Flag: International
Registered: May 26, 2021
Last post: July 31, 2021 at 3:11 PM
Posts: 59
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Your ignorant af. get a rank first and then comment here

posted about 2 years ago

Bro you on a quest to hate ZOMBS for nothing? he's good just cheel

posted about 2 years ago

Vanity's astra was not even close to zombs, you need to know a good study of timings to make the best of astra. What you mentioned is what every smoker does in top level so doesnt mean a lot unless he has a clutch potential.

posted about 2 years ago

Bruh he's not a literal bot but ok, I mean if the team really needs to stand out, many at times your smoker will be the last to survive and if he clutches the situation out by looking below the screen notices if the stuff is still blue color plays of smokes then he's good. seems as an ok smoker but i recently started watching NA so idk

posted about 2 years ago

did yall read what op wrote, He's talking abt impact, picking his kills, he does his job for the agent he picks. He's easily a contender for the best sova's and viper. Yes if he keeps proves his consistency it will be more convincing

posted about 2 years ago

First qualifiers yes, iceland yes, stage 3 no. He just said one thing that he played bad with jett when sliggy said it on stream. You still cant deny he's one of the top dog dangerous riflers out there and there is always room to improve when you now have more time with your agent now.

posted about 2 years ago

Firstly, scream said SEN were predictable and didnt generalize the whole of NA.
Shazam himself said on stream that he and scream are old friends and he was in a position to hype up the region war and the question was a bait and more designed to be like, "hey scream, can you roast NA so we can have some drama".
No, you should not mix up things said as competitive banter with anything else

posted about 2 years ago

If g2 cant shut down cned, then ggwp

posted about 2 years ago

Go watch those games in 0.25 speed for your brain to comprehend what they are doing

posted about 2 years ago

Nothing to do with whiffing they are indecisive with their individual decisions except hiko, in simple words throw.

posted about 2 years ago

Who's the igl of xset?

posted about 2 years ago

All i gotta say is they didn't deserve winning with this performance, ggwp to FPX

posted about 2 years ago

Counter jinx for safety

posted about 2 years ago

There are reasons why they choked and that too only against version 1 , wont happen again

posted about 2 years ago

Hope> logic

posted about 2 years ago

TL sure likes to give their fans a heart attack

posted about 2 years ago

V1 lost liquid bcoz they thought astra was highly skill capped and no one in emea didnt use it well. They played it awfully too and couldnt adapt/ react properly in most of the mid rounds. Fnatic and liquid are now abusing double intiator comps as they are buffed and does seem to work imo. It doesnt make sense to you surely and in G2 vs fpx match they just peek die and proceed to take map control and has nothing related to do with comp.

posted about 2 years ago

Why watch on 144p? He played fine on both breeze and bind

posted about 2 years ago

hmm so u most know what coaches and analyst do in their prac hours. Its not just you but most wont knows it bcoz they dont watch coaches stream. They experiment with quite a bit stuff like double triple initaor comps, 0 smokers, 3 duelists and so on, There are so many things which they put it out on paper looks good and test it in scrim box. Hours of vod reviewing, anti strating and goes on in which shows there sure is depth in the game which u cant deny
u r ASSUMING things which i haven't said and confusing it with terms like utility usage and strat calling. ik for a fact that cs is much harder both pro play and ranked and i never said it wasnt.
My arguments whole premise was that u make it seem like val is all roses and diamonds where u hop into a pro scene's match and thats it.
Edit: im referring to EU teams

posted about 2 years ago

just as there's a diff between faceit and pros in cs, there's a diff in radiant and a pro.

You have 0 clue abt depth in pro play in val, coaches try to constantly bring up new comps, combinations of mixing agents utility( sage ult and brims ult etc,) anti strating specific timings of rotations( watch fnc haven boasters lurk), fnatic's insane setups and more

Lets see the depth in cs, the same old 5 strats in dust 2?, what can u even bring anything new to cs. U cant deny all the permuations which u can do in valorant considering the agents and u may think only certain agents are viable in certain maps, its false coz if u are a super nerd u can make any comp work.

