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Registered: March 18, 2022
Last post: June 3, 2024 at 10:52 AM
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You can definitely argue that he was probably the most consistently great player in NA.
Although I think the highs that demon1 in particular achieved puts him above s0m.

posted 2 weeks ago

Acend (EAST)
Acend has announced the signing of pyrolll and cullum ahead of Split 2, as Acend tries to regain their grip on the region.
After a less than ideal 5th place finish in Split 1, Acend has undergone some changes as the once-world champions are attempting to battle for ascension again.
The organisation had announced the departure of Br0die and baddyG earlier in the week.
This will be cullum's debut on the tier 2 level.

Fokus (DACH)
Familiar faces return ahead of split 2.
Fokus has announced the return of Lime and Bucher to the organisation as the team gears up for another competitive split in DACH, however this time the team hopes to better their 4th place finish last split.
This has also led to the benching of disisjohn and matrixx both of whom had only joined in January ahead of Fokus' switch back to the DACH region.

S2G has announced the signing of Lauress and Patrui to round off their roster.
As well as announcing braveaf as a new assistant coach, with this being his first coaching position after announcing his retirement from playing a month prior.

posted 2 weeks ago

3rd best American player last year.
He was the best before champions happened, then Ethan and Demon1 eclipsed him.

posted 2 weeks ago

Well based on what was said in the announcement, Lateks will atleast be coaching for split 2.

Hard to judge coaches because we don't fully know what is going on behind the scenes.
Erik seemed like a good coach however if we are basing this decision on what he has done in NAVI, throughout his entire tenure, it could be warranted.
If you are only thinking about this change based on what happened this split then it seems very harsh, almost unfair.
Erik will probably find a good coaching position soon, even if this may be in a different region.

I personally don't know enough about Lateks to hold an opinion.

posted 2 weeks ago

Another change in the emea coaching departments, this time NAVI making changes.

Erik has left the active roster and is now open to new offers.
Lateks has been promoted to the head coach role.

posted 2 weeks ago

That is a big move.
Reportedly a strong possibility that Gorilla (AC) is promoted to be the head coach.

I did like a lot of what I saw from vitality in the last 2 years, a lot of very nice site execute and ideas.
However, with the way the team had seemingly crumbled recently some changes were needed.
The quality of this roster should be contending for international spots.

Vitality were just inconsistently brilliant in a game where consistency wins.

posted 3 weeks ago

Its time.
The world is finally ready.
Unleash super sub NiesoW.

posted 3 weeks ago

Damn thats a shame, two of my favourite casting pairs not at shanghai.

Also this will be the first time since Reykjavik 2021 where the grand finals will not be casted by either brenshow or panpoc.

posted 3 weeks ago

A statement victory from UCAM.
What a clutch by olizera to close it.
Nice to see Azury back playing after his stint in fokus was cut short.

posted 3 weeks ago

Seems like pretty sensible moves.
Palla has been frying in tier 2.
Richzin aswell was someone i liked, he looked good versus mibr/furia in the off//season.

Mibr don't really have much to play for so I kinda see these moves as trying out players for the long run.

Mibr quick to squash the no investment allegations.
Maybe they are using CS money to fund these moves.

posted 3 weeks ago

Slight continuation on this thread:

Another super interesting change happening in MENA.

OuTLaW has decided to retire, regarded as the greatest IGL in MENA valorant.
His replacement being izuki from the academy line up.
Unsure who is going to be the IGL going forward, although it seems like it will be KHaalid.

GCC + IRAQ: A lot of promising players are emerging from MENA recently, especially from the GCC region.
Akai, is still probably the biggest rising star with the 17 year old having huge success in the region.
Exit, 17, has also had a good season individually for twisted minds.
mabuchi, 18, Qatari player played an important role in helping his team reach top 3 in his region.

LEVANT + NA: A few young domestic players , mostly Egyptian, popping up in what has become an import filled region.
yassien, at 16 years old and finally being able to participate he has been a promising spark in what has been a disappointing season for RAAD.
Next closest would probably be block, who is 16, and black, who is 17, both of which primarily playing smokes.

The format for ascension qualification has the top 2 teams from the subregion compete at a Lan with the top 2 then making ascension.
LEVANT + NA: Is likely to both R8 / NASR , both teams have a lot of strong CIS players.
GCC + IRAQ: Falcons and probably the The Ultimates, both have been the most consistent contenders in the region.
MENA LAN FINALS: There is a real possibility that it might be both LEVANT teams, it really depends on how good this new falcons roster looks.

posted 3 weeks ago

Very one sided.
100t are a fun watch though, inside and outside the server.

Also having two differing fanbases would make it more fun.
Both 100t and G2 kinda overlap into NA fans.

posted 3 weeks ago

This being the rumoured dvm roster? Kadavra Marctylinho Foxie Szimpli Pa1ka
Honestly, looks pretty good.

posted 3 weeks ago

Any idea where he might be going?
He made tier 2 with falke but left before the split started.

posted 3 weeks ago

Stage 2 playoffs is based on overall record though so that should reward consistency.
If it leans too hard into playoff points than you are likely to not see the most in form teams.

