Flag: Europe
Registered: May 28, 2021
Last post: December 9, 2021 at 5:41 PM
Posts: 9

hes nutty af

posted about 2 years ago

Players are generally show way more emotion and are way more talkative on Valorant lans than in CS from what I could see so far. I understand that for a player/viewer who recently got into FPS games remaining emotionless might be somewhat surprising but players with other backgrounds mostly EU dominated (probably) are used to it. As a CS viewer for 5 years who saw scandinavian cold players lift trophies for years I'm used to that.

posted about 2 years ago

Main take away from reading these comments is that all most people care about is who has the flashiest kills or the best kd. Being reliable, having entries and being consistently opening game for your team as a duelist is all you're asked for, regardless how many of those rounds you end up dying as long as your team secures the round. D3ffo did that perfectly.

posted about 2 years ago

You're going straight to the ACS without considering any other factors. D3ffo played 1 grand final and 1 semis, which alone was 5 maps more than TenZ and obviously the hardest. They also played VisionStrikers which was a hot prospect for the playoffs and most importantly, he did what Gambit needed for them to win the trophy with the most entry-fragging out of every duelist in the whole tournament. D3ffo was FAR ahead this event and it's not even a debate.

posted about 2 years ago

"but because gambit is emea i have to root for na so i dont see threads for the next century" dude y'all genuinely gotta stop the regional bs if I'm honest. Each team to their own, with their likable and dislikable side of things. Base your thoughts about who you're rooting for on that. Cheering for your team's direct opponent on your region to win a whole tournament just because other teams are from a different continent just doesn't make sense to me. As an European for example I personally really fk with some NA players just as much as other EU players, but I would never cheer for an EU team I don't have sympathy with just bc they're against an NA team for the simple fact that they're American. This is an aspect CSGO's viewership has a clear upper hand on. I understand cheering for Envy if you're American, I just don't understand people who are hating on Envy's "attitude" at all costs and still cheer for them for the simple fact that they're against another region. If NA met NA in the grand-finals would y'all fanbases just cuddle each other or what?

posted about 2 years ago

I wanted to watch Vision Strikers so bad on this lan :C

posted about 3 years ago

Inside the server you're naturally gonna support NA teams when going against Fnatic, it's normal. Outside the game I get the feeling most of the community worldwide would want to be friends with him, including NA, but maybe that's just me.

posted about 3 years ago

Regional rivalries aside, is this guy possible to hate on? He's so wholesome and his energy is unmatched.

posted about 3 years ago