Flag: Saudi Arabia
Registered: August 20, 2021
Last post: September 16, 2022 at 2:59 PM
Posts: 264
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no cis no win

posted about a year ago

EU PACK 🚬💨💨💨💨💨

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

EU PACK 🚬💨💨💨💨💨

posted about a year ago

EU PACK 🚬💨💨💨💨💨

posted about a year ago

EU PACK 🚬💨💨💨💨💨

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

13-8 13-6 normally besides that drx is shit idgaf another Korean shit team who is hyped as the future winner just to go out and not even make top 5

posted about a year ago

?? koreaboos hype every korean org before all events and the one time someone says something about a Chinese val team u say this shit? stfu

posted about a year ago

old bonecold vibes

posted about a year ago

omfg i cant with u koreaboos u're praising a team in an international tourni that is filled with talent because they lose better??? they went 3-2 and never beat a top 3 team in any event stfu please

posted about a year ago

yo korean fangirls look here -> drx is dogshit and will go 3-2 like last time. Korea is a shit region that's why drx scrim apac teams and not their own shitters

posted about a year ago

yes, including me

posted about a year ago

u are repulsive irl and online how is that possible

posted about 2 years ago

time square is wild

posted about 2 years ago

yes then got bopped by x10 and tossed around domestically by rise and v1 tf is ur point

posted about 2 years ago

yes they did tf, did we forget every match before masters?

posted about 2 years ago

or optic is inconsistent u donkey and br is still developing (also its *their

posted about 2 years ago

god this website is full of snowflake soy fucks, stfu ty

posted about 2 years ago

very interesting

posted about 2 years ago

oh ok ty

posted about 2 years ago

just a curious q, also why do u care what i care u donkey?

posted about 2 years ago

Why saadhak have an indian text tattoo on his arm? any explainers?

posted about 2 years ago

that argument is sht, u can say that for any team but you'd never know because no one got playtime like zeta and optic

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

It's Vimto and it depends on how sweet u want it. I usually dilute mine

posted about 2 years ago

11K only(half of it goes via taxes, which I don't pay btw 💀) good one! Uk is a shithole with all due disrespect !

Unlike ur kingdom, my kingdom's net worth is 200trillion 💀 that is 20x the richest man on earth 💀💀💀 💀💀💀 💀💀💀 💀💀💀 u r poor face it. (btw that is 2k euro a month not a year)

posted about 2 years ago

stfu. nothing worse than when SEn won Iceland, u cant talk

posted about 2 years ago

But i swear Yay needs to pull 40 every game for Optic to even be remotely competitive in any series

posted about 2 years ago

Most people? apac japan brazil na all bring the most viewership to the game dumbass

posted about 2 years ago

i studied elementary in the US, that probably would explain it.. if u lived in a notable European country, but u don't 🥴 but hey u do have beautiful lakes ill give u that.

posted about 2 years ago

no... something must be in the water where u live .. are u retarded or sm? i made a joke about how this is the first 80 years in history ur region has been in peace because before that all eu did was war or do u not know u own history? and u made it about my country because u linked that to show a false disparity. Another point is Eu isn't safe u moron nordic countries carry ur dumbass in every metric 🥴 u are just the bandwagoning majority. Funny enough I didn't even know astria is a country nor do i have any clue of where it is XD a spec on a map is everything ur country boils down to 🥴

posted about 2 years ago

mostly false, but regardless believe whatever u want in ur land of whimsy over there.

posted about 2 years ago

it was a joke chill habibi. Also this list is sht how can my country have one of the lowest crime rates in the world on the world crime index and be ranked 125 in the "peace index" ?

this is the only thing i could think of that might be the cause bec everything else is minute:
"17- Military expenditure as a percentage of GDP"
"19- Volume of transfers of major conventional weapons as recipient (imports) per 100,000 people "

posted about 2 years ago

why cant u just admit that Loud skullfucked them and that they didn't "underperform" they were shaking on stage its that simple, loud ran through them and will run through optic

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

*the only 80 in history

posted about 2 years ago

ye not even close, worlds final was at 90mil or sm and 95% of that was Chinese viewership

posted about 2 years ago

? wait but i swear everyone was saying G2 will be the "real test" even the desk said this

posted about 2 years ago

basing a country's worth off of a globalization metric 💀💀💀 good one! the thing is a lot of saudis go internationally to study even though we have a couple of top 50 universities in the world and by far the best in the middle east. roughly 100,000 Saudis study abroad and that's because our government finances it like do u understand I get Paid to go to university same with all those other students. This friend of mine in Ireland gets paid 2k euros to study abroad (basically a UK family income for just studying). Regardless, thanks for the entertainment, end this discussion my little muppet.

posted about 2 years ago

u do realize a "desert" goes through seasons right? the UK doesn't XD 1 gray year... + I have saudi friends studying in Ireland which is basically ur comparison to saudi and UAE, and u don't want to know what they tell me.. I'm not even joking I feel sorry for u.

posted about 2 years ago

I live a lavish life something u will never smell in ur sorry gray land, like actually how do u have an ego as a brit.. I've never been there but every pic i see is like a black and white filter... no wonder u are seething man please i can finance u a trip to somewhere tropic maybe then u will stop acting like u are on a period.

posted about 2 years ago

u are huffing some different shit

posted about 2 years ago

they shat all over eu who dumpster na u muppet

posted about 2 years ago

wtf do they put in british water? u literally said "putting words in other people's mouths" .... does this person not constitute as "other people"

posted about 2 years ago

yes it is

posted about 2 years ago

are u retarded? "FPX and the original Fnatic would 13-0 all these teams" look at the first thread

posted about 2 years ago
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