Flag: International
Registered: April 8, 2021
Last post: August 22, 2021 at 10:20 AM
Posts: 23

Because evidently there are more people talking about TenZ fans in these forums than TenZ fans are currently , ironically these guys are producing conversations regarding said person more than the fanboys they claim 'dickride him' are doing.

posted about 2 years ago

Ah yes they'll read this and suddenly start giving a fuck.

posted about 2 years ago

There are a lot of them everywhere . But yes most of the vocal people on this particular site currently speaking about tenz fans outweigh the fans actually talking about him on this site , but in total , there're still a shit ton of them . Nothing unusual though , back in 2017 there was a time period when s1mple started gaining this cult-like following as well , although most of this cult-like following isn't very visible nowadays , it's not unusual for exceptional players who are also very popular to have one based on the many years I have followed esports.

posted about 2 years ago

High ping is in general a disadvantage , that is undeniable . You have more delay to everything compared to a lower ping player , have worse hit registry etc. But when peeking , high ping causes worse peeker's advantage for both parties , the peeker and the one who is being peeked. So if the peeker has high ping , then that peeker will have more peeker's advantage on a person who the high ping player is peeking. This compared to someone with lower ping than the high ping player peeking the same person , will cause less peeker's advantage. Basically the higher your ping , the more peeker's advantage you have.
Refer to what val devs said:

How do you measure it?
Some of the values are constant:
NETWORK INTERP DELAY = 7.8125ms (this is "buffering" to smooth out enemy player positions on your screen. It is tuneable with the "Network Buffering" setting in the options menu, if you have poor internet or bandwidth)
SERVER FRAMERATE = 7.8125ms (1/128th of a second, 128-tick servers)
Others are not:
1-WAY NETWORK LAG is based on game server locations, your (and your opponents) geographic locations, and Riot Direct routing paths. We are targeting <17.5ms for 70% of the player population. Closed beta is a time for testing and improvement, and we are on our way to hitting this target.
YOUR CLIENT FRAMERATE is based on how fast your computer runs; we are trying to optimize framerate as much as we are able to on our side, as a dev team.
The **sum of all the above values** is a player's advantage when rolling to you from an angle. It is the amount of time that a player sees you, without you seeing them.

Hence yes a high ping player (depending on how high the ping is) has an advantage on a player when peeking and it becomes worse with higher ping. But in general though a high ping is still a disadvantage overall , due to other reasons along with the fact that the high ping player will suffer from the same kind of worse peeker's advantage even when the low ping player is swinging .

Low latency is near always superior, as your player actions get to the game server faster than your opponents' actions.

The only tricky bit with a high ping player is that it does cause worse peeker's advantage, for everyone. But you as a low-ping player have just as much peek advantage on your high-ping opponent as they have against you.
posted about 2 years ago

That's what happens when you get ferrari peeked by a guy on 12 ping when you're near 60 ping . He should have really stayed in Texas for the playoffs , it'll be nigh-impossible for him to hold angles against multiple teams.

posted about 2 years ago

yea I took that into consideration but shaz would def want the star player to play the duelist , yay won't be able to bring out his best without that and we've already seen what happens when people try to stifle star players into support roles in most cases.Maybe he could on split , but on Ascent Shaz considers Jett very powerful , so he'd probably have him on Jett there too. Problem is stanislaw is unquantifiable , so that messes everything up , since Android or dephh fill different roles and aren't good sovas , Shahz will need to be on it depending on what stanislaw plays , very messy to analyze the strength of a team like this.

posted about 2 years ago
  1. Cloud 9(Probably the strongest team , along with a pretty good igl , daps' contribution and impact has become clear after how much NRG has fallen off since he left , when he was there , even if they weren't placing top , they didn't get bombed out in ways that the current roster is , along with how clueless this current NRG roster looks sometimes , despite having pretty good individual players.Having a star player in TenZ who could on his best day probably beat anyone in the world that isn't cNed in terms of server and individual domination on their best day. Autimatic another pretty good awper given his recent performances and a good fill for the secondary duelist role and someone who can flex, will be able to play well off TenZ creating space and awp/rifle alongside him given the roles they might be playing , very good fragger as well. mixwell , another dangerous fragger who has somehow become a godly impactful lurker and another reliable flex in koosta )

