Flag: United States
Registered: May 20, 2021
Last post: May 16, 2023 at 4:35 PM
Posts: 580
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You make some good points, but tbh I think its clear that Chovy > Showmaker.
Yes Showmaker moves the whole map forwards, but that whole Damwon team is riding into battle on the back of Canyon. Really if Chovy had Canyon then we wouldn't even play the rest of the tournament because teams would FF rather than get smacked like an Iron 4 duo on the worlds stage.

posted about a year ago

Big Yay fan, but its Chovy. The man is just better.

posted about a year ago

hey man, big Edward fan here. Does anyone know when he will pick up gaming again? Hope he will stream soon since whole org is missing him. If someone knows him can you please ask him for me: "Edward, come and play with me? Edwaaaaarrdd!"

posted about a year ago

I used to have such a problem with Smurfs, unlucky I kept playing against them they would get 40k+, but rarely got them in my team. It went like 10 games, 5 against smurf, 1 with, 1 with inting teammate, 2 normal.

Then I discovered that unranked doesn't have as many smurfs elo boosting their friends and no tilt queuers plus if you do then FF is free.
Saved my Valo experience. Even tho I could never get out of bronze I will play unrated in Gold equivalent lobbies and its so much more fun and I even play better since nobody driving me crazy.

posted about a year ago

Both are real life, but with different meanings:
Court: You can be punished as a criminal by the government
Public Opinion: Everybody who knows whether or not you did it and affects your reputation and how people see you

Example: OJ the glove didn't fit, but everybody knows what happened

posted about a year ago

he's returning to his orange jumpsuit instead

posted about a year ago
  1. Faker
  2. S1mple
  3. Mang0
  4. Uzi
  5. Ruler

Valorant isn't old enough to have anyone on the GOAT list yet unfortunately

posted about a year ago

I think he is predicting that Zekken got better from international LAN experience and Leaf did not
not an unreasonable idea...

posted about a year ago

understandable, have a nice day

posted about a year ago

as a future SEN fan, can you stop making us look dumb?

posted about a year ago

I didn't even include Pacific:
0 trophies, 3 top3 finishes

Y'all might be 3rd place in a 3 region race. No top3 finishes outside of FPX, talk about a 1 team region...

posted about a year ago

This year:
NA: 1 trophy, 3 top3 finishes
BR: 1 trophy (champions), 2 top3 finishes
EU: 1 trophy, 1 top3 finish

Americas: 2 trophies, 5 top3 finishes
EU: 1 trophy, 1 top3 finish

Keep living in the past tho buddy

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

EU buff?
Only EU buff is that NA + BR got combined to Americas so EU went from 3rd to 2nd best region without doing anything

posted about a year ago

Can all the Shaz posters just go sub to him on twitch and have these conversations there please?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Yeah it's not top 10, but I'm a Warriors fan so just felt like sharing, especially since XSET dissolved

posted about a year ago

has to be false, if they got into a fight Sean would KO Nadeshot, even if he was drunk

posted about a year ago

Golden State Warriors own Golden Guardians who own a franchise spot in NA for LoL.
Potentially if their esports group grows they could break into Val, but GG is known for not spending in LoL so doubt it

posted about a year ago

Op is still OP and I love it

posted about a year ago

Then who is your favorite to win VCT Americas?

posted about a year ago

Sacy & Pancada are world champs
Tenz is a cracked aimer with huge upside
Zekken young and talented player with high potential
Dephh just IGL for the 2nd best team in NA and beat FPX at champions

This team should be the favorite to win VCT Americas

posted about a year ago

SEN built around their star player Tenz two pairs of players who respectively took their teams to success at Champions
Sacy & Pancada world champs
Zekken & Dephh beat FPX, had a good run

How is any of their offseason bad?

posted about a year ago

Agree, we are all going to give our rankings and there are ways to determine good vs bad IGL, but IMO it's the hardest role to judge not as easy to rank as fraggers

posted about a year ago

wait till this guy hears about coaches

posted about a year ago

+1, very hard to judge IGLs, in most cases people just rank IGL based on team performance + their strats, but you don't know if those strats are coming from coach or IGL and in some cases, the players are just better.

For example, FNS is a good IGL for sure, but in games where yay just aim diffs the other team how can you evaluate his IGL skill?

posted about a year ago

He's not just some online jerk, he has a large sphere of influence (esp young men) who he is teaching to systematically act sexist towards women and harass + act abusively towards them.

A similar example would be if a famous influencer started acting anti-semitic and started promoting to their audience to behave evil towards Jewish people, they would also be banned and hanging out with them would give you a very negative image.

posted about a year ago

(meant to reply to user above)

posted about a year ago

bro was at champions leading the team to a few great wins including wins over Optic and FPX this year, thats a W signing if I've ever seen one

posted about a year ago

Magic Power

They are Canadian but it's a banger so

posted about a year ago

You mean congrats EDG and C9?

posted about a year ago

same :((

posted about a year ago

I got baited :0

posted about a year ago

yeah but you won't stop talking about him
All his haters keeping him relevant

posted about a year ago

okay so only ever talk after already winning?
seems lame to me, better banter occurs before match since you are held accountable afterwards -- not everyone can win

posted about a year ago

If we hate on all the pros with cocky or antagonistic personalities we will end up with a bunch of quiet and boring interviews and personalities

posted about a year ago

no but he did sleep with your mom

posted about a year ago

Yeah I'm probably rooting for whichever teams land Cryo and Zekken, so much fun to watch

posted about a year ago

thank you brother cryo

posted about a year ago

common lunchmeat bad take

posted about a year ago

C9W clears

posted about a year ago

Yeah, it's easier to bring up and develop new talent if you have more teams

posted about a year ago

Juice WRLD.... RIP

posted about a year ago

Riot doesn't even do a good job investigating their own treatment of women employees, what makes you think they will do a good job investigating other's actions?

It's still very wrong and unfortunate, but I kind of expect if from a company where misogyny runs rampant at this point

posted about a year ago

Miami Dolphins fans come, we 3-0 lets goooooooo

posted about a year ago

Yeah that would make sense too NRG was just an example.
TBH every team outside SEN would benefit IMO (SEN exception bc of the large SEN fanbase around Tenz/Shaz that might be upset with dropping them)

posted about a year ago

Maybe, but if the whole squad wants to play together and they just came off of a Grand Finals run at Champions, it would be an easy way to secure your org as one of the top teams in the region instantly.

G2 was going to sign all of XSET and they didn't perform nearly as well last year...

posted about a year ago

One of these franchised teams with poor performances recently should just sign all the ex Optic members -- that team was dominant this whole year.

I'm sure its easier said than done, but pretty much all of these teams should be inquiring since none of them had rosters as good as Optic's last year.

posted about a year ago
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