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

They don't play this map enough.
If they try to play the standard comp, heretics will just win due to having more familiarity.
May aswell play something else to try and cause some discomfort.

EG did the same thing at tokyo versus fnc on bind, which actually worked pretty well.

posted 3 weeks ago

More of a Saadhak replacement.
Raafa is seen as a good igl in Brazil.
He's done well in Tier 2, with the Union and now Hero Base.

posted 3 weeks ago

Holy shit, that move would drastically change the americas landscape.
Now that would make +raafa even more likely.

posted 3 weeks ago

I did hear that there was some confusion around premier.
The Mongolz didn't play this split because they thought they had already qualified.

but yeah hopefully the success of Kobolds making it to the VCL will encourage more teams to grind through premier. I reckon Chinggis warriors would have a good chance of making it.

posted 3 weeks ago

Lets go!!
Congrats Kobolds for qualifying for the VCL HK/TW, the first ever Mongolian team to make a VCL.
This was the first split after Mongolia was moved from Turikye to HK/TW and a team has qualified already.
It was a tough event but qualification is all that matters.

123 looked really good mechanically, especially on the OP.
Answerz aswell looked great on cypher.

Hopefully HK/TW continues to provide a better path for Mongolian valorant and that things continue to improve.

posted 3 weeks ago

Navi definitely fell victim to the issues that plagued this split, especially in the playoffs.
Losing to BBL almost certainly prevented them from making Shanghai.

I was just annoyed about the narrative that "FNC got in at the expense of NAVI" when in reality it should be "NAVI fell victim to a flawed playoff system"

posted 3 weeks ago

I would also probably still favour heretics in the rematch however I am pleased to see fnatic regain their form.
Things seemed very rough at the start of the stage but everything has been flowing well recently.
It's just building upon this and having a nice run at shanghai.

posted 3 weeks ago

Since Leo + Chronicle has come in, fnatic has flattened the choking allegations.

posted 3 weeks ago

anyways... th vs fnc tomorrow who do you got winning?

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

Mibr have already came out to deny those claims:

That bold claim seems very unlikely. Even Bruno Povoleri who broke the news about the mibr roster decisions in 2023 has came out to distances himself from those claim.

Though I do think MIBR could be seen as "not investing enough" into their valorant division, its unlikely they are siphoning money out of it.

posted 3 weeks ago

Nice bounce back from FNC.
That fake at round 18 was cute, using the wingman plant conditioning to send a fake wingman in.

Showing some more proactiveness in their defense which is having some success.

posted 3 weeks ago

It's a defence side smoke.
A viper orb which covers the default plant area on A site.
Useful in denying plants.
Works very well in tandem with other util to break wingman or kill people trying to plant.

posted 3 weeks ago

my bad. that was a hard jinx.
g2 played that really well though even after losing both pistols.

posted 3 weeks ago

He suffers from Crohns Disease and has Arthritis.
being a pro gamer probably doesnt help either.

posted 3 weeks ago

Haters can't stand a little guy being goofy.

posted 3 weeks ago

If teams don't respect them then they have a very good chance.
100T bind is arguably the strongest is the world, also probably the most reliable map pick in vct rn. (hopefully i havent just jinxed this one)

posted 3 weeks ago

Based on what I am hearing, its unlikely that MIBR will significantly improve unless there is a change of management.

posted 3 weeks ago

What do you think the "ME" in EMEA stands for.

posted 3 weeks ago

After FNC pulled NAVI through the mud just for them to bomb out at tokyo & champs it's about time that Navi got the short end of the stick.

posted 3 weeks ago

Perhaps losing to BBL was sub optimal.

I agree though format has been rough due to the inability to properly seed teams.

posted 3 weeks ago

PRX are already a big title contender for Shanghai.

With Shanghai being played on patch 8.08 this only helps to improve PRX chances of winning considering that prx mostly play comps that don't include either viper or cypher, which is unlike most of the other teams at the event.

posted 3 weeks ago

Dapr was good back then, but sentinels weren't great on split.
I specifically remember them struggling on that map especially towards the end of 2021.

posted 3 weeks ago

life game that occurs every other game?
More life i guess.

posted 3 weeks ago

he might be the best A site split anchor of all time (super specific LOL)
wtf... so many clips from this spot

posted 3 weeks ago

#FNCNATION we are back

posted 3 weeks ago

People calling him a baiter because he's not anchoring sites as a sova...
of course he is saving when KC were successfully creating 5v3 post plants scenarios.

posted 3 weeks ago

How are they going to decide the order that the first seeds will pick?
Because picking first will be very advantageous.

posted 3 weeks ago

Not sure why they didn't just let that last goal play out, it was a very tight call to blow early may aswell let it go to var.

posted 4 weeks ago

how does real manage to come back everytime and a brace from joselu of all people

posted 4 weeks ago

I was happy for him to have a year in tier 1 because he has the perfect mentality for a pro player.
I've only heard good things about him from former teammates in val/fn.

posted 4 weeks ago

His confidence is probably his strongest asset.
Especially in a game like valorant where confidence has such an impact on performance and decisions.

Kinda crazy how fast he has become a top sentinel, I remember watching him play for EP thinking he could do well in valorant but being this good this quickly is some feat.

posted 4 weeks ago
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