Possible 2. Complexity (this team could give no.1 a run for its money but only if stanislaw is a solid player , which I'm not sure how I'd quantify , along with the fact that dephh while an impressive igl , isn't exactly the best individually , pretty good sometimes , decent most of the time , but he won't be igling , ShahZam will be , yay has no problems , another star player , probably 2nd or 3rd best in the teams given, ShahZam is a very good awper , but can be inconsistent sometimes with his fragging and performance , one tournament he'll look like top 2 awper another he'll look like just a decently impactful awper , along with this , there's also role clash between yay and him and yay hasn't exactly player any other duelist besides Jett and Reyna who both work on the same principle of getting aggressive and getting away , which other duelists won't provide , he'll probably still frag well , but will definitely be less effective , which might affect how he can individually perform , unless ShahZam gives up on Jett on most maps like with TenZ , which can work well too , but then that reduces ShahZam's own impact , since Yay uses Jett on slightly more maps than TenZ does , Android is good , but has been unimpressive in the roles he's player besides viper )

Actual 2.Ghost(steel is a solid igl who can bring structure to the team and mid round very well, a dedicated and powerful awper in wardell , a reliable entry in neptune who doesn't necessarily need to frag too much , but can occasionally , but at the very least does the job of an entry effectively as he should,subroza playing the role that he is on TSM right now , would be very effective , and Koosta a very decent sova and a good flex player , and dedicated sentinel with tricky but effective cheese setups . )

  1. Swole Patrol(The main problem with this team is a lack of a good igl , none of the players have shown any special traits which would hint at they'd be good igls either , but a team with pretty good firepower that could take on the teams above just based on that , but just having firepower is simply not enough if there's no structure to it , along with the fact that on an individual the teams above could definitely at-least match them or near-match them , in which case the igl, structure ,strategy etc. diff works in their favour.

  2. CLG , weakest team by far in terms of firepower , very obvious , might just lose based on that , cutler's ability to be effective as an Igl has been very questionable for most of his later time on TSM , along with the fact that his lack of fragging in any given instance being extremely detrimental can effect the team in many cases . No star player that can dominate the game and win a match or edge out a match that isn't going in the team's favour .Ethan , hazed subroza and koosta can play their roles pretty well , but lack of any direction (especially given that ethan is still new to the game , and will definitely require some capable guidance in what to do as a player) along with the fact that subroza by himself can be inconsistent , and even when consistent , cannot create enough single handed impact for his team.(Edit forgot the possibility that Hazed could igl , again , not a very huge upgrade , better , but still won't be a difference maker compared to the teams above , he hasn't shown any special traits as an igl so far, his calling can sometimes be questionable , and lot of the reason TSM has become better is also due to chet not hazed, but self-sufficient in his own role and more than enough in that regard)

posted about 2 years ago

where did you make this up from ? they didn't get rolled in 'scrims' they got rolled in one scrim against gambit(scoreline was 15-9 or something else , because scrims have 24 rounds played and from what dapr said either he was saying that they get 9 rounds at-least generally or that they got that much against gambit ,unclear as to what he was trying to say) and then beat them in the next , that is literally all that was mentioned in plat chat. Sen actually was winning or making games close in most of their scrims. They went 1-1 against acend .Draken literally says they got absolutely destroyed by Sen and they were completely lost in the game , also says that he thinks they're the best team in the world,since what he's seen from scrimming gambit and having close games with them , doesn't make him put them above Sen. They also went 1-1 against G2 in scrims from what Nukkye said in his stream once , the map G2 won was icebox and it was a close game. .That's 3 out of the top 4 teams in EU that Sen destroyed or went even against.

posted about 2 years ago

I'm pretty sure no , in Shahzam's stream he said that tenz went back and even tenz joked while streaming that when everybody else will be coming to texas for good ping he'll be leaving texas for shitty ping.

