Flag: Philippines
Registered: August 11, 2021
Last post: December 9, 2023 at 2:59 AM
Posts: 267
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70k votes update:

  1. DRX MaKo
  2. EG Demon1
  3. PRX Jinggg
  4. LOUD aspas
  5. LOUD Less
  6. PRX something
  7. EG Ethan
  8. PRX f0rsakeN
  9. EG jawgemo
  10. PRX d4v41

PS: I guess someone has been voting against Alfajer? He's 14th atm

posted 9 months ago

Oh votes means answers, so the survey has been answered 50k times as of now. The website also records how many unique users voted and it says 546.

posted 9 months ago

It's still going to be 2 random people all the time.

posted 9 months ago

40k votes update:

  1. LOUD aspas
  2. EG Demon1
  3. FNC Alfajer
  4. PRX Jinggg
  5. EG Ethan
  6. LOUD Less
  7. PRX something
  8. FNC Leo
  9. PRX f0rsakeN
  10. EG jawgemo
posted 9 months ago

20k votes update:

  1. EG Demon1
  2. EG Ethan
  3. LOUD aspas
  4. FNC Alfajer
  5. LOUD Less
  6. PRX f0rsakeN
  7. PRX Jinggg
  8. EG jawgemo
  9. FNC Leo
  10. EG C0M
posted 9 months ago

Hi there! I'm back with this years player ranking survey since Champions just finished.

Survey link:

The site will present you 2 players from any region. All you have to do is choose the "better" player between the two. There is no criteria on what "better" means so it's up to your opinion on which criteria you would use to pick out the better player. You can stop the survey anytime by just leaving the website.

The players in the survey include everyone who participated in the regional leagues as well as the Chinese teams which made it into a LAN event this year.
If you don't know any of the players, you can click on "I can't decide" to skip. You can keep answering as much pairs as you want but you can also stop at any time.

For reference, here are the previous years' rankings.

Top 20 Players of 2021

  1. GMB nAts
  2. ACE cNed
  3. SEN TenZ
  4. TL ScreaM
  5. NV yay
  6. GMB Chronicle
  7. FNC Derke
  8. KRU keznit
  9. C9 leaf
  10. 100T Asuna
  11. ACE zeek
  12. SEN ShahZaM
  13. TL Jamppi
  14. ACE starxo
  15. TL Nivera
  16. TL L1NK
  17. GMB d3ffo
  18. NV crashies
  19. SEN SicK
  20. 100T Ethan

Top 20 Players of 2022

  1. OPTC yay
  3. FPX Shao
  4. FPX ardiis
  5. LOUD aspas
  6. FNC Derke
  7. PRX f0rsaken
  8. PRX Jinggg
  9. FNC Alfajer
  10. DRX BuZz
  11. LOUD Less
  12. LOUD pANcada
  13. LOUD Sacy
  14. M3C nAts
  15. DRX MaKo
  16. DRX stax
  17. TL ScreaM
  18. XSET Cryocells
  19. OPTC crashies
  20. FPX Zyppan
posted 9 months ago

just like his judge ace in ascent in iceland 2021 lmao

posted 10 months ago

i think sayf and jampii switched pcs

posted 10 months ago

Ngl I'd totally cop a jacket with Chronicle's name printed on the back

Sadly, they don't ship to my country :(

posted 11 months ago

damn the current world champions didnt even win a single map this tournament

posted 11 months ago

*The best team in the world isn't an NA team*

NA: "Damn time to quit this game"

posted 11 months ago

Chronicle has made the Grand Finals of each international VCT LAN event he has attended.

GOAT shit

posted 11 months ago

Leo > Sheydos
Derke > d3ffo
Chronicle = Chronicle
Alfajer >= nAts
Boaster > Redgar

This Fnatic team is just an improved version of Gambit which was already insane

posted 11 months ago

steel ball run

posted about a year ago

Code Geass

But if you want something really close to Eva, watch Rahxephon

posted about a year ago

It was probably like that Phil Jackson timeout during the 2000 WCF when he just said "I'll see you guys next year" when the Lakers were down 15.

posted about a year ago

bruh cmon

posted about a year ago

Yeah that's true. cNed is maybe an A-tier rifler, while everyone else in the server except for boaster is A+/S

posted about a year ago

I think he's just overshadowed by his teammates in rifling. Suygetsu, Shao, and sometimes even Zyppan are world class riflers. Ange1 when he's on is a great rifler lol

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

"tangina niyo, borkum time"

which roughly translates to "fuck you, borkum time"

posted about a year ago

Less than two months? They didn't even play together in the Red Bull event since nAts and Redgar were out.

posted about a year ago

He has less deaths than the number of rounds TS won what the fuck

posted about a year ago
  1. Red Ego
  2. White Ego
  3. Pink Ego
posted about a year ago

After each year's VCT Champions, I conducted a survey to see which players are the best in the game. The 2021 survey had 65,173 votes while the 2022 survey had 51,865 votes. Here are the results.

