Flag: Poland
Registered: February 8, 2023
Last post: May 31, 2024 at 9:39 AM
Posts: 32

They are all good ofc but that's not like they are soo much better than him like you said
Zander was highest rated out of them in Stage 1 too

posted 13 hours ago

Well yes, but if you cant speak the language IGLing would be hard I guess

posted 14 hours ago

Would he speak chinese tho? I think Yoman can do it because he was IGL in chinese teams and I doubt Stax can do it
If he would speak their language he would be really good signing as well ofc

posted 14 hours ago

I would looove to see Zander in some good Tier1 team

posted 14 hours ago

Yea I meant Haodong, thats why I an talking about IGL and Ini swap

posted 14 hours ago

Get Yoman to IGL instead of Haodong no? I feel like they are so lost on the map
It seems like they lack firepower from the other guys too
Like there are better players than Nobody and Haodong (They both had great Tokyo but we didnt see that performance since then)
For example AAAAY seems more consistent and straight up better initiator so him and Yoman who was IGL in China last year would be good pickups no?

posted 14 hours ago

He stepped up now against PRX though

posted 16 hours ago

Well yea in their Madrid form they would probably win against everyone no? They literally won international with their Madrid form
The hard thing is to stay in that form for a long time

posted 19 hours ago

C0m exist

posted 19 hours ago

I feel like he is too good for Tier2 and slightly too bad for Tier1 sadly, yea Apeks is good but Polaris is not a good region, they are the only team there now after Focus went to DACH and I feel like Spain, DACH and France are better leagues

posted 2 days ago

I just heard rumors that he is set to be benched, if thats not true and qck is gone for Pancada to be in, I am full in on them again vamos LOUD

posted 3 days ago

I feel like "losing" Less will be hard to overcome, but LOUD always had some shitty middle of the season, and they always bounced back so maybe that will happen again

posted 3 days ago

Well yea Leo is really good and consistent, but he is on that highest level since last year really (yea Guild existed but noone cares really)
Aspas on the other hand feels like the best player in the world since he joined LOUD back in the early 2022.
While I feel like Leo, Chronicle and others are in the talks, I see aspas as the goat

posted 3 days ago

Well yea, I wouldnt do that if I were them, but when it came off it wasnt looking that bad no?
I mean, C0M was playing really well last time (Champs) so they thought it will be upgrade.
Anyway benching nzr so late in the offseason wasnt a good move, and now we can see that was terrible move

posted 4 days ago


posted 4 days ago

I gotta be there

posted 1 week ago

Yea I am from EU and I am so fine with time zone wdym??
10AM and 1PM for me

posted 1 week ago

Why arent you in pro yet? We dont see much pros from India, maybe you should think about going pro

posted 4 weeks ago

I remember while kickoff and Madrid everyone was shitting on Tomaszy, saying that he needs to be replaced and all.
I remember Fizzy, his former teammate being based and saying that kid needs time to transfer from duelist to Viper only.
Now Tomaszy 4 games in a row looks like the best player in KC (Together with N4RRATE ofc)
You guys here need to chill out sometimes before judging some players

posted 4 weeks ago

Its better for the game to nerf than to buff, imagine the world with pre nerfs Jett, Chamber, Raze and then imagine that all agents had to be buffed to match them. This game would be so bad to play then, only spells would matter and nothing else and I want to remind yall that Valorant is shooting game, so that is really good that spells are less important than your personal mechanics and skill

posted 1 month ago

No, they are already 1st seed so this is only for 1 championship point (They won't need them)

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

I will start this by saying that I dont know any insides so thats just some speculations

But thats kinda weird that Elma was on GenG and they were mid, he left and now they are literally on top.
He joined FNC when they were still one of the best teams in the world, and now they are mid.

Do you think he is the problem or just coincidance?

posted 1 month ago

Nope, just checked and he was close but not better
Better than I thought tho, but stats are not everything right

posted 2 months ago

He was, Jawgemo was close but Jinggg was more consistent in 2023 and whole carrier overall
Aspas was always mid Raze tbh, He is Jett master tho

posted 2 months ago

Yea that's true, a lot of teams blunder map vetos somehow. Most of them have a perma ban or even 2 maps that they would like to ban, but that destroys them against the team that Sentinels is now

posted 2 months ago

Sadly i have to agree, but he is there only for substitute so they will be fine problably

posted 2 months ago

I could say someone like Less, Suygetsu and Demon1 but that's obvious.
Kamo is not that obvous, young gun but you will see.
Check his fragmovies btw they are fire

posted 3 months ago

Literally first smart topic I've ever read here

posted 4 months ago