posted about 2 years ago

he's pretty bad at it lol , because entering with the op is kinda difficult , he works on first picks ,but regardless his fks on attack were 7, and on defense were 15 , pretty clear that those fks aren't entries on attack but picks on defense , this is generally the case , he almost consistently has somewhat or significantly lower fks on attack than on defense completely defeating the entry argument, because he's rarely entrying or can't/doesn't entry at all , and even the entries on attack were distance picks not dive in making space picks , this is something subroza/bang/ hazed have to do ,which is why subroza and hazed had the nearly the same number of entries on attack as wardell ,i.e. 6.
Not to say that he still gets value , but its evident that it's much more on defense than on attack , which basically means there's no entry argument , even watching the vods you can see how often wardell entries and how successful he is with/without the op , which is rare , and generally not very effective , hence why the other members divide that work between themselves and wardell.

posted about 2 years ago

more like dazzle , moose, relyks > s1mple lmfao.

posted about 2 years ago

Sick wins a lot admittedly and plays well consistently but he doesn't pop off or dominate a ranked game all on his own as frequently as these other 3 do or to the same peak.
To compare in Ep 2 Act 3(that is the previous act) these were the stats of these players:
Combat Score/Round: 293.4
Win Rate:61.1%
Combat Score/Round: 287.5
Win Rate:57.8%
Combat Score/Round: 288.7
Win Rate:59.9%
Combat Score/Round: 278
Win Rate:61.8%
As you can see SicK does well but the other 3 dominate ranked games more often given the acs and adr stat.
Even this act , although TenZ is in down bad mode his stats are still higher than Sick's and so are Yay's although Asuna has been lagging behind he is still higher in terms of acs.
Sick does well and hence why he has such a high winrate , but these players are the solo-gods which is what I was referring to as individual. But overall you can still consider him to be close but just not in the same way , he is successful as a ranked player just as these but not in constant godly performance or 'shitting on opponent' performance. This is why if you go to streams of radiant and immortal players , you'll see the terror TenZ and Asuna cause when they are popping . Yay wasn't like that before , but he recently has become like that , this is why PureVNS and some others were typing in chat "When did TenZ take over" one of the games Yay was streaming recently when he just went off and just started shitting on the enemy team on his own.

posted about 2 years ago

Might be a hot take for some but I feel that Yay might be > Wardell overall , not necessarily but from how I've seen him developing and improving and his recent performances , he might be better , although not sure , feel like it'll be a testing point for him as well along with being the testing point of TSM . I have been hearing a lot of Yay hype although admittedly most of it is from a players who know each other so might just be word of mouth but Vanity also tweeted that he is the best player in the world ,although vanity quickly exaggerates things a lot many times(he also thought that victor is the best player he's ever seen) , but even his exaggeration is generally based off of some credible performance he's seen in scrims or matches.

posted about 2 years ago

Yay is a massive ranked demon , pretty much the only person who is close to TenZ and Asuna's individual ranked stats in high immortal-radiant in NA.

posted about 2 years ago

Changes his opinion ? when did he change his opinion regarding phantom > vandal , he's been saying this since pax arena and hasn't changed his mind , he's also hasn't changed his mind regarding classic>ghost ever since he's made up his opinion about that when did he change his opinion lol? and there are plenty of arguments he's made that he then plays to prove on stream as to why that is true. And no he does use both phantom and vandal , highlight clips are just one of reasons that he stated in one of his popular clips , he doesn't just use it for highlight , he also uses it for comfort , for a person like him it's much easier to just take aim duels and win them with a gun that does more damage per bullet at every range even though it has so many more disadvantages , he's himself admitted that he keeps going back to the vandal because of comfort and that it 'feels' better and is more enjoyable , not because he thinks it's better.
"u dont realize but he always does the opposite to what he says on the streams in official matches"
again objectively wrong he does a mix of things , even in masters in the first match he used mostly phantom. in haven ,and also used phantom quite a few times in the game against nuturn as well as vikings . He uses both the guns , he just uses the vandal more because of the comfort he has taking aim duels. This same concept applies to the ghost vs classic , where someone like him is much more like to just one tap a person with a ghost taking an aim duel and not care about anything else.When he is giving advice , he's not going to think that every person is an insane aimer , which is why his advice is even better .
Don't make up bs and skew facts to support your argument , yes he is hypocritical in the sense that he does the opposite of what he tells his stream to do (not always either, which you said he does , and it couldn't be far from the truth), but that's because it's objectively the better option , him using it doesn't really mean that it's the better option or he thinks it's the better option and hence uses it.
And we can have a debate any day as to why phantom is definitely better than the vandal overall as a gun , just because vandal is better in few instances doesn't negate the plethora of disadvantages it has compared to phantom (mostly at the pro level).

