Flag: International
Registered: December 12, 2021
Last post: July 9, 2023 at 2:06 AM
Posts: 416
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Made in abyss made me tear up last time

posted 10 months ago

Punjabi "FNS" Methamphetamine was a Dungeons and Dragons character who rolled a natural 20 on Intelligence and a natural 1 on Aim. After stacking enough points on his Intelligence stat he gained sentience and transcended into our reality, where he has since pursued careers as a professional player of tactical first person shooter "Counter-Strike" and its cartoon sequel "Valarante".

posted about a year ago

All for you to block each other in the end kekw. Jk happy for you brother hope the second date goes well

posted about a year ago

In their upcoming heist, The 100 Thieves team visited an orphanage in LA. "Its heartbreaking to see their sad little faces with no hope", said Charlie, age 6.

posted about a year ago

Have u tried therapy

posted about a year ago

On August 15, 2019, Harry Markopolos, a financial fraud investigator known for his discovery of a Ponzi Scheme run by Bernard Madoff, accused General Electric of being a "bigger fraud than Enron", alleging $38 billion in accounting fraud.
GE denied any wrongdoing, however a subsequent investigation into the accounting structure of the company revealed many discrepancies, they are now awaiting an official investigation

posted about a year ago

Asobi asobase

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Dude thinks i talk irl like i do on vlr

posted about a year ago

My guy my life is fucked cuz I'm a pre med and am going through some things these days. Thanks for your concern but if me talking about anime on a video game forum really humours you this much then maybe you need to get your rationale in check.

posted about a year ago

Literally not even active here (cuz i have a life) and valorant doesn't interest me anymore

posted about a year ago

Wait my posts are depressing huh 💀

posted about a year ago

Hope you do well. Don't wanna get into details but my life is basically fucked :)

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Gigachad rem enjoyers

posted about a year ago

Diona venti ayaka mona
Raiden national
Zhongli yelan xingqui fischl

posted about a year ago

Ahh it got good after the first two minutes when the instruments kicked in. Im not really into manga because they do take a lot of time to read unlike anime which i just watch on 2x. But I am reading oshimi's other work chi no wadachi which i genuinely think is a masterpiece.

posted about a year ago

Elfen lied 🤢

posted about a year ago

I had no idea it had an original music video. Feels just as trippy lol. I'll try 3 gatsu next then and will see if i like it or not. And the manga thing i mean it kinda depends on the show/manga itself and hard to compare the two mediums since they both offer a different experience.

posted about a year ago

The artstyle can be hard for some to digest, but if you can get past that then sure.

posted about a year ago

I would argue the adaptation was tantamount to the source, if not better. The anime really succeeded in creating that tense and uncomfortable atmosphere which (imo) is harder to deliver in a bunch of pages. The op and ed were fucking goated i still listen to them from time to time.
I haven't watched 3 gatsu so i cant really say. And i haven't watched your last two either but have heard good things about them and plan to watch them someday. You have good taste 👍

posted about a year ago

Top 3:
Aku no hana
Shouwa genroku rakugo shinju
Shinsekai yori

posted about a year ago

What else is in your planning? Feel like our tastes could be quite similar

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Haibane renmei was good
Mawaru penguindrum (no one talks about this)
Shinsekai yori (a personal favorite)
Every satoshi kon work (fucking legend)
Made in abyss (embarrassing to admit but i teared up from the ending today)

posted about a year ago

If they let go of sick I'll be very sad

posted about a year ago

I actually took a day off to watch it in theatres with friends. Didn't enjoy it that much

posted about a year ago

Edgerunners felt pretty mid. The direction, art and characters designs were excellent however.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I have black hair and usually get out in a bun or a ponytail



Not much into sports in general

I switch between the two depending on the time and circumstance

Youtube ig

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Holy w

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I actually found it kinda boring and mediocre i dropped it halfway through

posted about a year ago

Kuzu no honkai

posted about a year ago

Rare w

posted about a year ago

Aku no hana
Shouwa genroku rakugo shinju
Shinsekai yori
Paranoia agent
Perfect blue

posted about a year ago

Anything equivalent to the artifact system?

posted about a year ago

Fc fool moon night or uninstall

posted about a year ago

I need some REALLY good books preferably under or about 200 pages (not mandatory tho). Dont send me some bs coming of age romance or drama. Oh and please specify the genre of your recommendation

posted about a year ago

Bruh same. I dropped season 2 of fruits basket knowing she'll end up with the other guy. Good show regardless though

posted about a year ago

Kotaro lives alone*

posted about a year ago

Green tea >>

posted about a year ago

Jalepenos and red paprika with lots of cheese

posted about a year ago

Wolf children

posted about a year ago

Green tea
Orange juice
Mountain dew
Hot chocolate

posted about a year ago

Hello, my name is Francesco Giuseppe Luca, owner of the mid market in Ascent. My business has been severely hurt since two rival gangs have been fighting for the area right beside my shop. Among the incessant gunshots and weird magic shit, some smelly obese dude with a funny cap has been living inside my shop since the fight broke out. He told me his name was "Hiko" and that he was baiting. I'm not sure what he means by this but I'm getting tired of him, especially cause he cant seem to stop talking constantly about what's going on outside (or comming as he calls it). I'm getting really tired, should I call the cops?

posted about a year ago

Kinder bueno ._.

posted about a year ago
Please recommend songs like these or similar to their genre.

posted about 2 years ago
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