Flag: Australia
Registered: February 12, 2021
Last post: August 29, 2022 at 11:16 PM
Posts: 80
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RIB coming from a stats perspective is incredibly good. Also considering it has better covering for oce my team use it to look at player movement, and for counter strating enemy teams players and their tendencies. Site is dead compared to vlr but I believe that it is a better site for stats.

posted about a year ago

They are identical twins lmao, they are pretty similar

posted about a year ago

Im in a team with Norsins brother so gotta support the big man

posted about a year ago

No lew or punda sadge

posted about a year ago

That is somewhat fair, I do think though for a lower player that doesnt play the game too much and just wants to have fun is probably not caring too much about how well they play doesn't want to queue with imm level players if they have a lot of game time.

posted about a year ago

? The ranking system seperates good and bad players. It creates a culture and creates something players to strive for, a higher rank. U are probs one of the plats that believe you should be higher, also smurfing gives you the chance to play against better players and if you cant play aganist people smurfing and half assing then what makes you think you can play aganist better players?

posted about a year ago

no it wasnt wat?

posted about 2 years ago

reading rotations and how the enemy is playing is one of the only similar things about cs to valo of course the experience will transfer.

posted about 2 years ago

If you have your crosshair on someones head and you move back behind the wall and then jiggle and shoot with your crosshair in the same position it actually isnt too bad if someone doesnt move from where they were

posted about 2 years ago

crouching is a horrible habit, but usually its not too bad, by the time I hit imm it became more noticeable. I need to dm more where I unbinded crouch and didnt spray, the main issue isnt crouch but spraying. Spraying both standing up and crouching is very bad. Though generally speaking crouch spraying is very situational, you dont want to crouch spray at someone with cover as they will likely jiggle headshot you because they have already preaimed you and you cant move as easily.

posted about 2 years ago

damn this was way to close giving me a heart attack

posted about 2 years ago

idk dephh, bonecold?

posted about 2 years ago

You should pick 2 types of agents, like senti and smokes or init and senti. This way you can learn how to play these agents properly and create your own style from watching other pros play those agents. Good utility helps your teamates and can push you up to gold/plat level.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Nivera has been practicing with liquid since the stage three EMEA finals and pl1xx has only been playing with anbox for the last 2 or so weeks

posted about 2 years ago

No he has been filling in for pl1xx because he had to leave America for family issues. Jsung also left Carpe noctem a while back like after chal open quals ended

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

huh both nv and vision strikers are 1st seeds as well as 100t and g2.
This is stupid you cant have all the 1st seeds fight each other, it would just destroy the point of playing to be top of your group. This means that sen and gambit get an easier time for losing matches. Something like this is very improbable.

posted about 2 years ago

I want to see a 100t vs G2 finals

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Heat > Mwzera

posted about 2 years ago

Well only one of them will play in LCQ, 100t need to place better to qual and Nv just need to tie their result or beat them

posted about 2 years ago

U know what I actually think its possible. Jokes on you

posted about 2 years ago

Its random draw so we dont know who plays who until after todays matches when the games are drawn

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

BEst dEfensiVe team

posted about 2 years ago

Ik but saying that they are the best defensive team is the biggest stretch ever.

posted about 2 years ago

I had some gambit fan tell me they had the best defense in the world. NT brother lmao

posted about 2 years ago

He had a negitive kd on jett on his time in LG

posted about 2 years ago

Most of the Gambit fans piss me off because they seem so entitled and think they are always right. I dont think Gambit is a bad team its just that their fans think they are untouchable. Some of the Gambit fans are fine with good takes but the other fans think that because some Gambit fans are smart that means that they are too.

posted about 2 years ago

But there is no facts? Where is the hard evidence that EMEA is the best region, I believe that Vision strikers could win in berlin they have a strong team and look good. What about brazil, or any other region your just counting them out because you think that gambit is the only team along with Sentinels that is good. Your being way too biased because you fanboy over your so proclaimed best defensive team in the world.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

???? There is no evidence for either team to determine that one team is better than another cause no one has played aganist each other in officials yet. You saying "oh Gambit best defensive team in the world" is a horrible take because they havent played aganist international competition and that is just being bias. Gambit are good don't get me wrong but being the 'best defensive team' is no evidence for anything when their are no results. Stop talking out of ur ass and wait till berlin.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

I think vs and acend make it to playoffs tbh. I think that Vs are a really strong team, I dont think that they will have the same nerves as other teams because they have played in a lan enviroment for korea playoffs (not actually lan tho). They are used to seeing their opponents.

posted about 2 years ago

Im sorry but v1 are deffo not tier 1 rn

posted about 2 years ago

ma boi, played with him in comp a few times but im happy for our community and the big things he has done. this is the video where he swims

posted about 2 years ago

sucks to be the only one liking wildcard lmao

posted about 2 years ago

Less go

posted about 2 years ago

They goin back in time now?

posted about 2 years ago

Nowhere he just angy ill protect u raka

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah this kinda pisses me off but I guess its just normal people in sport have been doing it for ages so it becomes normal. Personally when I play its kinda weird seeing people saying we or our to my team but I guess its just people being supportive.

posted about 2 years ago

ninim's more consistant than wronski but wronski has a higher skill ceiling he can easily hard carry his team to a win. Ninim has always had someone good to back him up like lew or swerl so we really havent seen him by himself much.

posted about 2 years ago

100t are better than nv rn but whats to say that envy cant come up with new stuff and win aganist them during berlin? This is a stupid thread 100t are better than envy right now because we arent looking at an envy that has played with each other for 6 months and know how to play really well, we are looking at the current envy and the current envy has not beat 100t. We haven't seen enough to come to a conclusion that envy is better so for now they are not, but at Berlin they certainly could do something and I wouldnt be suprised.

posted about 2 years ago

I think that Nv takes this last spot

posted about 2 years ago

how? give me a reason, I think this is innovative and could deffo work. They can be more flexable unpredicatable and a scarier team generally.

posted about 2 years ago

Tbh I would wish to see a bo3 swiss stage but that probs wont happen

posted about 2 years ago
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