Flag: Wales
Registered: March 18, 2022
Last post: May 31, 2024 at 8:57 AM
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I believe this is correct:

What GE Needs:

  1. Bleed to lose 1 round.
  2. T1 to Lose

What Bleed Needs:

  1. T1 to lose
  2. WIn 26-0

What T1 needs:

  1. To win vs Zeta.
posted 1 month ago

GE round differential is so bad that T1 have to lose now.
Even if T1 wins 2-1, the gap in round differential is too large.

posted 1 month ago

Polvi saved them holy

posted 1 month ago

Nope, this game is purely for championship points for dfm.

posted 1 month ago
  1. Prime YAY
  2. Jawgemo whenever he plays sentinels.
  3. Monyet after someone shit talked him
  4. LCQ DerrekOW
  5. Nerve when he gets active
  6. Jinggg with discipline
  7. 2021 TENZ
  8. Skrossi playing in India
  9. nieSoW when he's playing online
  10. Aspas with wife buff.
  11. Shao when he is in a lower bracket.
  12. Zmjjkk on the OP.
  13. Natank on LAN.
  14. Scream (if he stopped trying to IGL)
  15. Sscary in a 1vX.
  16. QCK vs Chinese teams (#7)
  17. Bald Demon1 (#10)
  18. neT during a match with no stakes (#10)
posted 1 month ago

wait let me think./

Seems like they use maps won as a tiebreaker, when teams have the same record and same map differential.
(its also like this for blg and wolves in CN, despite wolves having a better round differential).

posted 1 month ago

Starxo is becoming the polish qraxs.

Koi looked a lot better today (maps 2 + 3), really could've won.

posted 1 month ago

Koi actually managing to convert man advantages.

posted 1 month ago

I wouldn't mind keeping Grubinho instead of profek.

I really like westside though, incredibly talented.
Reminds of less, especially in terms of his aim.

oh wait... we forgot about patitek.

posted 1 month ago

Duelist: Kaajak
Flex: Kamyk
Initiator: Molsi (Igl)
Controller: Profek
Sentinel: Westside

Strats?: Polska gurom.

posted 1 month ago

Right now the meta comps are really bad for chamber.
Buffing chamber could easily lead to some very bad power creep if they decide to nerf some of the meta agents.

posted 1 month ago

Valorant is more exciting for viewers with the sacrifice being competitiveness.
Every game in VCT has so much weight to it, the pressure for every game is so high.
Losing a game is incredibly punishing and can derail your entire season.

I prefer the CS format because there is so many more events, matches and formats.
Teams aren't punished as hard for underperforming because they have the opportunity to perform at another event.

posted 1 month ago

Valorantle CHINA #57 2/8
⬛ ⬛🟨 ⬛⬛⬛ ⬛
🟩 🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩 🟩

posted 1 month ago

Yeah I feel like he shouldve worded it differently.

The premise is that the individual talent of the roster was super high on furia 2023, they just failed to work as a cohesive unit.
With the mental aspect being the major flaw of furia.

posted 1 month ago

nah wo0t has been the most hyped up prospect of the franchising era.

Demon1 was more of an unknown quantity to the masses.

posted 1 month ago

I like the consistency in your posts.

posted 1 month ago

Depends on the opponent + what side your are on + what happened in the pistol (planting bomb helps).
Being able to buy a sheriff really helps to increase your chances of causing an upset.

Loud's buy (atleast from what im looking at) is slightly different from the fpx/navi buy, opting for more guns on round 2.
Navi try to give ardiis the vandal, with him always dying in a position where the gun is recoverable.

Atleast from what I saw in the kru vs loud game, kru managed to pick off a player early using a sheriff.
Which required loud to either rotate over or quickly get more map control + space, which did not work well.

posted 1 month ago

It's because their second round is so good.
3 rifles + 2 pistols.
Which normally results in them having almost an entire rifle buy for the bonus.

posted 1 month ago

My conclusion is that Deryeon is chill af.

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

Because the guy who used to write those articles doesnt write articles anymore.

posted 1 month ago

Riot's approach to pushing major changes so late into the off//season is so bad.
The chamber one hurt so many teams who failed to consider it.
This current one, the major skye nerf, hurt some of the old static teams that failed to adapt in time for kick//off.

posted 1 month ago

Get those keywords in buddy.

posted 1 month ago

Current NRG are not beating fnatic.
Once you ban breeze nrg are finished.

posted 1 month ago

Things are just not flowing like they used to.
Getting caught too often.

posted 1 month ago

I am going to have heart attack

posted 1 month ago

How have you jinxed the jinx

posted 1 month ago

It can matter a lot depending on other results.
Especially the map differential.

posted 1 month ago

Well in 2023, saadhak and less rotated between viper or kj duty depending on the map.

We don't actually know why Saadhak decided to push towards these sentinel-less comps.
You could easily argue that it was in reaction to the map pool and how retake heavy the meta was becoming.

QCK has not been good enough but neither has the rest of Loud.
Also, dgzin? really.

posted 1 month ago

Loud's issues are deeper than just QCK.

Although having aspas would help paper over the cracks.

posted 1 month ago

I wouldn't be surprised if they increased its cost by 1.

Currently it's very easy, especially on attack side, to farm multiple ults per half and a ult for the bonus round.
Gekko's kit literally incentives teams to let gekko plant/defuse (wingman).
An ultimate on the bonus round, if correctly used, can really snowball in a larger lead.

