Flag: Cook Islands
Registered: September 24, 2021
Last post: November 27, 2022 at 6:10 AM
Posts: 403
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what is giving you that sense of false narrative lol

posted about a year ago

rent free kekw

posted about a year ago

i swear all people care about is how much viewership it will bring when talking about sen roster change

posted about a year ago

it's not like a single big event that happened but rather just him basically denying all the criticism, lying, and insulting people who criticized him for the past 1-2 years

posted about a year ago

Realistic speaking 1 is the most likely option. He knew he's not gonna stay long but need to fix his ego lord image so other teams would give him a shot

posted about a year ago

fans like you are the reason shahz been thinking he's never at fault and anyone who criticizes him is wrong

posted about a year ago

Is it a next step forward to a greater valorant esports scene?
Or is it slowly killing the scene instead?

posted about a year ago

please dont summon the cs frogs they had like 3M viewership

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

"no you didn't bench me its me benching myself"

posted about a year ago

ever since he got kicked from c9 csgo his brain got increasing smaller

posted about a year ago

lol TenZ's mechanical skill is miles ahead of those boomer cs pros lol

posted about a year ago

feels kinda bad knowing people will probably tune in with 0 interest in the final game but only for drops

posted about a year ago

feels like every valo tournament follows this pattern, having good viewership on the first day and maybe 1-2 big matches in group stage, then the viewership constantly fall but goes back up abit in Finals

posted about a year ago

do NOT put me on your fucking list

posted about a year ago

They overpeek way too much

read #1 again

posted about a year ago

I'm pretty positive the viewership is artifically inflated, they have been doing this for many years especially in LoL. On the front pages of their popular streaming platforms you could see like a FULL PAGE of random streamers/channels with 2M+ concurrent viewers. They are inflating the viewercount so that their platform looks alive and popular.

posted about a year ago

dont act like you could do better

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

all my homies do flashy useless flicks only

posted about a year ago

in the controller role as well, which is considered the hardest role to master

yea i was trying to say that, which explains the low numbers from shroud despite he's not playing bad

posted about a year ago

yea obviously because that is the only comment on this site that actually had brain cells processed on

posted about a year ago

In terms of kills he did bad but do you realize the plays outside of that? Most of his kills were smart, high impact, his smokes had great timing and perfect flashes to assist TenZ & others, certainly a random guy from Knights Monthly cant do better than that

posted about a year ago

you have to be stupid to think hes not playing the worst and hardest role in the game, and he did well

posted about a year ago

stfu you wont achieve anything near shroud had achieved in your life

posted about a year ago

lol nah ur iron the guy is literally the smoker of the team / assisting teammates

posted about a year ago

Adding shroud for a quick fan base growth, put him in the worst role in the game, made him embarrass himself in front of 300k viewers, even made Tarik replaces shroud as the biggest watchparty channel.

posted about a year ago

because of zellsis

posted about a year ago

I have a life (not dead yet)

posted about a year ago

please dont make valorant an actual child game

posted about a year ago

The low skill ceiling intrinsic to valorant's game design will never breed a s1mple in our game.

posted about a year ago

speaking of rent free

posted about a year ago

they will lose 0-2 with shroud going 17-32 on two maps and their fans will say shit like "they weren't trying there best" "they are still new"

posted about a year ago

Tenz and scream for sure. Mediocre cs pros that got praised as literal gods of valorant just because they are the first few people who know how this game works.

posted about a year ago

why people hate us so much?

there u go

posted about a year ago

its not a bubble all my friends in school is playing

posted about a year ago

hopefully its just temporary Sadge

posted about a year ago

It is clear that valorant esports is getting better and more alive with each event we have had, not to mention the increasing fan base the orgs are gaining from playing in this game which is getting increasingly popular across all regions. Maybe riot made it difficult for the orgs but still it doesn't add up.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

despite how much I hate people painting stereotypes on the Japanese crowd they DO swing like robots

posted about a year ago

you know, and

posted about a year ago

Just so you know PGL Stockholm has an even higher peak

posted about a year ago

why are you comparing masters to non-major cs events

posted about a year ago

it really just depends on which watch party you are watching

posted about a year ago

damn holyshit

posted about a year ago

Our esport scene is probably the only popular esport where watch parties are having way more views than the actual channel. Do you like this meta? If no, why?

posted about a year ago

mechanically speaking shroud is much better

posted about a year ago

don't vote in a beauty contest if you are not prettier!!!!!

posted about a year ago
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