The meta always shifts bcoz of the updates u can bring to val and teams are in a flux of trying it out themselves and with pro teams.
All of these makes the game more exhilarating and the possibilities are endless in val which makes it tactically superior to cs.

posted about 2 years ago

what abt hltv users...? ohh mb they're dead alerady

posted about 2 years ago

Scream boaster and shazam

posted about 2 years ago

A really cool thing abt SEN is that if you allow them to give them their form in which they massacre anyone and everyone then its a tough news. They r confident abt taking the duels and with no hesitation they make risky plays which often works out in their favour

posted about 2 years ago

TL mid rounds were a problem and now they're getting better at it. Their coach is galaxy brained and has an extreme level of work ethic. I really hope the team pulls it off and beat FNC

posted about 2 years ago

stopped caring about smtng which i dont understand..

posted about 2 years ago

Wrong in the sense?

posted about 2 years ago

Nivera was only kept as a contigency player if jampii was ever returning to cs. Nivera will continue his role in cs so will jampii in val

posted about 2 years ago

I don't think kicking kryptix will solve all of their problems, lmao its more like i didnt even see his pov tbf. TL has many problems rn (atleast facing off NA teams) and i dont think i can generalize into one or two but rather its how they approach their maps and moreover it seems they have a problem adapting if they see some new shit, like at times they couldn't react properly in split against v1 by those viper walls which lead to those abusive spam's.TL strongest map was ascent coz scream could bring a big value from his ult against emea teams, but wasnt the case with NA as they could easily shut it down. TL coach Sliggy knows the game inside out and will surely make the corrections needed and he does thinks theres a lot more room to develop as a team.

posted about 2 years ago

And yet he managed to get these insane stats considering he was primarily on sage and not his main agents

posted about 2 years ago

NA: Entire team aimbot, coordinative play
EU: Few aimbots, strats, fakes,
idk abt other regions

posted about 3 years ago

i disagree with this at another level, eu better aim? sen combined aim is just far superior than fnc and that's why they could pull of the rounds if they r caught off guard or man down. You have to give it to fnc for playing with strats which seems to come after watching sens vods. sen coordinated well so was fnc and it really came down to the trades which both of these teams could pull off

posted about 3 years ago

no one choked its just superior aim

posted about 3 years ago

Yup, strats you gotta give to fnc but in sen their aim is all the counter they need to own even if they are caught off guard or a player down. The scene is still new and there maybe a chance that sen has a headstart and other teams are grinding catching up to their level of aim.

posted about 3 years ago

No tier 0 cs pro will switch to valo due to contracts and stuff. sentinels won against every other team with their aim and to counter this idk how the scene will develop but maybe there's a chance that sen has a headstart while other teams maybe grinding af and we can see way more close matched next time.

posted about 3 years ago

sorry "Near Airport" can only be uphold by legends and the consistency is POGGEERS

posted about 3 years ago

NA has undoubtedly hold their record for speed running to the airport no matter what game or which decade , so preety sure you knew it before us.

posted about 3 years ago

what the actual fuck he proposed to me yesterday, get outta here u imposter or wait is he...

posted about 3 years ago

kay, so im talking to myself P.S pls dont kill me ;)

posted about 3 years ago

Haha you so malding when i dissed your tiny eu wennie, i hope you can get a friend just to make yourself temporarily happy and stab you in the back

posted about 3 years ago

You cringe me so hard, knowing shit abt and coming up with 'genric' insults when you have nothing to back your facts truly sadge

posted about 3 years ago

You have no friends so you keep yourself busy by arguing with ppl on the internet and get satisfied by that. sadge

posted about 3 years ago

Cringe makes me mad
*insert trash talk her**

posted about 3 years ago

Lmao i aint even from eu, i agree i went a bit overboard just to continue this thread (^_^)

posted about 3 years ago

you sound like the kind of simp who is an obsessed Tenz fanboy and would jump over a volcano if he tells you to wipe his shit

posted about 3 years ago

typical delusional NA kid

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

Scream is a really big chad just like Eren Yeager

posted about 3 years ago

kay, NA is reporting the wifi is getting better coz over the decade they are frequently visiting their airports and i just wanted to confirm it

posted about 3 years ago
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