A few teams have already created gameplans around farming orbs + plants to create this ult advantage for the bonus round.

posted 1 month ago

Liquid would be more of a "undercook" , like the roster is just TL + apeks core.

An overcooked roster would be T1.

posted 1 month ago

The calibre and frequency of top talent is still lower than last year, i'm not denying that there isn't talent in turkey.

Ruxic + hiro have been the most interesting ones in my opinion.
Xeus aswell considering it's his debut t2 season.

Sociablee is interesting as a fragging IGL but i'm waiting to see what he can do at ascension.

posted 1 month ago

Definitely the league with the most mechanical players.
It does lack good igls + mental though.

I do think this years "graduates" aren't as good as last year (wo0t/riens/reazy/y2j/elite).
The talent pool for last year for ridiculous.

posted 1 month ago

Sentinels were the best team in the world at the point in time, so no.

posted 1 month ago

yeah probably wo0t or governor.

okay holy shit wo0t

posted 1 month ago

What it does show is how good heretics' trading & spacing is.
3 first deaths from miniboo which were insta traded.
The rest of the rounds miniboo successfully won the first duel.

posted 1 month ago

The heretics firepower is just too much for liquid to handle.
Half the atk rounds have just been a carbon copy with heretics just out trading and out aiming
heretics probably haven't even opened their strat book yet.

posted 1 month ago

Heres a mirror match up of the astra variant of the comp back in September 2021. (astra was strong back then)
Do you notice anyone familiar in that game?

A lot of the consensus is that Loud (saadhak) pioneered the standard comp especially a lot of the strats behind it.

posted 1 month ago

It's awkward with chamber, in the way that all the duelists players transitioned to the agent in 2022 with most of them now transitioning back.
Its kinda like how viper is often lumped in with sentinel agents because of how her kit is utilised.

posted 1 month ago

Saw someone else post one , so I decided to make one which was ordered.

The year indicates their peak, if no year listed then assume it's their whole career.


  1. Aspas
  2. Yay (2021-2022)
  3. Tenz (2021)
  4. Demon1 (2023)
  5. Derke

HM: Cned (2021) , Cryo (2022), Zekken (2024), Jinggg


  1. Mako
  2. Pancada (2022)
  3. Marved (2022)
  4. S0m (2023)
  5. Sugarz3ro (2022)

HM: Sscary (2022) , Tuyz (2024)


  1. Less
  2. Alfajer
  3. Nats (2021)
  4. Suygetsu (2022)
  5. Johnqt (2024)

HM: Daveeys (2023) , dapr (2021)


  1. Leo
  2. Shao (2022)
  3. Sacy (2022)
  4. Ethan (2023)
  5. Crashies

HM: stax (2022)


  1. Chronicle (2021 & 2023)
  2. f0rsaken
  3. Sick (2021)
  4. Victor (2022)
  5. RB (2022)

HM: kiNgg

posted 1 month ago

Furia probably have mwzera on that vegan diet
he would've dropped 30 if he had a nice juicy steak before the match

posted 1 month ago

Also something that is positive to note is that when they have been pushed they havent been afraid to change things.

Like on sunset, where they changed compositions after onlyfins pushed them to OT.

posted 1 month ago

Simply dominance from apeks, winning polaris without dropping a map.
The individual level of the roster is remarkable, it feels like every round is somehow winnable regardless of the buy.
Similarly to last year, can't wait to see how this team performs at ascension.
Props to Sns though, they've been a pretty good team throughout the split.
Hopefully a good org picks them up, it would be nice to see how good they could become with some support.

It's been a good split for the region, hopefully things keep going up from here.

posted 1 month ago

He should be happy that he tried to chase his goals/dreams even if he doesn't deem it as a success.
What he had achieved though is still a great achievement, being able to say you've competed at the top level infront of a crowd is no small feat.
Some people live their lives regretting that they never tried.

There is quite the pressure especially at that age to keep making the correct steps forwards, in terms of getting a job/career and progressing in life.
You can feel stagnated especially if the people around you are advancing.

He is still very young though and career paths are not linear.
I hope that he continues to find joy in his new coding adventure.

posted 1 month ago

I've been pretty vocal about how important looking at deeper stats like traded-first deaths and true-first kills can be when looking at the value of duelists players and their entries.

Idk i just made this thread because I saw a lot of people/threads/tweets equating first deaths == bad player.

Zekken normally boasts a positive first kill win rate , so i havent seen his stat lines been brought up as much as this demon1 game.

posted 1 month ago

I am a fnatic fan.

posted 1 month ago

First death is a good stat line but it requires more context to be useful.

Of course demon1 will have very high first involvements (first kill + first deaths) because he is the duelist player.
His role of nrg has been to go in first and make space.

Now the real question is how the rest of the team is capitalising on the space.
Is his first deaths getting traded? So maybe his first deaths arent as bad.
Or maybe his entry pathing is unsuccessful, perhaps he requires some more util/info to aid him.

In the context of the nrg game, a lot of Demon1's first deaths were pretty negative with Leviatan having very strong defensive reads/setups that negated his ability to make space.
NRG did plant the spike 5x on sunset, but the man advantages being created by Leviatan create extreme advantages especially with sunset being so retake heavy.

posted 1 month ago

All time:

  1. Chronicle
  2. Aspas
  3. Derke
  4. Less
  5. Mako

Right now:

  1. Aspas
  2. Zekken
  3. N4rrate
  4. Mako
  5. Shao
posted 1 month ago
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