Top 20 Players of 2021

  1. Ayaz "nAts" Akhmetshin
  2. Mehmet "cNed" İpek
  3. Tyson "TenZ" Ngo
  4. Adil "ScreaM" Benrlitom
  5. Jaccob "yay" Whiteaker
  6. Timofey "Chronicle" Khromov
  7. Nikita "Derke" Sirmitev
  8. Angelo "keznit" Mori
  9. Nathan "leaf" Orf
  10. Peter "Asuna" Mazuryk
  11. Aleksander "zeek" Zygmunt
  12. Shahzeb "ShahZaM" Khan
  13. Elias "Jamppi" Olkkonen
  14. Patryk "starxo" Kopczyński
  15. Nabil "Nivera" Benrlitom
  16. Travis "L1NK" Mendoza
  17. Nikita "d3ffo" Sudakov
  18. Austin "crashies" Roberts
  19. Hunter "SicK" Mims
  20. Ethan "Ethan" Arnold

Top 20 Players of 2022

  1. Jaccob "yay" Whiteaker
  2. Dmitry "SUYGETSU" Ilyushin
  3. Andrey "Shao" Kiprsky
  4. Ardis "ardiis" Svarenieks
  5. Erick "aspas" Santos
  6. Nikita "Derke" Sirmitev
  7. Jason "f0rsakeN" Susanto
  8. Jing Jie "Jinggg" Wang
  9. Emir "Alfajer" Beder
  10. Byung-chul "BuZz" Yu
  11. Felipe "Less" Basso
  12. Bryan "pANcada" Luna
  13. Gustavo "Sacy" Rossi
  14. Ayaz "nAts" Akhmetshin
  15. Kim "MaKo" Myeong-kwan
  16. Kim "stax" Gu-taek
  17. Adil "ScreaM" Benrlitom
  18. Matthew "Cryocells" Panganiban
  19. Austin "crashies" Roberts
  20. Pontus "Zyppan" Eek
posted about a year ago

I agree. The dude was OPing as Breach at one point so I'm pretty sure he can adjust.

Either that or Sayf goes duelist which isn't that unlikely

posted about a year ago

Oh yeah Vitality is solid for sure but I don't think they're at the level of Fnatic with Chronicle and Leo; or Liquid with nAts and Redgar

posted about a year ago

cNed in Vitality is literally the same as ZywOo and friends.

I really want cNed to be in a top team but as it stands right now, none of the top EMEA teams need an OPer

posted about a year ago

Sheydos would honestly be a better fit for Liquid since he's pretty much a better soulcas. I won't complain if they get nAts though.

Also, have people forgotten about nukkye?

posted about a year ago

46k vote update:

  1. OPTC yay
  3. FPX Shao
  4. FPX ardiis
  5. FNC Derke
  6. LOUD aspas
  7. PRX f0rsakeN
  8. PRX Jinggg
  9. FNC Alfajer
  10. DRX BuZz
posted about a year ago

It's totally random so I guess AvovA just likes you lmao

posted about a year ago

A common complaint from last year's Top 10 is that only one player (keznit) is from outside NA/EMEA.

Now the top 10 has 1 NA, 3 EMEA, 2 BR, 2 SEA, 2 KR.

posted about a year ago

I don't know who'd win but I feel like the Grand Finals would be C9W vs those 5 kids across my street who play Valorant

posted about a year ago

Rank these matches based off entertainment

2021 Reykjavik - SEN vs FNC
2021 Berlin - GMB vs NV
2021 Champions - ACE vs GMB
2022 Reykjavik - OPTC vs LOUD
2022 Copenhagen - FPX vs PRX
2022 Champions - LOUD vs OPTC

My personal ranking would be:
2021 Champions
2022 Champions
2022 Copenhagen
2022 2021 Berlin
2022 Reykjavik
2021 Reykjavik

All of them were pretty good though.

posted about a year ago

No way Liquid is cutting Nivera while ScreaM is on the team. The only possible move here is -dimasick +Redgar. Dimasick has been great but it's obvious that an IGL is more important now.

