Flag: India
Registered: February 9, 2022
Last post: July 14, 2022 at 11:51 AM
Posts: 91
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didnt knew even singapore has compulsory military service!!

posted about a year ago

ggs to all fellow indians... time we leave vlr... has been a lovely journey!

posted about a year ago

lol second last round RRQ player forgetting(maybe) to buy is funniest shit i have seen for a while.

posted about a year ago

i am drunk and feel more pathetic now.

posted about a year ago

we need an entire anime arc for kappa to get the fuck outta team... or maybe SK and LF should leave .. tho they both playing shit too atleast they have aim

posted about a year ago

its like breeze and split had a baby .

posted about a year ago

hope is the last thing ever lost.

posted about a year ago

thanks for the message and mate u are a savage!

posted about a year ago

everything comes down to money and power bruv! even if they say there is no entry fees i highly doubt they will just let any team join league! there are limited slots in league so NA EU will be highly comp so many big org(can buy all generation of indian teams)come to APAC cause less competition and easy entry!!
If they allow like a no name indian org.. all big org who put so much money in ecosystem with defo revolt ..

posted about a year ago

T_T ... pain is all i know of.

posted about a year ago

haha so tru! partially left valo cz of this!
People just tilt for no reason!
i cant even play in SG cause i am from north so get like 130+ping

posted about a year ago

love my G!

posted about a year ago

if franchising happens all world level tourneys will feature teams only from league not anyother 3 rt party or off season tourneys!

posted about a year ago

they can if they win against RRQ.. this would help not create tie situation .. other wise many teams can tie with ge for 11 th spot and in head to head GE loses (never won a map this year in apac)

posted about a year ago

i aint supporting or trashing them... its a goodbye message to all valorant communtiy!
Sry if you got offended!

posted about a year ago

as you all might know tomorrow is GE VS RRQ, the last indian team whose remains remain after a disappointment run yet again, it might be pretty obvious by now but they arent cut to defeat RRQ...
so with a heavy heart our journey ends here, with the copium and hopium tanks almost finished, this journey was full of downs and downs, this also marks end for the official year for SA (no LCQ prob bc not enough circuit pts to secure us spot).
This may well be start of death of Valo scene in India cz of franchising and no org which gets slot in league(not indian for sure) would like to pick up indian team.
This is just a goodbye to all vlr users and to valorant as i am now going to touch grass and leave behind a life of regrets..
Thank you for ur time..PEACE

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

mate are your parents dead? if so then sry if not then they shouldnt exist according to you?

posted about a year ago

earned, take our slots so i am not in constant state of disappointment.

posted about a year ago

doesnot mean he is old, thai players are "young"

posted about a year ago

"old"? he is 24 rn

posted about a year ago

ORDER just better ngl.

posted about a year ago

ahh man the pain of SA fans, "we come back weaker"

posted about a year ago

can be franchising slots?? tho what imp is they are proving their region dominance, so even if franchising happen many org can pick players from OCE

posted about a year ago

even if franchising they can get franchising slots!! and still dont know how teams will be introduced (country wise / region wise / money wise) so still early but they can bring much recognition to region and showing good performance

posted about a year ago

even if its fluke team, its from high competitive region and showing such domination against them, i feel hopeful for them .. maybe make top 6 tho still to be seen against strong team

posted about a year ago

maybe just give 3 slots to OCE? it might be too much idk if they have that many good teams

posted about a year ago

haha, tru ngl

posted about a year ago

pretty f dominating and fun to watch!!
they can take 2 slots for their region.....(maybe take a slot from SA and give OCE)

posted about a year ago

calling someone noob and gandu(ass) is DEATH THREAT??? lol then i am the one getting death threat in every valo match i play!! god save me

not defending those guys who still abused him but this thread make is clearly farming me!!

posted about a year ago

yeah Enigma is better than GE ... they are monster in group stages (they were undefeated in SCS, until in Grand Final where they choked in same way... whereas GE barely made groups and then lost to 2-3 weeks old team OG and just had a miracle lower run .. not many were expecting anything from GE so its all good

posted about a year ago

yeah mate you win i dont watch valorant !! thanks for time tho

posted about a year ago
  1. only one guy abused in those SS and those also werent threats (not defending but ik he is trolling on twitter and impression farming).
  2. He clearly got atleast diffed by rossi
  3. it was fun watching him tbag
posted about a year ago

its basically GE 2.0, lol not working

posted about a year ago

ahmm i disagree!! cause GE has already gone APAC like 3 times now and if they still are "trembling" and their "brain stops",
its more of GE prob then.. yeah they have pressure to win and sometime too high on adrenaline, but realistically they were playing as usual rather i saw better aim from them in apac then in any SA tourney.. rossi was getting crazy shots and LF and Skillz were getting multifrags... tho KAPPA and HR were nonperforming but dude being played so many lans and tourneys if they still "tremble", GE is done for

posted about a year ago

nope, RRQ defo better tho i am still on hopium so i still say GE wins

posted about a year ago

we just got tbagged by indogs!! haha nvm

posted about a year ago

i dont understand what you wrote mate!! tho i will say AE ws trolling hard cause they know they are better (when i say trolling doesnt mean tbagging , its how they just w to t spawn or how they just running and spray or one trick every round, GE did their potential best but again its GE

posted about a year ago

RRQ is stong team, i dont think GE beats them(tho i am still high on hopium), tho i do want the end of official year for SA so that they can atleast make some changes and also dont fucking hype LCQ so much and have another GE..

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

yeah we wouldnt have lost in such troll manner but end would have be been same cause.. AE was trolling like crazy and if they thought match was getting closer they just play serious and again it was ggs

posted about a year ago

imports are not always better.. indian pc scene tho is old still is new in ways and importing players with higher skill level will just eliminate many emerging players and even negative impact those imports who are basically playing low skill levels restricting their growth... like how tess said that his teammates donot even know basics of valo .. even tho we say OG is contender for best team SA..

and also the fact that many new orgs cant afford to import players so they will end up disbanding their roster if our region become shithouse of imports...

posted about a year ago

nahh mate we never had it.. to it was still pretty troll match to watch ...

posted about a year ago

yeah i was also irritated by the people bringing counties and religion in chat.. like how fucked up are they... specially PAK being brought and those prophet talks like shows the level of people in comment (not only indian .. it was same with indo and pak viewers).... i dont mind match critics or even hates but bringing something completely irrelevant to game is absurd....

posted about a year ago

nahh bruv!! no excuses, even if it wasnt our day we were losing to bunch of player who kept on pressing W and trolling like crazy and still landed a W

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

haha yeah can say we died... if we arent included in franchise next year(prob not) , valorant is dead in SA like cs

posted about a year ago

never expected much from them, i wasn't even 1% sure they would win but man opp are trolling so hard and how can you lose like this ... 1v3s 1v2s 1hp clutches lol ....such an embarrassment..

Well nothing to take from it we are a bad region!! END OF YEAR FOR SA (if global maintains its circuit points, then diff story)...

posted about a year ago

if you're talking region as entire apac (including china+jpn+kr), then 10 arent enough but region as stated by valo then 10 each for jpn kr br latam is a lot
i feel like region should be like EAST ASIA + APAC +LATAM +CIS+ EUROPE+NA
and then 8 teams from each region ... where 2 qualify every regional tourney for masters, so total 12 teams
total teams will be 48 teams, it aint perfect but like a bluprint i hope it looks like this... and also for t 2-3 vct can have third party touneys in off season and replacement model can also be there if a team doesnt perform it is removed from league....
and also i read that there was no entry fees for orgs.. if so i dont think replacement thingy would hurt them much

posted about a year ago
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