully hadn't really rated highly or thought about seriously take down nrg in groups is enough for me to argue in favor of it. stakes are raised, now we have fnc vs loud (again) and edg vs eg. super excited.

posted 9 months ago

not getting grouped is enough for me TBH but definitely on the hopium they make good runs in playoffs

posted 9 months ago

that's too low if we're being honest. let's be real and say they're guaranteed top 2.

posted 9 months ago

a couple months is all it took for na's one of (if not the most) consistent team down. we getting silly silly with bilibili.

posted 9 months ago

13-0 inbound. edward's going to be gaming. eg trying to be evil with no geniuses. the game hasn't even started and it's already over.

posted 9 months ago

a couple months is all it took. no flukes. two games. edg vs eg next. we're gaming.

posted 9 months ago

nah it'd definitely his fault for talking shit lolz. whole team did doggy doo doo but he made the loss even worse by shit talking to get 2-0'd.

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

gets smoked off, walks into the smoke and no scopes for the kill. what a guy man

posted 9 months ago

it's really nice to see how strong chinese teams gotten in such a short amount of time. fpx kinda got stomped but we've seen pro teams like eg themselves get 13-0'd so at least they got something on the board. blg's debut pushing nrg to ot even if it was blg's map pick is still a statement. super excited to see how chinese val develops

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago


posted 10 months ago

the negative reaction to it was more about judging it at first glance. people thought it would be a glorification of the dude who built the thing that needlessly wiped out populations of civilians.

instead, it's a scathing indictment on imperialism and america's hunger for war. there's a LOT of people on twitter who's complaint was that there wasn't any japanese people in the movie, but it kind of adds to the message about how oppenheimer nor the people around him didn't really gaf about who they were killing. there's straight up a scene where one of the military dudes "saves" kyoto because he and his wife visited there and it's just so unbelievably fucked

posted 10 months ago

yeah can we give the kid a break? he's just a 20 year old minor. a baby. he doesn't know any better. he got picked up by c9 out of college. as we all know, college isn't a institution of higher learning or anything. how was he supposed to know that defending xenophobia or racism is bad. give him a break. he lost in his video game can everyone please send him some sympathy. /s

posted 10 months ago

if he said the generic pr response from the beginning it would've been believable but yeah he literally defended her LMAO. he's 20 years old btw so he can't even use the "just a kid" response

posted 10 months ago

interstellar's my fav. the prestige is a respectable choice though

posted 10 months ago

my thoughts exactly lmao. there's a reason why if you go on most EMPLOYED people's twitter they'll have something in their bio like "tweets/thoughts are my own." people talking about cancel culture don't understand actions have consequences. if his girlfriend's tweets weren't bad enough on their own, him defending her rhetoric speaks for itself lol

posted 10 months ago


posted 10 months ago


posted 10 months ago

what exactly was the point of the pick? they didn't really do anything spectacular. just tp fake and tp fake, and idk they didn't even spam off info from yoru ult. idgi

posted 10 months ago

imagining the shit talk in chat... QUIET WhispeR

posted 11 months ago

random thought but if scream ever played for loud his ign would be LOUD ScreaM and i think that's kind of funny

posted 11 months ago

bottom text

posted 11 months ago

how does 2EZ4EG sound

posted 11 months ago

but they locked in cypher on lotus. what do they know that we don't

posted 11 months ago

the song is def corny imo but in a fun way. can't wait for masters

posted 11 months ago

wait where?

posted 11 months ago

older faze members bullying who the org signs when they sold out to venture capital lmao. at first it was just criticizing the signing bc she had no prior connection to gaming + other people have been grinding for faze which are fair reasons, but then it devolved into people bullying her because she's a woman. shitty crypto scam org LOL

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

pepperidge farms remembers

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

as far as i'm concerned george geddes is a sexist and a predator who the scene would be better off without lmao.

posted about a year ago

is it alright if i ask for a source? i don't think you're lying or anything like that, i just wanted to hear more on why they made that decision

posted about a year ago

tl;dr if you're not reading allat - ash not being mc of pokemon anime is fine.

i think it was a fitting send off for the character! the finale was fun, and having things go full circle at the end was really nice. like yeah, the anime helps capitalize off the games and vice versa/pokemon company just wants to make money blah blah blah, but the new anime looks really good so far. i think ash's story being left finished as it is is perfectly fine. starts out losing championship, wins at the end, learns that being pokemon master is about making friends with pokemon everywhere, very fitting for the franchise.

posted about a year ago

what had happened was

posted about a year ago

of all time. for right now.

posted about a year ago

playing on site post plant knowing the enemy team has harbor ult is rough

posted about a year ago

goddamn. good for him real shit

posted about a year ago

idk much about cs or the pro scene so i can't comment on anyone but damn winning two huge tournaments at 17 is fucking insane

posted about a year ago

the "I have information that could lead to _'s arrest/the arrest of ___" is a copypasta/meme.

posted about a year ago

i'd like to see how c9's performance goes from here. def agree that there's better valorant to be played

posted about a year ago

true. watching eg get thriftied that many times hurt my soul. just thought for having just been picked up, jake looked good on pearl and runi picked up on the second half of fracture.

posted about a year ago

built the guard, now c9 looking p good. ngl i was a doubter at the beginning of the match but i see the vision now

posted about a year ago

off the top of my head

posted about a year ago

this is the craziest thing i've ever read on this website

posted about a year ago


posted about 2 years ago
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