posted about 2 years ago

Well you can understand where they're coming from even though they aren't exactly correct . Sentinels do have strategies and tactics , the problem is they are very shallow in their depth regarding those tactics/strats , they simply pick the most effective one and roll with it instead of going through the process of building something complicated which is difficult to counter , but the reason it works is because of their spectacular mid-rounding which is arguably unrivalled in the world and not seen anywhere for now at-least.
But the reason for their recent success has more to do with how they've evolved that style of adaptive mid-round play into being very disruptive , which basically goes against the execute heavy regions like Europe and Korea (Even Boaster mentioned how Sentinels played a different valorant than anyone in the tournament) the players being extremely skilled and intelligent plays a part in this and also why it works , Shahzam has really good reads on the opponent team which he feeds to the players , the players based on that and what might be coming ,make individual decisions that try to disrespect a play, and them being very skilled plays a part , since they know when to push and be aggressive and at what point to stop and retreat, this just messes up whatever the enemy team is trying to do and catches them off-guard. Europe just builds such strats in depth that it's difficult for even Sen to disrupt that , but the skill diff works in their favour.
Although this disruptive style of play has been more come into play recently post TenZ joining and post their loss to BBG , it's something that Sick and dapr always tried to do but the team as a whole did not , but after TenZ's joining and him being a type of player who particularly partakes in that kind of style , I believe Shazam went through the process of reinventing the team , and well it seemingly worked.

posted about 2 years ago

cNed and TenZ , while I think cNed is better , both them have this similar intuition of how to kill people in different innovative ways and find ways to frag out. The reason I rate cNed higher is his op is better and that TenZ sometimes goes crazy and throws rounds when doing it (but based on this last LAN , he is definitely improving at a fast rate to perfecting his gameplay , which might make me rate him higher in the future). I don't exactly remember a specific example for cNed , but for TenZ I remember him using his Jett smokes to pre aim people's heads , almost like a pseudo-flash. Where he pops the smoke around the corner , peaks and uses his insane speed to quickly direct his crosshair to their head and even though the smoke has popped he fires quickly basically landing a headshot.This throws off the other person because not only did they get suddenly peaked by someone , even if they're holding that angle the smoke popping completely catches them off-guard and they can't react because he instantly gets covered in the smoke. I've seen cNed do innovative things around his smokes and such as well. Hence why.

posted about 3 years ago

Won't say he's average , having insane stats even in a relatively worse region should still put him as a pretty good player at-least. But I agree that even I now have my reservations regarding how I rated him as a player , still good , but simply not as high.It's pretty clear that even beside the meta Vikings in the Sentinels game just got toyed with in the second map, the map would have ended 13-2 or 13-3 if Sen decided not to throw rounds just for fun . Beside the fact that I still think they weren't trying as hard as they could have, that's just another level dominance and I think that the meta had very little part to play in that map ,especially because sutecas himself was using astra. They looked overall just poor in comparison to NA,KR and EU , and infact X-10 impressed me more than they did , and they weren't really playing any meta per se , they were just catching VKS off-guard with innovative aggression(you'd think VKS would be somewhat used to this). If this is the highest tier team in Brazil right now then that gives a very low impression of the fraggers in the region as well. I doubt they don't have the talent , which I think they do , but being behind so much probably implies that they haven't been tested as much and developed. So mwzera being a standout doesn't feel as impressive anymore.Probably not going to consider him in the conversation until Brazil has a good showing because honestly they looked awful , and I think they got the luck of the draw because I think they might have been beaten by even KRU(not sure but given what I saw) but the standings don't show that and the brackets are in their advantage and KRU dominated Sharks .Also the fact the mwzera honestly has an awful team around him , so his stats get padded even more because of the lack of their capability to frag (besides Jonn , who is sometime on and sometimes off).

