Flag: North Korea
Registered: July 27, 2022
Last post: August 26, 2022 at 8:55 PM
Posts: 173
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when pubg first came out, it was a drug bro. Never has that much fun in a video game before. Sadly after a year, the whole genre became boring.

posted about a year ago

sure but animals lovers are still cringe

posted about a year ago

stfu supernova, who cares about animals

posted about a year ago

is he serious about edg based on scrim or just hoping on the hype train

posted about a year ago

... again didnt read + who cars

posted about a year ago

t2 overwatch players are t1 valorant as well

posted about a year ago

need some of whatever that guy is on

posted about a year ago

outside from drx and edg, the rest of east asia is 50/50 against apac teams minus prx.

posted about a year ago

who cars

posted about a year ago

he played in 2021 though?

posted about a year ago

getting signed to play cypher judge?

posted about a year ago

Valorantle #28 4/8

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posted about a year ago

nice, cant wait

posted about a year ago

Both of them will win in their game obviously? If you really think CS go pros just gonna hop on valorant and have a 50 % winrate agaisnt a team full of valorant pros then you are just delusional. S1mple getting shit on in mid immortal games and stewie2k was so frustrated when he grind and say the game is inconsistent.

posted about a year ago

source for japan? Pretty sure the majority of japanese fps players ( not even much to begin with because they like console games ) play ava and overwatch. I play and follow cs competitive since 2013 there was never a big player base in asia for cs go because there are many competitiors and valve kinda ignore the region. Crossfire, sudden attack, ava, especially crossfire because easier for internet cafe pc to run it.

posted about a year ago

the competition for cs in asia is utterly dog shit because theres not much player base, your level improve along with your opponents. Valorant level in Japan, apac or asia as a whole was bad as well in the beginning but now everyone can compete.

posted about a year ago

i find cs go shooting is harder when i first started but nowadays im not sure. Valorant is easier to headshot but that makes it more competitive for whoever has the better reaction time.

posted about a year ago

csgo is easier and the gap will continue to be bigger as long as riot add more agents. Top teams in the future will need to learn a good amount of comp and be consistent w them to not get anti stratted and change with starting sides. The only thing you can argue is easier in valorant is the shooting i guess but that's debatable.

posted about a year ago

thats their whole building right, dream come true for the players

posted about a year ago

dont really understand the point of smoggy though? is he there in case of emergency or they actually rotate players depend on maps and hiding it for champs, that shit doesnt work with lakia on vs

posted about a year ago

life was carrying some maps but ye all of them are good

posted about a year ago

why visa problem?

posted about a year ago

he said u can call him kangkang

posted about a year ago

is the most toxic because they all speak fluent English. Kids usually start crying at 0 4 and being passive agressive. Ive played on both apac and NA in immortal lobby. Apac don't really care that much or they dont even bother insulting each other in English.

posted about a year ago

chad kangkang is the one who get sucked

posted about a year ago

edg is the main character

posted about a year ago

why not, they dont use word.exe

posted about a year ago

all this talking to get grouped, expected from "predictable" lquid

"It's always good to have confidence, but unfounded confidence leads to being defeated" - zmjjkk

posted about a year ago

said by some guy who has a list of favorite anime songs every weeks, too dumb comment to be ignored by time

posted about a year ago

thailand: crws

posted about a year ago

agree, i read a lot of manga when i was young but nowadays its hard to enjoy them when you are older. They don't act like people in real life, ultra cringe. Manhwa is a lot more enjoyable eventhough a lot of them are cliche but at least they act like real human plus the colors. Manhua usually just convert from novels and skip a lot of details so they are not that good.

posted about a year ago

this no name owns whole NA unfortunately

posted about a year ago

Best is to pick a battle pass with a cheap and cool knife skin like karambit. Skins get so boring after a while anyway so theres no point just use battle pass skin and pick up enemies vandal.

posted about a year ago

already wrong because edg going in 2 0

posted about a year ago

i thought this is the team supposed to run over apac outside of prx according to mocking

posted about a year ago

so when valorant hasnt come out, did all the good chinese players play cs go or crossfire?

posted about a year ago

japan also have all of those bruh, for sponsors and stuff to be interested u gotta have a strong viewer base first. NA also have high viewer base but not comparable to Japan.

posted about a year ago

tokyo can make mad money too, they can fill a stadium

posted about a year ago

cant wait for tokyo lan next year

posted about a year ago

AI enemies

posted about a year ago

agree with cryo and zekken but bcj too bot for them

posted about a year ago

so they are stronger?

posted about a year ago

edg 2-0, prx 2-1

posted about a year ago

fantasy where

posted about a year ago

wtf i guess you are just not made for games

posted about a year ago

ngl fpx is lucky as fuck getting that group

posted about a year ago

nah its normal with playing video games

posted about a year ago

why did they delete it?

posted about a year ago
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