If ScreaM leaves (which I really don't see happening), Nivera would probably also leave. You then replace Nivera with nAts and Scream with nukkye or Chronicle

This leaves you with:

I guess this team is about the same strength as 2021 Gambit since Jamppi > d3ffo, soulcas < Sheydos

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

After around 20,000 votes, the top 10 are:

  1. OPTC yay
  2. LOUD Less
  3. LOUD aspas
  4. PRX f0rsakeN
  5. FNC Derke
  6. DRX BuZz
  8. FPX ardiis
  9. DRX stax
  10. FPX Shao

I have also removed some less-known players from the overall list. This makes the choices a bit "easier" as more well-known players will appear.

posted about a year ago

Derke - Mr. Top 21

posted about a year ago

Redgar deserves better

posted about a year ago

After around 10,000 votes, the top 10 are:

  1. OPTC yay
  2. LOUD Less
  3. LOUD aspas
  4. DRX stax
  5. LOUD saadhak
  6. XSET zekken
  8. FNC Derke
  9. FPX Zyppan
  10. FPX Shao
posted about a year ago

Maybe after some time, I'll try to remove the players which barely have any votes from the choices. I'll wait for the list to settle a bit first though.

posted about a year ago

I doubt players from EXL, AE, OGLU would even crack the Top 60 anyway so it's fine to keep them there. I just added every LCQ team for uniformity's sake. I can't just add Chronicle, Nats, etc. and leave out the rest because people would then ask why I'm choosing specific players. If the player shown barely even sniffed LAN then just don't vote for him unless you really think he's worthy of the vote.

posted about a year ago

Since Champions just finished, here's the player ranking survey for this year.

Survey link:

The site will present you 2 players from any region. All you have to do is choose the "better" player between the two. There is no criteria on what "better" means so it's up to your opinion on which criteria you would use to pick out the better player. You can stop the survey anytime by just leaving the website.

The players in the survey include everyone who participated in Champions + the regional LCQ teams.

If you don't know any of the players, you can click on "I can't decide" to skip. You can keep answering as much pairs as you want but you can also stop at any time.

For reference, the player ranking after 2021 Champions was:

  1. GMB nAts
  2. ACE cNed
  3. SEN TenZ
  4. TL ScreaM
  5. NV yay
  6. GMB Chronicle
  7. FNC Derke
  8. KRU keznit
  9. C9 leaf
  10. 100T Asuna
  11. ACE zeek
  12. SEN ShahZaM
  13. TL Jamppi
  14. ACE starxo
  15. TL Nivera
  16. TL L1NK
  17. GMB d3ffo
  18. NV crashies
  19. SEN SicK
  20. 100T Ethan

Thank you for reading my post and participating!

posted about a year ago

EMEA has so many good players that you could probably make 2 to 3 different superteams and just arrange them on how you see them fit in with the other players.

You can probably start off with a pool that goes

OPer: cNed, Jamppi, Derke, ardiis
Flex/Duelist: nukkye, ScreaM, alfajer, Chronicle
Initiator: Leo, Shao, soulcas, Sheydos
Viper/Sentinel: SUYGETSU, nAts, Meddo, Nivera
IGL: ANGE1, Boaster, Redgar, BONECOLD(?)

Then tbh just mix and match.

posted about a year ago

It's because of the minerals that come from the rocks on the land. Water, whether from the rain or the waves, corrodes these rocks. The minerals from these rocks eventually gets washed up and reach the sea or ocean thus making it salty.

posted about a year ago

id like to cancel the subscription to my eyes

posted about a year ago

So a Chilean 2021 Jamppi

posted about a year ago

I haven't watched KRU a lot outside of LANs but I've always noticed that NagZ, despite being an OPer, doesn't have eye-popping stats or an outstanding K/D. Do I only catch him at his bad games? His stats rn remind me of d3ffo back in GMB/M3C where he wouldn't frag out despite being on Jett. In d3ffo's defense though, all of his teammates are cracked so he doesn't need to frag out too much. Is it the same case with NagZ?

I don't mean to shit on NagZ or anything I was just really curious.

posted about a year ago

The Philippines has a lot of young promising talents. We can probs build another PH superteam once everyone in TS retires. The question is will that superteam be enough to make it to LANs

posted about a year ago
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