Flag: United States
Registered: May 20, 2021
Last post: May 16, 2023 at 4:35 PM
Posts: 580
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only way EU can beat NA

posted about a year ago

NA hasn't dropped a single map so far this lock-in and SEN is NA best team, this is SEN 2-0 easy

posted about a year ago

Message on final page is cut off. Appreciate the warning on financials, good work!

posted about a year ago

She openly said she was going to use game for funding transphobic uses

posted about a year ago

yeah, but 90% pick rate in my heart

posted about a year ago

always has been...

posted about a year ago

RalliSport Challenge for original Xbox.

I grew up on that game...

posted about a year ago

Man predicted half of the teams and still got it wrong smh

posted about a year ago

AMC because we going to the moon this year!!!

posted about a year ago

"Scythe" is very good YA Trilogy, "Project Hail Mary" very good for science based sci-fi, and "Way of Kings" is very good if you like strong worldbuilding and large scale fantasy

posted about a year ago

FPX vs. XSET champions group stage

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

How to upvote twice? OP just mentioned the GOAT'd show psych, this is officially the smartest post in the history of VLR.gg

posted about a year ago

Dolphins. Tua is getting so much better, Tyreek and Waddle clear all WR, and the defense has some elite big men like Wilkins and Phillips. Team is young, but once they get more experience they are making a deep playoff run. 8-1 this year when Tua isn't hurt.

posted about a year ago

We literally made a breakfast sauce outta them and eat it with eggs

posted about a year ago

no idea who juvie, and napoli are, but I also hate inters

Germ, Den, Belg out, USA only team to not give up goal in fair play, its called SOCCER now


posted about a year ago

FACTS, Bind best map, why remove?

posted about a year ago

1 star for the #1 CNED fan

posted about a year ago

username checks out

posted about a year ago

Agreed, James Harden is the perfect example of fouls ruining basketball. They just started new rules that you can't jump into fouls and hopefully its a good long term solution.

When is the last time soccer changed rules to mitigate playing for fouls and flopping?

posted about a year ago

exactly, its fouling to create more offense not flopping to create less

posted about a year ago

Yeah, you can literally fight someone and if you flop you get a penalty.

posted about a year ago

Dear 0 brain cells individual,
Time stops when a person gets hurt in basketball and there is a shot clock so you literally can't stall game by faking injury. Also there are no ties so not possible to "play for a tie".
Guess YOU don't watch it.

posted about a year ago

at least they don't roll around on the ground and fake injuries to try to stall out games for a tie...

but yes, football and hockey are the best sports

posted about a year ago

can't call a sport where 90% is faking an injury a "real sport"

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

How you feeling now?

posted about a year ago

Mind Freak is really good imo, just because you have a bad tournament doesn't mean you won't make a comeback. He used to be top3 in the world, he can make it back.

posted about a year ago

Normally, I don't get baited like this, but I won't stand for Lil Nas X hate on these forums

posted about a year ago

ayy 6'1 twins! AKA 187 cm twins, I dunno about Finnish numbers

posted about a year ago

lil bro really put Boaster on the same list as a sexual assaulter bc he doesn't like Boaster's gameplay, despite him being a great IGL and person.

posted about a year ago

idk but he just lost his life, show some respect

posted about a year ago

Living the good VLR life...

posted about a year ago

Based. Brim is the best smoker -- before you downvote read:
Smokes -- He gets 3 and they aren't hollow so you can fun strat like tunneling
Molly -- Helps to zone people in combo with smokes or can be used post plant or on trapped player for free kill
Stimmy -- if your duelist is inting then just stimmy corners you know the enemies are behind and you can swing and kill them all like a true gigaChad BrimDaddy

posted about a year ago

OP with the huge dub

  1. Parm
  2. Mozz
  3. Feta
posted about a year ago

oni 2.0 is my hopium source

posted about a year ago

That's the only one I could think of that could be arguable.
I wouldn't but you could make that argument. IDK how user above has 4 teams above them...

posted about a year ago

What other roster outside of NAVI would you put above this?

posted about a year ago

2 Champions Winners
Up & coming young player
Experienced IGL of 2nd best NA team who beat FPX at Champs

posted about a year ago

Yikes, very cringe and 0/8, might have worked if you were fan of a decent team like FPX

posted about a year ago

EU had one single top 3 finish ALL YEAR and it was FPX.

EU FANBOYS had 2 EU teams in the top3 XD????

posted about a year ago

I have RTX 2060 and it has worked great for me for 2 years no issues, Valorant and Rocket league play very well.

posted about a year ago

Dog loves you so much and would sacrifice anything for you.
Cat would trade you for a 1 piece of kibble.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

You get home and Dog celebrates like its the best day of their life.
Cat tries to destroy everything you own.

Dogs GOATed

posted about a year ago
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