But I hope I am wrong and that he is just as insane as he seems in that region because I'd honestly be disappointed if he wasn't specially because of this insane player image I had of him for so long.

posted about 3 years ago

I actually didn't get this clip off this thread but the CR vs V1 page , and I asked for the translation even on that page , but since I wasn't sure whether I would get any answer soon , I decided to post on reddit since the sub is more active and I knew there were some active spanish members as well.

posted about 3 years ago

Can anyone translate what mixwell is saying in that clip?

posted about 3 years ago

While certainly , it was mostly preparation diff, it didn't help that almost all of SEN simultaneously had some of the worst individual and team gameplay we've seen in a while.TenZ not getting any kill with his bladestorm first map and just getting a single easy kill in the second map. Sick whiffing few times , along with being unable to hit good shots like he usually does. Dapr for some reason going not going through with his most basic aggressive lurks to try and win rounds. The team lacking in literal fundamentals (which hardly has to do with preparing for the other team) examples being them not setting up the easiest crossfire possible in A in haven despite having numbers advantage and then losing the round due to that. The poach 1v4 which shouldn't have been won at all , but was because Dapr peaked on his own and walked into poach's crosshair , then TenZ instead of double-peeking ,peeking on his own with a sheriff against a phantom especially on a day where he isn't hitting his shots. And then Shahzam trying to take the duel with Poach instead of waiting for Zombs' paranoia to run out and and staying deep in the angle instead of coming out of it and giving poach the fight he needed.
They also had some lucky moments such as in Haven where BBG had absolutely no info on who is C but had info that there's someone in garage in a particular round ,and despite after scouting that A is completely empty , still not hitting the site for... ? some weird reason , Zombs was in A but they missed scouting him , and dapr too , barely , but based on the info they had , they should have hit A , instead of going C , but they hit C anyway .
Another instance being shahzam for some reason staying so far away from Sick's ult instead of being close and protecting it , Rarkar got a free kill on Sick simply due to that , another elementary mistake which has nothing to do with preparing for another team.
BBG on the other hand had some of the best individual gameplay they've ever had as individuals and as a team. There are so many more instances of these kind.
The situation just aligned almost perfectly for BBG to win .

posted about 3 years ago

Not necessarily ,and statistics would suggest otherwise as well. While they're there for shroud , it would be incorrect to conclude that they aren't there to watch the match since you'll have to argue that those are two mutually exclusive conditions which is simply not true . While people are there watch to shroud , they're more specifically there to watch shroud's thoughts and reactions to the match they're watching anyway , this is also suggested by the fact that many clips valorant enthusiasts , reporters and such posted on twitter regarding the events were also from shroud's stream , because people would rather watch shroud talking about the game than the casters that most of these people don't know or have any idea about. As to what's supporting my argument , it's as I said in the beginning of the comment , statistics.
Most games that shroud watched during masters had disproportionately higher viewers than he usually gets on stream:
Notice that all the days he streamed watching the matches he had quite magnitudes of increment in viewers as opposed to viewers he generally got before that and even after masters , he generally gets between 20-24k viewers with some rare days getting viewers to around 30k . Whereas in comparison most games he streamed for masters had upwards of 50k viewers with few games getting to around 89k and even 101k viewers. Even before masters when he streamed watch parties for few of the important challenger matches he had comparatively higher viewers than he normally was getting around that time when he wasn't streaming those matches (obviously not near as much as Masters but still more than the general) This also holds for some other streamers who do watch parties such as myth.
So the only true way of coming to accurate conclusions is stop watch parties and then study the stats , but based on the info we already have , while the total viewers after addition of these watch parties certainly increased , however the disproportionate amount of viewers increasing for these streamers during these matches suggests that even if they didn't stream ,the total viewers wouldn't fall by much , if at all.

posted about 3 years ago