Flag: Bulgaria
Registered: November 18, 2022
Last post: April 1, 2023 at 2:52 PM
Posts: 362
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Just like they said there would be many offseason events in 2022, and in the end almost nothing happened

posted about a year ago

Not really, EMEA is just very competitive region, thank god Fnatic comebacked and we have 4 slots

posted about a year ago

I did watch the matches. "Creating space" didn't work in 2022 anymore, as we can see by M3C results and failure to qualify to any international tournament.

Show me a single team from major region in 2022, which had duelist consistently scoring below 200 ACS but qualified to international event.

posted about a year ago

You're the only one embarrasing yourself reminiscing about deffo's Masters Berlin form which is long gone.

posted about a year ago

Personal issue? More like straight up underperformance

Yes I mixed up purp0 and Jady, it's been almost a year since then

posted about a year ago

I agree it's ironic, and you don't even realize how ironic it is

"It was M3C strategy that d3ffo wasn't getting kills" copium

posted about a year ago

I watched a lot of Gambit games, and what I clearly saw is that d3ffo was not up to the level of his teammates. A duelist must get frags. There's a reason he was kicked for Jady at the very end.

posted about a year ago

Don't act smart when you're not smart, just because the guy wasn't getting kills he needed to get, doesn't mean there was some secret M3C gameplan to make up for it.

They lost Masters 1 qualification, lost Masters 2 qualification, every time they were 1 game away from qualifying, because of d3ffo.

posted about a year ago

There was no strategy, there were 4 non-duelist guys doing all the d3ffo's work, you're literally coping right now. Every duelist is supposed to be getting entry kills, be on the top of the scoreboard, carry the team from time to time, d3ffo was never like this.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Exactly. Entry jett MUST frag. d3ffo was the only entry jett in tier1 who didn't.

The biggest reason why they didn't qualify to anything last year was literally d3ffo. You're very biased towards him.

posted about a year ago

No way you seriously said that

posted about a year ago

d3ffo deserved to get kicked, his performance was horrible ever since Masters Berlin

posted about a year ago

Even if we were to adjust EMEA and BR to their respective playerbases, I'm sure EMEA aiming skills would be just as good as BR's, perhaps even better

posted about a year ago

I can literally make a much bigger list for EMEA, all of whom have equal or better aiming skills than these players

Brazil is known as phantom abusing region, you can't aim for shit with vandals

posted about a year ago

BR firepower is so overrated

posted about a year ago

Astonishing that a team of boomers manages to stay among the best for so long
Truly shows the level of Valorant

posted about a year ago

Keep the cope going, IQ is the best way to measure intelligence, Polgar scored 170.

posted about a year ago

None of these jobs discourage men, they are simply more preferred by women. It's the same in esports, women don't like tryharding FPS games but somehow people want to force them to play it for the sake of equity.

posted about a year ago

IQ is the most valuable test in the aspect of evaluating cognitive abilities of any given person. There's nothing which is more demostrating than IQ test in this regard.

When Hikaru Nakamura scored 102 on Mensa, he was literally trolling and responding to chat. In reality his IQ can't be less than 130-140, likely even more.

Polgar was born in Hungary, where almost every jew is Ashkenazi.
75k in Hungary, that's about the entire number of jews there.

I strongly believe in innateness of average intelligence by ethnic groups which differs between one another. Here Polgar represents one of the smartest women on Earth by cognitive functions because of her being a jew with inherently intelligent parents, hence why she is so successful.

posted about a year ago

Her IQ is naturally much higher than the IQ of any person in the world. Or cognitive abilities, whatever you want to call it.

Jews are known to be on average very smart. Surely you're not dumb enough to believe all ethnic groups are equally intelligent?

posted about a year ago

I never said women aren't competitive, I said on average not as competitive as men.
You also need to have good genetics to be as smart as Judit Polgar.

posted about a year ago

And? Judit Polgar is an exception. There have definitely been tens of thousands of more girls raised apart from "societal norms" who played chess and didn't achieve anything at all.

She and her sisters were heavily trained since the very beginning of their lives and were basically deprived of childhood. Nothing like this happened to vast majority of both male and female grandmasters or even regular players.

Not to mention they all have high jewish IQ due to genetics.

posted about a year ago

All the rebuttals to the argument are biased towards societal aspect

posted about a year ago

Equity is wrong, it gives undeserved opportunities to a certain group of people, meanwhile neglecting the hard work of a fraction of other group of people.

It's like if you were required to have a quota - 40% of all workers in the company must be female for the sake of equity attempt, although only 10% of them are good enough for the job, meanwhile the rest are worse than the males you can hire.

posted about a year ago

Discouraged? Perhaps. Is this the only reason? No. They simply don't have the same competitive drive.

posted about a year ago

Why do we need equity?

posted about a year ago

Sexist in what way?

As far as I can see, there are only-women tournaments in chess, but no only-men tournaments. So the sexism you talk about is in fact against men.

posted about a year ago

My point is that "social and cultural norms" are overrated.

Why in chess women are 15-20% of playerbase, yet only 2% of FIDE grandmasters are women?

Are you gonna try to say women are somehow discouraged from playing chess? Or that they simply don't want to?

posted about a year ago

So it's unlikely that an average male would be more competitive than the average female GIVEN that they are raised under similar sociocultural ethics and norms.

We literally have all the data that hints otherwise. Not a single biological woman has ever made it far in any game that requires fast reflexes. By your logic, there must have been at least few female outliers already, after two decades of esports.

Men are born to be more aggressive and competitive in regard to sports/esports, as they have a lot more testosterone and drive to beat up opponents.

posted about a year ago

What is the percentage of presidents, doctors, engineers, lawyers which are women?
Not to mention that esports or sports is a lot different.

posted about a year ago

What are men discouraged to do, particularly? What are you referring to?

posted about a year ago

Just bring in more women and parity will be achieved Clueless

posted about a year ago

What about inborn competitiveness of sexes?

posted about a year ago

Florescent is not a woman, either nonbinary or trans, imagine seriously thinking that's a good argument you're making

You started well though, testosterone does matter

posted about a year ago

And you want to increase the tax bracket even further, that's the point of your initial comment

posted about a year ago

No one is talking about the same amount, I'm talking about the same percentage

Every day you seem less and less like a real person

posted about a year ago

Bro thinks taxes must be crazy for the people who became rich by their own hard work 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀

posted about a year ago

Weird example, perhaps you're stuck in past century

posted about a year ago

When he wants to raise taxes ONLY for the rich, it's socialism.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Why do billionaries bother you? They earned their fortune rightfully

posted about a year ago

So you're literally a socialist

posted about a year ago

That was literally 1.5 years ago, and d3ffo wasn't shining either
Wolfen is a much better player

posted about a year ago

d3ffo is not a tier1 player as proven many times during his performances at Gambit/M3C

posted about a year ago

There's not enough talent for all franchise teams to have GC teams
Unless you wanna sign random female immortals just for the sake of it

posted about a year ago

Scream and stax are washed

posted about a year ago

How is it shit?
Statistically, winning both pistols almost guarantees you a map

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Statistically 83% games at Masters Berlin a team which won 2 pistols won the map

posted about a year ago
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