Flag: Sweden
Registered: April 25, 2024
Last post: May 31, 2024 at 4:26 PM
Posts: 441
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EDG look like more washed than PRX lol. KangKang got 70 op kills in Tokyo and now he can't afford one cause they can't win rounds.

posted 4 hours ago

Karmine Corp being in a top 10 is some 'take your meds' shit

posted 5 hours ago

I'm predicting an EDG win mainly because they're not the favorites. There's already been a ton of surprises this season, so a PRX 0-2 in Shanghai wouldn't surprise me.

posted 5 hours ago

FNC 2-0
EDG 2-1 (who knows with this one)

posted 5 hours ago

You mean paper rex have no chance without keknyet, right?

posted 5 hours ago

my favorite teams are getting cooked :(

posted 5 hours ago

KEK that's embarrassing

posted 6 hours ago
  1. t0 coaches
  2. c0m
  3. the entirety of edw0rd gaming
  4. b0tster
  5. d0rke
  6. s0yaplayer
  7. j0nggg (diffed by t2 duelist)
  8. the dragons
  9. cned (worst raze)
  10. w00t until he cooks something other than a rice farm
posted 6 hours ago

Madrid was home to many frauds though

posted 6 hours ago

snuck in that fraud ass k0rmine c0rp

posted 6 hours ago

better than t0rmi

posted 6 hours ago

Now that we've seen what the level of play is in Shanghai, what's the verdict? Is Shanghai a michael mouse?

posted 6 hours ago

Haodong and Nobody have definitely fallen off, even regionally they're the weakest links of the team. But who would they be replaced with? Who are the big free agents in China? Coldfish?

posted 7 hours ago

Bro is actually getting mad at people putting a 0 in someone's name. There's no real jinggg hate it's just people calling out that this team looked worse internationally without monyet while prx fans said he was the problem and that jinggg was going to be jesus walking on water in shanghai

posted 7 hours ago

The coaching staff is the problem. They tried new comps and role changes that didn't pan out (TAKING KANGKANG OFF DUELIST FFS) went back to old comps just to get steamrolled at Madrid, then figured out a new comp/role change during Split 1 and entirely change their playstyle just for them to get steamrolled again. This team is falling off..

posted 7 hours ago

They absolutely are. 2024 EDG are regional merchants. Madrid and Shanghai have been proof of that. Their Tokyo form is long gone cuz of role and playstyle changes + players falling off. If EDG wants to be successful in an international they need a total rework.

posted 7 hours ago

j0nggg can't even peel fruit and delusional fans think he can win a trophy kekw monyet clears

posted 7 hours ago

If Chinese fans told EDG to swim back home after Madrid I can only imagine what they're saying now lmao

posted 7 hours ago

j0nggg on fraudwatch, couldn't even win the shanghai clubhouse

posted 7 hours ago

keknyet would win shanghai clubhouse fr

posted 7 hours ago

At first I didn't think so, but at this point anything is possible. EDG know PRX's playstyle really well. If PRX loses what the fuck is next for them? This masters was supposed to be a walk in the park.

posted 7 hours ago

match of the year incoming

posted 10 hours ago

j0nggg masterclass

posted 11 hours ago

Been saying G2 is a good team for awhile but almost never pick them. This time, I will.
G2-1 TH.

posted 11 hours ago

G2 at #3 is objectively correct with them already beating TH. Crazy that people had them (including me) in the bottom 4.

posted 11 hours ago

Keknyet would not have lost to G2. They made a mistake dropping him after Madrid despite still making top 3.

posted 11 hours ago

PRX went up 11-1 in the first half on Split then proceeded to never win more than 6 rounds in a half the rest of the way. They have no answers when the other team starts outcalling them + f0rsaken had a really bad day.

posted 11 hours ago

This masters is at a weird point where it feels like anything could happen, but in this case no fucking way lmao

posted 11 hours ago

Hope PRX crushes them so EDG have no choice whatsoever but to make roster changes. Nobody hasn't found impact since Tokyo.

posted 11 hours ago

keknyet wouldve won those

posted 11 hours ago

PRX without Wonyet = EDG 2-1
but also EDG are on fraudwatch so maybe PRX 2-0

posted 11 hours ago


posted 12 hours ago

Bilibili is getting nephh from Bleed ascension as their new IGL. So we'll see how that goes. Anything is possible in China.

posted 12 hours ago

From what I've heard Texture and Meteor are too sick to even stream. GenG are the best chance at an Asian team winning Shanghai but I'm not feeling confident yet.

posted 12 hours ago

What I've heard from fans is that AfteR has been on fraudwatch within the CN community for a long time. This new playstyle of theirs looks AWFUL for the players. They're not comfortable at all. Haodong and Nobody might need to go at this point, or at least get a different IGL. The difference between EDG and FPX in Shanghai is like night and day.

posted 12 hours ago

I'd agree with that. As of right now the only CN team I could see having a run in Champs is FPX if they improve their defense. 4 slots is looking kinda Mickey Mouse.

posted 12 hours ago

EDG are legit fucking cooked. They are regional merchants at this point. They've regressed like crazy. From Masters Tokyo to Madrid/Shanghai. It's depressing to watch.

posted 12 hours ago

With how far behind China is these tournaments are important for them to improve as a region. We've seen how a team like FPX could improve fast. EDG had a hell of a showing last year but recency bias is clearly putting that out of peoples minds. This year though, I think its time for EDG to make coaching changes. First the LOUD stomp and now this.

posted 12 hours ago

I think the problem is the coaching. Chinese teams in general need better coaches to reach their full potential. Firepower isn't the issue in China. The only player on EDG that's a poor fragger is Haodong (maybe Nobody).

posted 13 hours ago

benkai is washed bro

posted 14 hours ago

I've seen enough of Sunset. Another NA trophy?

posted 14 hours ago

Funny thing is qck1 went negative against FPX, wo0t is REAL chinese farmer of valorant.

posted 14 hours ago

EDG and PRX have always been pretty close series if I remember right. As of right now, it depends on EDG's form. If they perform well against TH I could see them beating PRX.

posted 14 hours ago


posted 15 hours ago

PRX slightly underperforming against G2 and GenG being ill is not giving me hope as a Pacific fan

posted 15 hours ago

G2's a good team, but PRX looked fucking monstrous regionally while G2 looked shaky/inconsistent (that LEV match, parts of the T1 match). This is PRX underperforming as well as G2 playing good.

posted 15 hours ago

I predicted them to win the event but I fear it might be over if they're playing like this. GenG and EDG will be Asia's only hope of winning this tournament.

posted 15 hours ago


posted 15 hours ago

"The Professor" JonahPGOAT could solo any EMEA team, as shown by 1v5'ing the Heretics

posted 16 hours ago
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